Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 136 [A Dream]

Kerry felt as if he had a dream. In the dream, he used Superman's superpowers to kill everyone.

What are Kerry's superpowers like now?

One-handed pulling force - about 400 tons

Flying speed - 60~70 kilometers per hour. If there is a tailwind, the speed can exceed 100 kilometers per hour.

X-ray eyes - can already see through thin plates with a thickness of about 2 cm, or three or four centimeters of human tissue.

Physical strength - almost completely harmless below nuclear weapons. Currently, the only Muggle weapons that can harm Kerry are nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles (but hypersonic missiles have not appeared at this time, and they will have to wait until after 2000).

Heating rays - easily melt steel (about 2000 degrees)

Freezing gas - oxygen liquefies instantly, below minus 180 degrees

Super memory - read 4 books every half hour (both left and right hands open).

There are many other incredible superpowers that are gradually appearing in Kerry, and his superhuman blood is gradually growing with age.���Big.

Kerry first unified the entire prison and selected criminals according to the files - those who committed serious criminal crimes were sent to see God on the spot, and other types of people were fully armed and required to become their slave soldiers, otherwise they would die.

In the background of the medieval church, Kerry began to kill people everywhere - first, he took advantage of the wealth gap between civilians and the church and nobles to start a big"bewitching". The main content included: equal land rights, one family under heaven, sharing peace, overthrowing the church, and making decisions on your own...

Then Kerry established an organization called"Flying Spaghetti Church". The outline document of this organization is"Face Sutra", the main content includes: the universe was created by a ball of spaghetti. On the first day, this ball of spaghetti created light, and on the second day, it created space and time...

The whole thing is to replace the"God" in the Bible with [spaghetti]. In the eyes of the church, this thing is an absolutely reactionary product!

However, combined with the slogans of equal land rights and one family under heaven, which have real substance, the team led by Kerry reached a huge number of 50,000 people in a few months.

You know, this is just the British Isles. In Slytherin's time, the total population was only more than 1 million. The armed forces of 50,000 people were equivalent to China (1.4 billion people). Suddenly, there was an organization with 70 million soldiers!

Kerry was invincible. He took over the entire British Isles within half a year and established the"Spaghetti Kingdom"! All the armies had a ridiculous title: [Spaghetti Army].

Until this time, the talents of the Holy See really paid attention to Kerry and carefully studied Kerry's theory. They thought it was ridiculous... Spaghetti Kingdom? ?

Kerry called himself the Pope of the [Spaghetti Church] and set up seven archbishops under him. Each of them led a [Spaghetti Army] and began to march from France to Rome.

Kerry also divided the whole of Europe into [Seven War Zones]. At this time, Europe had just entered the Middle Ages, which was the most fanatical era of religious forces. At this time, ordinary people in Europe, to be honest - everyone lived like slaves, almost like black slaves, and was restrained by religion.

Kerry decisively added a clause"Everyone is equal and advocates freedom" to the doctrine of the Spaghetti Cult, and then a frenzy came with the attack of the Spaghetti Cult. In just three years, Kerry unified the whole of Europe, and Europe became a huge"kingdom", and Kerry became the first"Noodle King".

In the final decisive battle, the Pope led more than 500,000 crusaders to face off against an army of more than one million people, claiming to be 500,000.

Unfortunately, this battle was anticlimactic - Kerry easily used his superpowers and flew... and even spit fire at Rome...

Rome sent hundreds of wizards to fight Kerry, but in terms of close combat, a hundred Dumbledores together were not Kerry's opponents! You are not even as good as Dumbledor, and you dare to come and fight me?

After the Pope's direct army was completely destroyed, the battle lost its meaning, and Kerry only took three days to end the final battle.

At the end of the decisive battle, the angry Pope cursed:"Even if there are 500,000 pigs, we can't catch them all in three days and three nights!"

In the end, the poor Pope was killed on the guillotine - this thing was originally invented by Louis XVI, but Kerry made it in advance and became Kerry's invention.

Then [Noodle King I - Salazar Slytherin] officially ascended the throne and became the Pope of the Flying Spaghetti God.

After the unification of Europe, Kerry first found real wizards and learned the abilities of wizards. In this long dream, he seemed to have learned thousands of spells, which were firmly remembered in Kerry's heart.

Killing the Pope completed the first task; learning magic completed the third task.

In the end, Kerry only had the second task left, which he could not complete for a long time - according to the results of Kerry's investigation - the British Vatican at that time received an anonymous report letter, which recorded the addresses of many wizards in detail. These Vatican people brought troops and their own wizards to arrest people. In the end, Salazar Slytherin's parents were quickly captured, and almost all of them were executed on the spot after being captured.

Later, Kerry got the anonymous letter, but the letter was copied twice by a Muggle - that is to say, the person who actually wrote the letter had never touched the letter, and the Muggle had died in the war.

When it came to this Muggle, the clues were cut off, and Kerry was in a stalemate. Although the executioner and the actual controller of the Church had long been dead, the mission was not completed without finding the real"whistleblower".

After Kerry became king as Salazar Slytherin, he did many good things that benefited the country and the people. The Renaissance in Europe even started ahead of time. Kerry also learned a lot from these people.

He served on the throne for thirty years until thirty years later, when he abdicated and handed the throne to one of his sons - yes, he got married in the dream world and had a child. The queen was a descendant of the Capetian dynasty, the largest dynasty in France. Marrying her could save at least one year of development time.

Although Kerry always knew that he was in the test of Slytherin, it was too real here, and Kerry could not separate the truth from the falsehood.

Until thirty years later, Kerry's superhuman superpowers had not made any progress at all - because this was a fake world after all, and the actual time had not moved at all.

But Kerry's magical ability, let's say, if Kerry thirty years ago could get 12 O's in the wizard exam, now he can get 100 O's!

Kerry has spent nearly forty years in the blink of an eye, but until now, he still has not completed"Mission 2, revenge for my parents!"

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