Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 129 [Merlin's Order]

Just as the little wizards were laughing, several figures on the top of a distant mountain in the snow also laughed.

Dumbledore laughed, and Professor McGonagall beside him also smiled. Standing in the front was Snape, who also laughed, but his face seemed to be the most awkward because he rarely smiled, and looked a little scary.

"I don't know who among them is the real savior, but I am sure that the person we have been waiting for hundreds of years must be among them." Dumbledore exclaimed:"Thank Merlin, the person we predicted is among them!"

"It must be Kerry!" Snape said in a decisive tone:"If it's not Kerry, who else can be the savior?"

"Maybe Hermione?"Professor McGonagall obviously liked Hermione more. Hermione was the only woman in the crowd, as unique and special as the only flower on a big tree.

""Why don't you guess it was Harry Potter?" Dumbledore said to his two colleagues.

Professor McGonagall and Snape looked at each other and shook their heads. Professor McGonagall explained:"If we were to consider this possibility a year ago, it is absolutely impossible now!"

"I had the same idea!" Snape explained

"Although this is very rude, I also think so." Dumbledore showed a naughty smile:"But it cannot be denied that Harry is also an excellent child!"

""Of course!""Indeed!" said Professor McGonagall and Snape at the same time.

""Let's go meet these warriors!" Dumbledore took out his old wand and clicked it three times. The three people disappeared instantly.

In a breath of time, the figures of the three people appeared at the entrance of the valley bottom, and Dumbledore's voice came over:"What happened?"

Kerry and his group heard Dumbledore's voice, turned around and saw Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Snape standing at the entrance of the valley. They were facing the basilisk's tail.

"We defeated the monster that attacked our classmates!"Hermione answered first:"Look! This is our achievement!"

Dumbledore walked around the basilisk seriously, and Professor McGonagall walked directly to Hermione and patted her on the shoulder. Snape walked to the side of the crowd and nodded to Kerry.

"You are the glory of Hogwarts!"Dumbledore walked to the head of the snake, suddenly turned around and shouted to several people:"You are the glory of Hogwarts!"

""Glory!" A Centaur warrior repeated the word, and the other Centaur warriors also began to call.

Dumbledore walked to the front of the crowd and hugged several people one by one. He also walked to the front of the Centaur crowd, but the Centaur was too tall, so Dumbledore could only shake hands to express his celebration.

In the second half of the night, the Centaur warriors lifted the Basilisk, and Professor McGonagall cast the [Levitation Spell] on the Basilisk. They lifted it up and ran quickly to the Hogwarts campus and threw the Basilisk next to the Black Lake.

Kerry commanded the Centaur warriors to return to the Forbidden Forest, and Snape commanded the house elves to surround the Basilisk with stones to prevent students from touching it - after all, the blood of the Basilisk is highly poisonous. Professor McGonagall took the little wizards back to the dormitory. She wanted to make sure that every little hero returned to the dormitory safely, but Cedric was taken to the school hospital by the professor, and he was still injured.

The next day, when the sun rose, the first batch of little wizards who came out were shocked.

"What is this thing?!""Giant snake! It's a monster!""Why would the school put a big snake here?" The young wizards were talking about it. It took less than half an hour for the basilisk's body to be surrounded by people. They were talking about it, and even when the first class started, no one went to class.

Finally, after Professor McGonagall arrived, the crowd gradually dispersed, and Hogwarts returned to normal order around ten o'clock in the morning.

Around ten o'clock, reporters from The Daily Prophet, The Quibbler, and Witch Weekly came to Hogwarts, and Professor McGonagall could only receive them and suspend classes.

Near noon, some big shots came to Hogwarts-such as the Minister of Magic: Cornelius Fudge, and an uninvited guest, Lucius Malfoy. He was wrapped tightly in a long black traveling cloak, with a gloomy face.

"I think we need to award these warriors the Order of Merlin again!" Fudge looked a little excited - because the death of the basilisk was his"political achievement", and he had also heard about the Slytherin heir and Slytherin's chamber of secrets. The things that had been rumored to have no results for hundreds of years were solved in his own hands. This would be listed in the history of magic, and his name would be accompanied by

"The thing is, at the beginning of this school year……"Dumbledore personally received these people and told them the story from the beginning of the school year, including Hermione's attack, the legend of the Chamber of Secrets, the attack and danger of the basilisk, and the contributions made by Kerry and others.

"Amazing!" Minister Fudge exclaimed,"I remember that Mr. Kerry has received a second-class Order of Merlin. He is the youngest recipient of the second-class Order of Merlin in this century? Is that right?"

"That's right!" An officer of Fudge's entourage replied,"He invented the magic meter a few months ago, the CNC magic meter! He and two other inventors, Nick Flamel and Collins, were awarded the Second Class Order of Merlin!"

"The magic meter is a great invention!" Cornelius Fudge said:"Christian Feynman is an excellent child! Moreover, he has killed a terrible basilisk again. I think we need to reward him to the greatest extent!"

"I agree!""I agree!"Several officials accompanying him also agreed.

These are all influences outside the school. If the influence outside the school is a small trend, the influence inside the school can be called a tornado!

The names of Christian Feynman and others are circulating throughout the school from top to bottom. After they woke up, the young wizards of Team 91 could not help but tell the story first. Later, Chris also told the story again to his classmates. The young wizards of the entire Hogwarts were circling around a few people, and they were fanatical.

Cedric was receiving treatment in the school hospital. The young wizards of Hufflepuff almost lined up to visit him. In front of Cedric's bed, gifts piled up into a mountain.

Only Ginny was unexpectedly angry...

She cried and found Hermione, complaining why Hermione didn't take herself with her. Hermione explained that you are still a first-year wizard who has just been enrolled for three months. Taking you is irresponsible to you.

Ginny was a little angry, but she also accepted this explanation. She really didn't know anything and needed more time to grow up, but looking at Hermione in the crowd, she gradually developed a desire - she also wanted to be such a person, to be a brave, great, and correct Ginny Weasley!

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