Chapter 133 [Christmas Dinner]

Christmas dinner at Hogwarts can be said to be the happiest time of the year. Because there are fewer people, it may not be so lively, but Christmas is definitely the happiest day.

The food for the Christmas banquet is prepared by the house elves in the kitchen, including one hundred fat roast turkeys, piles of roast meat and boiled potatoes, large plates of small sausages, bowls of peas mixed with butter, and plates of thick and thick gravy and cranberry sauce.

In addition, desserts include flaming Christmas pudding, some of which have a Sickle's silver coin hidden in them.

In addition, wizard lottery firecrackers will be placed on the table.

Unlike Muggle lottery firecrackers, which only make a muffled sound and contain plastic toys and paper hats, wizard lottery firecrackers will make a loud noise like a cannon bombardment when they explode, and engulf the people around them in a puff of blue smoke.

Lottery firecrackers may turn into lively white mice, wizard chess, self-help tumor growth combination packs, and life-size hats.

The Grangers, Hermione, Kerry, Ginny and others walked into the hall together. The hall was already full of people. There were nearly two hundred wizards who stayed in Hogwarts to spend Christmas, and they filled two tables.

Several people were already sitting at the professors' small table, such as Professor Flitwick, Teacher Trelawney, etc.

The Grangers were attending the wizards' dinner for the first time, and they looked quite nervous, but they were more worried about their daughter Hermione.

After a few minutes, Harry and others came in from the door and saw Hermione and the Grangers at first sight. They quickly came over and greeted Hermione happily, sharing what happened during this period.

Hermione also responded happily and greeted her friends one by one.

Dumbledore came late, first gave an extremely concise speech, and then immediately announced the start of the dinner.

Ron stuffed food into his mouth while speaking incoherently,"Gryffindor will definitely win the House Cup this year, and Hufflepuff won't even be at the bottom. You know, Dumbledore gave Gryffindor 500 extra points for us! Hufflepuff also got 150 extra points! Now the badgers are all very excited, and there's a trend in their house that they want to take this opportunity to grab the second place and never be the last one again.""

"That sounds interesting! Mrs. Granger first glanced at Ron approvingly, then looked at her daughter and asked,"What's going on?"

"You know, that basilisk we talked about this afternoon, the one that attacked me, the big, long one, we killed it, and now its body has been taken away and decomposed, and we have all received the Order of Merlin for it." Hermione said simply

""How big is it?" Dr. Granger remembered that Hermione told them in the afternoon that the basilisk was ten feet long.

"The basilisk is about three hundred feet long!"Ron answered before Hermione could answer.

"Three hundred feet!?"Mr. and Mrs. Granger were shocked almost at the same time.

They looked at Hermione with unfriendly faces. Their daughter lied. Five or six people and hundreds of Centaurs fighting a ten-foot basilisk would not be a big deal for each person. It might be just like fighting a dog. But if it was magnified thirty times, it would not be fun. Not fun at all!

"I'm just not that sensitive to size!" Hermione argued

"I think we need to seriously consider dropping out of Hogwarts!" Mrs. Granger said word by word, her tone very serious.

"Mother……"Hermione was about to explain, but suddenly, her time was up. As soon as she finished speaking, Hermione turned into a stone.

"Hermione! My baby! Woohoo!……"Mrs. Granger was overwhelmed with grief and started crying while holding the petrified Hermione.

Dr. Granger dropped his cutlery and covered his face with tears. They really couldn't imagine that their daughter, who was less than fourteen years old, had to face such a dangerous thing. He could only hold Hermione and Mrs. Granger helplessly.

The scene in the corner did not affect the joyful atmosphere in the Great Hall. Kerry nodded to Ginny, who used a spell to lift Hermione up and walked towards the school hospital.

Harry and Ron also helped Ginny leave.

Kerry held back the Granger couple who wanted to follow, and said sincerely:"Uncle Granger, Auntie, please follow me!"

The two hesitated for a moment, but still followed Kerry to the corridor. Kerry took them to the bathroom in the corridor on the third floor.

"Do you see the crack in the wall? Kerry pointed to the spot where Hermione killed the troll in her first year.

"This is where Hermione killed the troll a year ago. It was fifteen feet tall! The diameter of its forearm was wider than Uncle Granger's body."Kerry told the story slowly:"Hermione was not afraid! She used the spell calmly and defeated the troll in just a few minutes... alone!"

Both Mr. and Mrs. Granger covered their mouths.

In the next few minutes, Kerry carefully chose his words and told the Grangers in detail what happened at the Halloween party last year.

When Kerry explained the exciting part, the Grangers became nervous, and when the troll finally fell, they relaxed again.

From the window here, you can see the Black Lake, especially the stones next to the Black Lake... That was the fence left to divide the basilisk, and there was no time to evacuate.

Kerry pointed to the stone fence outside the window and said:"That is where the body of the basilisk is parked. Now the body of the basilisk has been moved away, but you can still feel its hugeness and inviolability from that array!"

Then Corey made full use of his eloquence to tell Mr. and Mrs. Granger everything that happened from the beginning to the end of the attack on Hermione. He especially emphasized the determination that Hermione had made - we can't let the basilisk attack our classmates! No matter what happens, we must kill it!

This slogan is so shocking that it is hard to believe that it came from the mouth of a 14-year-old girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger were stunned for a moment. They could feel Hermione's determination at the time from these simple words. They could even imagine how determined their daughter was to save the entire Hogwarts Castle.

"Is this our daughter?"Mrs. Granger seemed to be meeting her daughter for the first time. She was just an ordinary dentist, and the most dangerous thing in her life might be the gangs on the streets of England.

But compared with the basilisk, what were those ridiculous gangs?

Her daughter was so brave, fearless of justice, and full of vitality! She seemed to be a natural hero, a god born in the ordinary world!

Dr. Granger was also full of shock, as his daughter had never told him about these things. When he heard these things, his reaction was: Did my daughter really do this?

The image of a heroine overlapped with his daughter.

The heroine - Hermione Granger!

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