Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 1116: Obedient fairy

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Lei Zhenzi saw the person in front of him.

A shock in my heart.

He remembers the person's appearance.

At that time, the strong genius killed the genius in the immortal palace.

"This friend, we have no grievances, what does this mean?"

He coughed violently and said this at the same time.

Ye Feng smiled lightly and said, "I just want to kill you."

"No other meaning."

Dare to take action against Yue Yiyan, it’s not to get tired, what to kill!


Lei Zhenzi's expression changed greatly.

"Die to me!"

He is not simple.

Lei Zhenzi was born on a rainy night, when a golden thunder came.

Let him absorb.

There was a lightning rune on his eyebrows.

As far as Lightning is concerned, he is a natural choice, and no one can compare with him.

All the thunder secrets mastered by him are nothing in front of him.

The lightning rune of Lei Zhenzi's eyebrows now glowed golden.


A terrifying lightning bolt split towards Ye Feng's eyebrows.

This is Lei Zhenzi's trick.

In such a short distance, no one can escape.

But at this moment, a black thunder broke out from Ye Feng and shattered the golden light.

For ordinary people, it is really difficult to defend.

But this time, Lei Zhenzi faced Ye Feng.

A man who killed thousands of years.

What a terrifying battle experience.

Always beware when approaching, he will not forget this common sense.

"Want to kill me?"

Ye Feng smiled lightly: "You are too weak."

Ye Feng shimmered in the black thunder.


Lei Zhenzi's head exploded.

He threw away the headless body of Lei Zhenzi.

Everyone on the ground watched Lei Zhenzi's body fall into a pool of water and lost his mind for a long time.

A white light flashed.

Lei Zhenzi's body was taken away.

Only a life saver was left on the ground.

The invincible Tianjiao who were fighting all around quieted down and looked at Ye Feng in shock.

Just a trick!

It was terrifying to kill Lei Zhenzi in town.

Not even them.

Not to mention killing Lei Zhenzi.

Not even defeating Lei Zhenzi, because everyone is about the same strength.

Ye Feng turned and looked at Xiangyue.

He said: "Give me the treasure bug on you."

Yue Yiyan came back to God, and if someone dared to talk to her like that, she would kill it immediately.

But now, it is Ye Feng talking to her like this.


Yue Yiyan nodded his head and gave Ye Feng a butterfly with a brilliant glow.

Everyone saw this scene.


Fairy actually has such obedient side.

Ye Feng did not reach out to catch the butterfly, but took out a sarcophagus and opened it to the butterfly.

Then he urged the secret method.

A strong attraction erupted from the sarcophagus, and the colorful butterfly was involved.

"Pretend to be sacred."

"Show your original appearance."

Ye Feng sneered.

Take out the Purple Cloud Sword, the purple light above shines, the sword light is pressing.

When this suction and Ziyun Sword appeared, the butterfly began to struggle.

Then everyone saw clearly.

The light on the butterfly disappeared and became black.

There was also some kind of black viscous liquid dripping from the butterfly, but it was all collected by the sarcophagus.

"go to hell."

Ye Feng used a sarcophagus to fix the shape of the butterfly, and then Ziyun Sword was revealed in his hand.

A sword cut the butterfly.

The body did not fall to the ground, but was directly inhaled by the sarcophagus.

Ye Feng covered the coffin.

This monster will infect the world after death, so it must be sealed in a sarcophagus.

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