Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 128 [Hogwarts' Glory!]

Along with Firenze's command, hundreds of Centaur warriors threw javelins at the snake head at the same time. At one time, at least fifty javelins hit the snake head, and even a few javelins hit the inside of the mouth. For a moment, the black poisonous snake blood spurted out like sulfuric acid, corroding the surrounding stones with a sizzling sound. Even

Kerry was stabbed a few times - of course, for Kerry, this was almost like tickling - but for the basilisk, this was not funny at all. The basilisk's body, which had just been exposed half, shook violently again, and the huge scream spread throughout the entire forest. The Hogsmeade village on the other side of the mountain and the Hogwarts Castle farther away could hear this roar that soared into the sky, like thunder!

"Everyone, step back fifty steps!!!" Firenze shouted,"Its blood is highly poisonous!"

Kerry held the snake by the"seven inches". Because the snake's body was too thick, it was not until this moment that he had the opportunity to really start to destroy the snake's skin.

He grabbed a piece of snake scale with both hands and pulled it out. A black blood hole appeared. The snake's body was still swinging wildly. It wanted to wrap Kerry in its body, but Kerry easily held up the body of the basilisk with only one hand and one leg. After all, the power of 300 tons in one hand is enough to lift a 747 full of passengers!

"Shoot!" Firenze gave the order again. The Centaurs started throwing javelins again when they were at least a hundred meters away from the basilisk. This attack was not successful. Only a dozen javelins hit the basilisk.

Kerry was still tearing the snake skin and digging the snake meat frantically. The black snake blood wanted to corrode Kerry and kill him, but unfortunately, in front of Superman's steel body, these only made Kerry feel a stinging pain on his skin. But Kerry's clothes were not spared. The wizard robe on the outer coat had completely disappeared. He was wearing a vest and shorts made of dragon skin inside, but now they were also tattered.

""Go up the mountain! Shoot down from the mountain!" Hermione shouted to the Centaurs from a distance.

Firenze understood immediately and waved his hand to give orders. More than a hundred Centaurs obeyed the order and rushed towards the mountain to form a fan-shaped encirclement formation.

"Shoot!" Firenze ordered to shoot again, and this time the attack had an obvious effect. At least twenty javelins were shot into the mouth of the basilisk. For a while, the basilisk could only make a low humming sound.

Kerry instantly seized the opportunity and almost got into the belly of the basilisk. He was looking for the heart of the basilisk!

Hermione also followed the centaur to the top of the mountain. She took out her wand and held it solemnly with both hands, muttering:"Merlin bless! I use this spell to protect my friends! I am exercising the right to justice! [Avada Kendawa/Avada"Kedavra】"

A terrifying green light shot out, shocking everyone including Harry. Although Harry didn't know that this was the Unforgivable Curse, the three little wizards including Cedric knew that this must be a bad black magic! The terrifying green light, like an emerald green bird, quickly shot at the basilisk's jaw!

In the meantime, the green light quickly spread on the basilisk, and the basilisk stopped moving. Obviously, the Unforgivable Curse took effect on the basilisk. Although it might not be able to kill it, this terrifying spell greatly hurt the basilisk!

This gave Kerry a few precious seconds, and he immediately drilled deeper into the belly. A dark, but still violently beating heart appeared in Kerry's superman sight.

It was about one meter in diameter and two meters long. The rapidly beating heart made people feel terrified.

Kerry grabbed a rib of the basilisk and swung his fist at the heart!

One of the ventricles of the heart It exploded immediately! Then the basilisk shook violently... Black snake blood spurted out. Kerry could only close his eyes and hammered at the heart again!

Another blood hole, this time the basilisk's movements were very small. It could only twist its body wildly, but it could no longer lift its terrifying snake head.

Kerry felt this situation and immediately became energetic. He threw five or six punches in a short period of time! Along with Kerry's fists, the basilisk no longer moved, only its tail jumped because of the stress response of the nerves.

A minute later, the basilisk stopped moving completely. Its huge body lay flat on the mountain, terrifying and full of deterrence.

In the tense mood of everyone, Kerry kicked the snake skin away with one foot and pulled a huge black organ out of the basilisk's belly.

That was the poor heart of the basilisk... It was already broken and tattered, like a ball of rotten meat.

Kerry stood on the basilisk, raised the broken heart above his head, and shouted loudly:"We won!"

The Centaurs were the first to shout:"Victory! Victory!……"

Hermione recovered from her nervous trembling. She looked at Kerry's body covered with snake blood and cried with her hands covering her face. She was too excited.

Harry, Dean and Cedric also looked at each other and smiled for the first time in a long time. They won!

The sound of the rising tide echoed in the valley... It was the crazy celebration of the Centaur warriors - they defeated the basilisk without any injury!

"Victory! Victory!……"

Hermione rushed down the mountainside. She wanted to give Kerry a big hug, but Kerry was full of poisonous and corrosive snake blood. He threw down his heart, found his wand Hercules in his belt, and used a cleansing spell on himself.

In the blink of an eye, a handsome young man reappeared, but his clothes could hardly cover his body. The nearly half-naked Kerry and Hermione who rushed up hugged each other tightly. The two couldn't help but kissed passionately, not caring about the people around them.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding centaurs whistled, and Harry and the other two cheered.

After a few seconds, Kerry lifted Hermione high up. Hermione laughed loudly. She hugged Kerry's head, and the two of them spun in circles on the spot. Hermione's body had not yet developed, like a small lark, and her laughter spread throughout the valley.

"You did a great job!"After the two of them turned around dozens of times, Kerry put Hermione down and praised her.

"I'm a great witch! Isn't it?" Hermione said mischievously

"You are still a true hero!" Harry interrupted

"You too!" Hermione gave Harry and the other two a thumbs up.

At this moment, a resentful voice came from underground:"Please, can you remember that you still have two teammates down there?!"

Ron and Neville appeared with bruised faces and noses. Neville's legs were still limping. Ron carried Neville and struggled to get out of the hole. Several Centaurs rushed up to help. After the two came out, Kerry, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Neville, Cedric, and Dean looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Hahahaha!" A group of people on the ground laughed heartlessly.

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