Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 134 [The Test of the Heir]

The Grangers finally changed their minds under Kerry's comfort or instigation. They decided to make their daughter a real hero instead of confining her to their own little nest. For this ordinary dentist couple, this was a difficult decision.

After the dinner, Kerry took the Grangers to the school hospital. Tonight they will stay in Hermione's ward and stay with their daughter for one night, although Hermione is just a stone.

When the curfew came, Kerry quietly slipped out of the dormitory... He climbed out of the dormitory window, flew for a while with his superhuman ability, and finally stayed at the agreed location.

A few minutes later, the little loli Ginny Weasley came quietly. The two did not say anything, but just waited quietly in the dark corner. A few minutes later, Harry Potter appeared with an invisibility cloak, and under the invisibility cloak there were two little guys Ron Weasley and Cedric Diggory

"Will the Heir of Slytherin open the Chamber of Secrets again tonight?"Cedric asked. Harry had described the situation roughly on the way here, but Cedric hadn't grasped the point yet. He didn't know what they were going to do tonight.

"Tonight is a good time! The heir of Slytherin will definitely take the opportunity to open the Chamber of Secrets. I guess there is more than one Chamber of Secrets in Slytherin. The basilisk we killed is just a watchdog."Kerry explained.

Cedric and Harry looked at each other, both of them were a little excited.

Kerry led the three of them to the connecting corridor of Slytherin and waited in a place that was not easy to be noticed. Harry blocked the outside with his invisibility cloak.

Several people waited quietly, and Harry suddenly asked:"Why don't we call more people over? Ron and the others are waiting too!"

"Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, the chosen one is the blood heir, blood!"Kerry explained:

"Harry, you have Parseltongue, and you have defeated Voldemort before, you are the key to this trip.

Cedric, on the other hand, has a special bloodline. Because it involves some of Cedric's privacy, I cannot explain it in detail.

Ginny was once the heir of the diary. Although I don't know why Ginny became the chosen one, I believe that Voldemort's experience is more profound than ours!

This is why I chose you.

Others, such as Ron and Neville, are also pure-blooded, but they are all Gryffindor blood. I am sure that if they enter the Chamber of Secrets, it will be even worse.

And mixed-blood Muggle wizards such as Dean will not even be able to enter the real Chamber of Secrets!"

After Kerry finished explaining, Harry was still a little confused, but at least he accepted this reason. Only Cedric frowned and seemed to want to ask something, but he held back.

Kerry could see that Cedric was a little confused about the word [some privacy], but he felt that this was not a suitable opportunity.

Several people waited in the dark for about half an hour. During this time, Filch patrolled the corridor, but did not find many people.

Finally, a figure appeared in the corridor. It was not difficult to judge from the appearance that it was Goyle. At this moment, he had no trace of obesity and clumsiness. He was like a flexible little wild boar.

Goyle at this moment was chilling - he actually concealed himself perfectly!

Kerry recalled the scene of Goyle's death in the secret chamber. If it were not for his accidental death, Goyle would have achieved greater success!

Not only Kerry was surprised, but Ginny, Harry, and Cedric were also surprised. They held their breath and followed quietly.

Goyle was very careful all the way and came to an empty room in the castle. With the unlocking spell, the door was quietly opened, and Goyle walked in carefully.

"Follow me!" Kerry also opened the door, and after entering, Gore's figure had disappeared.

Kerry immediately opened his perspective eyes. Superman's perspective eyes have an ability - they can see infrared light clearly.

It is Christmas now, and the temperature is very low, so a series of clear footprints appeared in the house in the infrared vision, and the last place they disappeared was a small decorative sculpture by the window.

""Harry! Speak to this statue in Parseltongue!" Kerry commanded.

Harry did as he was told, but he was still not very skilled. After failing a dozen times, the statue on the wall suddenly turned 180 degrees, and then a dark hole appeared on the wall.

Following Goyle's footsteps, Kerry and his group soon came to a huge place that looked like a coliseum.

In the middle of the coliseum was a raised stone platform that looked like an altar, and Goyle was standing on the platform.

"What's that?" Harry asked

""The real test of Slytherin!" Kerry replied.

As he was speaking, a fluorescent glow suddenly appeared on the altar, and then Goyle disappeared instantly!

"That stone is a teleportation device!"Kerry said,"Who of you is willing to try it?"

Unexpectedly, the first person to stand up was Ginny. Ginny ran straight to the altar. Before she could react, the altar flashed fluorescent light again and Ginny disappeared.

Then it was Harry, and then Cedric. Kerry stood up last. He felt as if his belly button was pulled, and then a strong sense of dizziness came over him, and Kerry lost consciousness.


When he opened his eyes again, Kerry found himself in a cage. He was in prison!

Kerry checked his body and found nothing abnormal. Then he looked around and found some words on the wall - they were very old English.

【Why are wizards unforgivable? Damn the Church!】

【I want revenge for my parents!】

【Become a real wizard! 】

Kerry suddenly felt something strange. He carefully observed these words and instantly understood that this should be a test, and the purpose of the test is these lines of text!

If this is a game, then these three lines of words are three"main tasks"!

First, kill the people of the Holy See, preferably the Pope!

Second, avenge your parents, and these parents are of course your original selves.

Third, become a wizard.

Kerry carefully observed the surroundings again and found nothing new, so he said to the lock of the cage:"【Ahola hole opened】!"

No response!

Kerry was stunned: [That is to say, the person I am playing is a Muggle, and he has no magic power now! ]

Kerry was a little upset... No wonder it is so difficult to select the heir of Slytherin, this difficulty is really not low!

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