Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 1115: You just said that Rao won’t die

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"Go, go to Yueyiyan."

Ye Feng no longer ignored, and followed the guidance of the ring, making rapid progress.

In a battlefield.

Ye Feng found Yue Yiyan.

But at this time, here is a melee, as if everyone is fighting for something.

The lightning flashed on Yue Yiyan.

Condensed into wings, as if to leave here.

She is powerful and very powerful.

But now she does not want to participate in this battle.

"You can't go."

But this time, a voice sounded.

"Dare to use the law of lightning before me?"

"I really don't know what to do."

This voice is very cold.

As the sound came, the sky exploded and the thunder raged.

This is a punch.

But it opened the sky here, thunder spreading on it, terrified.

A young man came across.

He wore a long hair shawl, strong as a dragon, surrounded by lightning.

Dazzling like a little sun.

He came out of the air!

When the crowd saw him, all were shocked.

Lei Zhenzi.

This is a real arrogance.

It is a young master who can suppress genius in several circles.

And it's not sealed by myself.

It is the prestige that was killed. I don’t know how many peerless geniuses died in his hands.

Lei Zhenzi is too fast.

He appeared in front of Yue Yiyan in an instant and killed her.

At the same time coldly said: "Leave the treasure bug on you!"

"Go away."

Yue Yihu scolded.

She did not retreat, but raised her fist and killed Lei Zhenzi.


This place exploded.

It seems that the whole world is thunder and lightning, just like the last days.

Thunder Light raged for hundreds of miles.


Lei Zhenzi was surprised.

Because Yue Yiyan was not repelled.

Her body shone with holy light, as if a fairy was on the ground, and it was not dusty.

"It's a fairy."

Lei Zhenzi laughed: "But with Thunder, I am the supreme!"

"You are just axeing in the class door."

"Hand over the treasure insects on your body and spare you from death."

Say it.

He shot again.

Lightning penetrated the field control and entered the ground, and it was extremely powerful.

Lei Zhenzi stood on top of Thunder, so powerful that he punched down from the sky, as if to destroy the whole fairyland.

"Lei Zhenzi put out his best!"

When everyone saw this scene, they were all shocked.

"The fairy is in danger."

But at this time, Yue Yiyan gritted her teeth, she had to start.

But this time.

A black thunder pierced from a distance.


At this moment, everyone only felt that the world was shaking, as if the world were to be destroyed.

On Lei Zhenzi's body, the golden electric light shone.

But in front of the black thunder, it was as small as a canoe before the tsunami.


There was no earth-shattering explosion.

Because it was crushed from the beginning.

The black horror thunder smashed the golden electro-optics on Lei Zhenzi.

Everyone sees it clearly.

Lei Zhenzi's right hand exploded.

The flesh spattered, then split into powder by the black electro-optic.

The electric light dissipated.

Ye Feng appeared.

He pinched Lei Zhenzi's neck with his right hand.

When I saw this scene, the battlefield suddenly became quiet.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the scene.

Lei Zhenzi lost on Lei Dao?

He was also crushed by a punch.

People are also strangled by the neck!

"This is fake!"

Someone exclaimed, it was difficult to accept.

Ye Feng grabbed Lei Zhenzi's neck, lifted him up, and said indifferently, "Who just said you want to spare?"

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