Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 158 [Ginny's version of Hermione]

Hermione understood Ginny's behavior, but she also didn't understand...

She understood because what Ginny said was true... Kerry was so outstanding that almost all the women around him couldn't help but fall in love with him. Obviously, Ginny also liked Kerry, so she behaved like this.

She didn't understand because Ginny was only twelve years old! What's the point of doing these jealous things at this age? Twenty-two or twenty-three is the right age...

Ginny was about to leave after taking her hair, and at this moment, a ray of white light suddenly flew out from Hermione's fingers.

Ginny was stunned. This light was intermittent and changed regularly.

Ginny seemed to suddenly remember something and took out a Muggle book"Morse Code Tutorial" from her bag. This book was given to Ginny by Kerry. Kerry had strictly required Ginny to memorize this book before.

\"Long long short long……\"Ginny wrote it down on parchment with a quill and translated it word by word in her own notebook.

【You are right, but the closet has better equipment, I allow you to take it. 】Hermione's words were incoherent, as if she needed to choose her words because of the lack of ink.

In fact, it was not easy for Hermione to send such a sentence, so she tried to be as concise as possible, just like sending a telegram.

Hermione did not say much, she was exhausted in emitting this light.

Ginny quickly returned to the dormitory and found Hermione's closet. She fumbled around and found a set of Hermione's tights. The fabric and exposure were embarrassing.

Although the clothes were very revealing, Ginny did not hesitate and put them on.

On her feet were red high boots with gold edges and transparent flesh-colored tight stockings.

The lower body was a red pleated skirt with a golden belt. The skirt was very loose, and it seemed that if it flew up a little, you could see the contents inside.

The upper body was a long-sleeved blue tights with exposed waist. On the low-cut tights, there was a big red and gold letter"s". Behind the clothes, there was a very spacious red cape.

When Ginny put it on, she felt a cool breeze blowing over her waist... In fact, the cool breeze even penetrated through her chest. The collar of this dress was too low.

Standing in front of the mirror, Ginny was instantly a little frustrated. This dress was tailored according to Hermione's figure, and Ginny's height was at least ten centimeters lower than Hermione's, which made this dress look weird.

Especially the focus on the chest... Women's fastest growth period is from eleven to twelve years old. Although there is only a one-year difference, there is a difference of three sizes between the two.

Ginny thought about it and decided to wear the clothes inside the wizard robe. The wide wizard robe completely covered the tights. After Ginny packed up her things, she walked towards the agreed location, and the two went to Hogsmeade village together - in fact, according to the rules of Hogwarts, young wizards from grades one to three cannot leave the campus. But - if Gryffindor does not violate the school rules, does that still mean it gets a lot of points?

Kerry and Ginny left Hogwarts smoothly and took an hour to walk to Hogsmeade. They talked and laughed on the way, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Snape was waiting in the house early, and two six or seven-year-old babies were running around Snape.

\"The two little guys look very healthy!"Kerry sat on the sofa unceremoniously as if he was back home, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of green tea.

Ginny was much more restrained. She nodded to the internal professor first, and then sat on the sofa very restrainedly.

The two children were very interested in the two visitors. They rushed to them and asked questions.

Originally, this was just an ordinary visit between friends. The visit lasted about an hour. At about 12 noon, Kerry and Ginny stood up and prepared to leave.

At this moment, Kerry suddenly noticed an abnormality. Professor Snape's magic value became higher than before!

\"Professor, your magic attainments have made another breakthrough, right? \"Kerry asked

\"It seems that you are stronger than I thought! \"Snape looked at Kerry in surprise.

\"It's so obvious, Professor! In my opinion, I feel like you have become a different person. If you were to go back to a year ago, you wouldn't believe that this would be the future Snape.\"Kerry replied

\"Time can change people. Obviously, you are a very perceptive person! \"Snape explained: \"As we discussed before, magic is not one-sided, it is holistic. You should also know that I was the youngest professor at Hogwarts and the youngest dean since the founding of Hogwarts.

Of course, I have some talent. It's just that these talents encountered a bottleneck at a certain stage of their rise. Magic should be complete. When there is a problem in one aspect, it will stagnate until you make up for the defect.\"

Kerry understood instantly!

If we use the method of martial arts novels to explain it, it is: Snape encountered a demon in his heart. When he completed his self-salvation by resurrecting Lily, the demon in his heart finally dissipated. So he naturally became a higher-level existence. Originally, Snape's magic value was about 9300 calories.

Now Snape's magic value is about 10,500 calories, which has surpassed the limit of the"God" mentioned by Dumbledore.

Snape became the third legendary wizard of Hogwarts in the contemporary era!

The two talked for a while, and soon it was noon. Professor Snape wanted to invite the two to have dinner together, but Kerry said that they had other arrangements in the afternoon and could not accompany the children.

So Kerry and Ginny left Snape's house. They found a barbecue restaurant in Hogsmeade Village. They found a very small and hidden box and ate barbecue inside.

Perhaps because today is a holiday, Kerry was surprised to find that there were at least seven or eight Hogwarts students in this barbecue shop, most of whom were couples.

These couples greeted Kerry happily after seeing him, but when they saw Ginny, their expressions were a little unnatural.

Kerry shook his head helplessly, sat down and ate barbecue. It is estimated that by tomorrow, the whole Hogwarts will be full of gossip about Kerry. Kerry can even imagine some of their titles, such as a young girl turned into stone and lying in the school hospital, and her scumbag boyfriend ran out to date other girls.

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