There was no big news in the first week of the new school year, and all classes went on as planned.

The only difference was that Kerry and Lockhart had another conflict in the second class. Lockhart had won the Order of Merlin, Class III, and he heard from some students that a second-year wizard had won the Order of Merlin, Class II, which was a higher honor, in his first year. He immediately lost his composure and deliberately belittled Kerry in the second class. In response, Kerry mocked Lockhart severely.

"Do I need to describe again the scene in the last class where someone couldn't even control the elves?"Kerry finally said lightly, and after he finished speaking, the little lions burst into laughter.

This sentence made Lockhart furious - but...

Kerry's eyes were too sharp. Lockhart was just a donkey after all - he was good on the outside and didn't have much ability.

How to say it? In this situation, Lockhart almost chickened out. He didn't even dare to look Kerry in the face, and the matter ended in nothing.

On the other hand, the relationship between Ginny Weasley and Hermione was getting better and better, and the two had a lot of common topics.

Even on the weekend, Hermione discussed with Kerry whether to let Ginny enter the Room of Requirement. Kerry wanted to Kerry refused, but suddenly thought of Tom Riddle's diary, so he readily agreed.

Last semester, two Voldemorts were killed, one real Voldemort and one Horcrux Voldemort. Dumbledore took the opportunity to exile Lara Croft, so it was a good school year.

Now Kerry really wants to continue to meet these cute little Voldemorts - let them have a taste of 300 tons of iron fist and 105,000 calories of magic.

One hundred and five thousand calories, what a desperate magic!

During the Transfiguration class on Thursday, Professor McGonagall suddenly stopped Hermione and Kerry, and the three of them came to Professor McGonagall's office.

"Are you free next Monday?" Professor McGonagall asked

"If it's a dinner party or something pleasant, of course I have time." Kerry replied.

Professor McGonagall smiled and said,"What if it's something bad? For example, if I ask you to clean the Forbidden Forest?"

"Of course I'm not free!" Kerry refused righteously.

Professor McGonagall and Hermione both laughed. Professor McGonagall said with a smile:"Although it's not a dinner party, it's also a good thing... Wait... I suddenly feel that maybe we can have a dinner party, and you have to pay for it." Kerry frowned and guessed that it must be something complicated, and asked:"What's the matter?"

"【[Time-Turner], have you heard of this term?"Professor McGonagall looked at the two of them meaningfully.

Hermione and Kerry were both very surprised. Of course, they knew about this thing. Kerry had wanted to get one, but later found out that the thing was hidden in the deepest part of the Ministry of Magic and also followed the"least impact" law, so he lost most of his interest.

The so-called"least impact" law is a law defined by Kerry based on the principle of the Time Castle - you can travel through time and return to the past, but the time you travel through itself consumes magic power, and the rate of magic power consumption is directly proportional to the impact you have on the"past".

In other words, the less impact you have on other people and things, the longer you can stay in the past.

If you change the big steps of history - for example, you saved Louis XVI when he was beheaded, then the instantaneous magic power consumption will reach an astronomical figure - because this incident changed the whole world in the next few hundred years.

"So we can get one?" Kerry asked, and Hermione's eyes lit up.

"It seems that you two have a deep understanding of the time turner!" Professor McGonagall was a little surprised:"Next Monday, two staff members from the Ministry of Magic will test you. If you can pass, you can get two time turners."

""Great!" Kerry and Hermione shouted at the same time and looked at each other excitedly.

Professor McGonagall carefully told them some things and then sent them away.

Professor McGonagall was like an elderly and loving mother. Looking at the backs of the two people leaving, she suddenly had an idea. She felt:"These two are becoming more and more like a married couple!"

That night, Hermione and Kerry were extremely happy. At dinner time, Hermione quietly called Ginny together, and the three of them had dinner together.

"The day before yesterday you noticed that I didn't show up in the common room at night, you are very smart!" Hermione first praised Ginny, and then handed her a huge dessert.

"Were you with Kerry at night?" Ginny seemed to have discovered some secret, with a horrified look on her face.

"You think too much in your little head!" Hermione smiled helplessly:"We have a secret base, are you interested in coming with us?"

""Secret base?" Ginny repeated doubtfully,"Like when we played house as kids? A secret base for toys?""

"That's what I mean!" Kerry added:"Your brother and Harry didn't even know about this place. You are the second person to share it. The first one was Hermione. I was the one who discovered it!"

""It sounds good!" Ginny said.

After dinner, Ginny went to the eighth floor with Kerry and Hermione.

Kerry opened the [9527 Training Ground]. The moment she pushed the door open, Ginny was shocked - she had never thought that this secret base would be such a place!

On the right were millions of books and orderly arranged bookshelves that were almost boundless, in the middle were study tables, and some test benches and crucibles specially used for potion experiments; on the left hand side was a place where spells could be trained at any time and actual combat training could be carried out!

How could this be a"secret base" for children to play house? This was a real"secret base"!

Ginny ran around excitedly, and Hermione Dragging Ginny to introduce various things to her, it can be seen that Hermione was also very excited, just like the loneliness of winning 5 million in the lottery alone, but no one came to support her. Today, the supporter finally showed up.

Kerry read quietly. According to his estimation, in ten months, he will be able to finish reading all the magic books in Hogwarts. He wants to revise and organize all the books and compile them into volumes that conform to modern library management.

Organizing the books is not the goal, but the goal is to integrate the knowledge in the books - knowledge is power! This sentence is still valid in the wizarding world!

When Ginny's excitement was basically gone, she asked a question:"Isn't Ron one of your best friends? Why don't you share this secret base with them? Instead, it was me, a little girl who knew nothing, who was shared with this secret?"

"Ginny, it's not that we don't want to share with Harry and Ron, but they lack sufficient cultivation now - in other words, they can't keep secrets. In a few years, when they are mature, we will of course share this place with them." Kerry explained:"Although you are younger, you are more reliable than your unreliable brothers! Be more confident!

You will definitely become a real strong man in the future! Your brothers will be proud of you!"

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