Kerry lived in this world for a full forty years, and led Europe from the slave era to the quasi-constitutional monarchy era. Until his later years, he gave up the throne and began to concentrate on finding the"task two".

Because he had investigated many times before, Kerry now had a clear judgment:

First, the betrayer was a wizard who had Muggle ancestry and knew at least one of Salazar Slytherin's parents, or both.

Second, the"witch hunt" of the church had a very high reward, which was also taken away by the informant at the time. In other words, it is very likely that he reported for money. This person was a poor man, and then became rich. And he didn't know alchemy at all, otherwise, he wouldn't be so poor.

Third, it is very likely that it was a woman, who was no more than 20 years old when she reported, and no more than 60 years old now.

Because almost all men in England, whether they were wizards or not, were recruited by Kerry, and almost everyone walked in front of Kerry, but Kerry did not have that"enemy feeling".

This is the intuition of a wizard, an ability that a wizard with 110,000 magic power should have. Many witches pretended to be civilians to avoid being hunted down. Because of their gender, they were not recruited in the war.

At this time, Klee's"Salazar Slytherin" was nearly sixty years old. He had white hair and a hunched body. He quietly came to a place

"Is this the future Hogwarts?" Kerry looked at a canyon wasteland, then pointed to the mountain behind him and said,"Has the forest over there been fenced off?"

"We have engraved interference magic circles in the surrounding dozens of miles to ensure that no wizard can use Apparition or Portkey to escape!"A man who looked like a general responded.

This is Kree's exclusive guard - the wizard column!

"Very good! Let's get started!" Kerry took out a wand and walked towards the mountain.

The location there is the future Hogsmeade village. At this time, Hogwarts is still a blank land, and Hogsmeade village is just a small village in the mountains.

At this moment, Kerry finally understood why the future Hogwarts would be built here...

This is where Slytherin killed his enemies! Use the blood of the enemies to irrigate the land! It will surely make the flowers bloom more luxuriantly!

At this time, there is already a big octopus in the Black Lake - but it is still very small now, far from being as big as in the future.

In a woods by the lake, a dark cabin is emitting black smoke.

Kerry rode here on horseback, because this is the last suspicious location, and it is also the place that Kerry is most sure of.

"Who are you?" An old voice came, it was the voice of an old woman.

"Salazar Slytherin!" Kerry said

"I don't know you! Please leave!" the old woman refused.

"You act too much like me.……"At this moment, Kerry was finally sure that this was the"whistleblower".

Kerry dismounted and sat on the wooden stake at the door of the house, and said to the closed door:"I am Salazar Slytherin, the former king of the Holy Spaghetti Kingdom. I have been on the throne and ruled the kingdom for thirty years. I am also the first unified king in Europe!"

"Do you think a normal sixty-year-old man doesn't know me?"Cry said,"Come out, let me see who the despicable betrayer is!"

As Kerry's voice fell, there were several footsteps and the sound of knocking things over in the house.

The door slowly opened, and a person wearing a standard wizard robe appeared behind the door. She had a standard old woman's face, but it was featureless, neither evil nor beautiful, just an ordinary old witch.

"【Apparition】!"The old woman said the spell at the first time, but there was no response, because Kerry had already laid a net.

Seeing that her spell did not work, the old witch's face changed instantly, and she raised her hand and shot a [Heart-piercing Bone] towards Kerry.

Kerry easily dodged it, and then a binding spell was cast, and the old woman fell to the ground.

Kerry did not think of using proper means to interrogate her, and directly used a large amount of [Truth Serum], and the result sounded a bit absurd.

The mother of this old woman is a wizard, and her father is an ordinary Muggle. She awakened her wizard talent since she was a child, and became an excellent wizard under the guidance of her mother.

As a result, at the age of fourteen, she met a scumbag, and she quickly slept with this betrayer with sweet words. She knew that her mother would never agree to marry such a person, so she eloped directly. After eloping, the biggest problem they faced was"no money"! The scumbag is a scumbag. He knew that his wife was a wizard, but deliberately pretended not to know-then deliberately took a few pieces of information about the wanted criminals of the Church from outside.

Soon, under the torture of reality, the witch quickly gave up her principles, wrote various anonymous letters to report, and deliberately approached the wizard circle in a region every once in a while, and then exchanged for a large sum of money.

Finally, at the age of sixteen, she reported Salazar Slytherin's parents and a bunch of wizards, and as a reward, she received more than two hundred gold coins!

Ironically, because this was the first time she and the scumbag had seen so many gold coins, the scumbag took advantage of her unpreparedness and ran to the Church with the gold coins to report that his wife was a witch! Therefore, the scumbag not only got two hundred gold coins, but also received an additional twenty gold coins for reporting his wife.

The old woman began her great escape career, all of which happened when Salazar Slytherin was just arrested. It is ironic that the old witch's biological mother was also implicated because of her report. After being caught, those captured wizards also reported her mother, and eventually her mother died in that prison.

When the old woman finally settled here, she also began her own career of repentance - raising magical animals, saving those little wizards who were being chased, or saving war orphans.

Until Kerry unified Europe, when she heard this name for the first time, she thought of one of her informants. Slytherin is not a common surname, so from that day on, the old witch never left the territory of Hogwarts again. She built a hut by the Black Lake and was self-sufficient. She lived like this for the rest of her life, for thirty years!

Kerry was really speechless when she heard this - no wonder Slytherin hated Muggle wizards so much later - it was because of this old woman!

She killed Salazar Slytherin's parents and caused a sharp decline in British wizards.

After listening to the story, Kerry said softly:"It's a ridiculous story, but I won't have any pity!"

"Kill her!" Kerry commanded.

The executioner next to him raised the axe and chopped off the old witch's head.

Until this moment, Kerry had a strange feeling in his heart:"This is not like a dream, but more like a game!"

A game, a dream!

The next moment Kerry opened his eyes!

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