Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 103 [First Day of School]

The first Herbology class was very successful.

After Kerry's performance, Professor Sprout asked Kerry to perform a transplantation demonstration.

Kerry used very smooth movements to win a full 20 points for Gryffindor.

In the Transfiguration class that followed, Professor McGonagall's class was no longer a pressure.

Now Kerry's magic practice is far beyond his peers, and even far beyond the average adult wizards.

In Hogwarts, except for Snape and Professor McGonagall, there are only five people who can compare.

The task of this class is to turn a beetle into a brooch. After one minute, Kerry turned the bug into a phoenix brooch, which was shining with a bright ruby luster and a very delicate Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall couldn't believe it. To be honest, she felt that her level was about the same.

This once again made Kerry the focus of attention. Hermione's Transfiguration was also very successful. Although her brooch was not as beautiful as Kerry's, it was also quite delicate.

Professor McGonagall couldn't help but have an idea in her mind-perhaps it was a waste of time to let Kerry and Hermione take classes here. She had to think about this question: Do genius students like Hermione and Kerry really need such regular classes?

She suddenly thought of an interesting prop: the time turner, and an idea came to her mind that maybe she could borrow one and give it to the two of them.

In the afternoon, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was about to begin. The famous performing artist, Mr. Lockhart, would perform on stage.

Before the class, Malfoy and Harry had a conflict. Malfoy was indeed an extremely disgusting character.

Lockhart had a thick stack of test papers in his hand and distributed them to everyone as soon as he entered the room.

Kerry opened it and took a look, and was so disgusted that he almost vomited his lunch:"

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

3. What do you think is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement so far?

And so on, a full three pages of paper, the last question is:

54. When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday? What is his ideal birthday gift?"

How to say it? It's like when you tell a joke, you may not remember it, but if the joke happens to you, you will feel embarrassed!

Kerry was complaining...

In the past, when he was in the original world, he held a book and watched Lockhart perform various funny projects in the book. He just thought there were some problems and treated it as a joke.

But now, when the test paper is really in front of him, Kerry is so embarrassed that he can't even get a three-bedroom apartment with his thumb.

"Half an hour! Let's start quickly!"Lockhart stood on the podium, then closed his pocket watch and began to inspect.

Although Kerry had a complete memory, he deliberately wrote all the contents wrong!

Hermione was on the side, and she could probably know 90% of the answers, but when Kerry told Hermione through [Queen and Princess] that he would deliberately make all the questions wrong, Hermione understood it in seconds...

She also deliberately answered all the questions wrong!

After half an hour, Lockhart put the test paper away again and began to roughly look through the test paper - most students only got a few questions right. Even if some students had previewed the textbook, who would study so carefully?

Lockhart flipped through the test paper page by page, and couldn't help shaking his head. When he checked Kerry's test paper, he was suddenly stunned - the paper was very clean and written very neatly, but it seemed that the answers were all wrong! After a careful glance, Lockhart turned the test paper over and over again and looked through it carefully - all wrong! None of the blanks were correct!

""Christian Feynman!" Lockhart shouted,"Please stand up!"

"Did you know? You got 0 points on your test paper!" Lockhart said angrily,"Did you prepare for the class?"

Kerry stood up quickly,"Of course not!"

"Gryffindor loses 10 points!" Lockhart said directly, and Kerry sat down directly.

Lockhart flipped through a few more papers and frowned again - this paper was also completely wrong!

""Hermione Granger! Who is it?! Stand up!" Lockhart asked with a dark face.

Hermione was next to Kerry, she stood up slowly, Lockhart was angry:"Didn't you prepare for the lessons either?"

"Not at all!" Hermione said contemptuously.

"Gryffindor will lose 20 points!" Lockhart was so angry.

Hermione and Kerry smiled at each other...

This Defense Against the Dark Arts class could be said to be the most failed course at Hogwarts. The first half of the exam was about some boring things, and in the second half, Lockhart bought a group of Cornish elves, but he didn't know how to deal with them, so the second half of the course turned into a group of students collectively catching elves.

Kerry and Hermione didn't move at all, and they just watched this group of idiots.

After the bell rang, Lockhart ran away in disgrace, and the students also fled the classroom one after another. In the end, only Hermione and Kerry were left in the classroom.

"Maybe we should put the elves away, right?" Hermione said, and then she touched a goblin with her wand, and in an instant, the goblin turned into a big block of ice.

"You should do this! [Chain of obstacles】!"After Kerry cast the spell, dozens of elves flying in the sky quickly fell from the sky at the same time. Kerry spent more than three seconds to throw the elves back into the cage.

Hermione was greatly surprised:"Your current magical attainments are simply superb!"

"As your magic power grows, you have more ways to do things."Perhaps you will experience it when your magic power increases a little more," Kerry explained. On the first day of school, Lockhart made a fool of himself because of the elf, and his prestige was completely lost.

It is worth mentioning that when Kerry and Hermione both answered 0 points, they instantly became the new hot spot in Gryffindor, and the seniors also did the same question - to be honest, it was really rubbish!

That night, Professor McGonagall heard about this and had that idea again:"Excellent students like Hermione and Kerry must be professionally trained, instead of letting people like Lockhart pollute these two outstanding descendants!"

Professor McGonagall wrote a letter and formally applied to the Ministry of Magic for two pieces of magic equipment.——【Time Converter]!

Kerry and Hermione didn't know this, and they came to the 9527 training ground again to learn more knowledge and complete more exercises!

Kerry and Hermione made rapid progress!

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