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Above the Martial God realm, it is the real Spiritual God three realms!

The God Envoy! God! Gods!

Spiritual God that’s all! Only by crossing into the Divine Sovereign Realm is the righteous god in charge of the rules, authority, and overlooking the Three Realms!

As for Divinity Venerable Realm, they can even surpass the ordinary rules, and they are the most high level rules themselves!

Since ancient times, million years, Divinity Venerable Level is only a handful.

Work it out carefully.

In the most recent Divinity Venerable Level, there are only nine that’s all. When the God World was shattered, all the nine extremely powerful gods who had betrayed the King of Slaughter!

Divinity Venerable Realm is called Supreme God only!

Even the lord of Heaven Realm today is nothing but the true Spiritual God Three Great Realms, that’s all!

The lord of Heaven Realm, the most noble person in the ancient territory world today, is also considered the strongest person, but also the righteous god with authority that’s all!

With the collapse of the God World, the nine Supreme Gods are nowhere to be found, and the Divinity Venerable Realm has almost become a legend!

Even, in today’s ancient territory world, even Zhengshen is rare!

“All Gods turn to Dusk!”

“The King of the Slaughter, by the strength of oneself, forcibly shattered the God World and brought the ancient territory world to the dusk of the gods…”

Fang Yu’s eyes were full of sorrow, and he remembered the scene where the King of Slaughter died during meditation in the remains of Heavenly Palace.

The broken gods within the realm, before the towering shattered temple, the strongest god king in history, cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Behind this one of the strongest god king, is the corpse of the endless Spiritual God, and above the sky, the dusk that slowly ends!

The God World has come to an end since then!

“How should I obtain this second slaughter sword fragment? Set foot in this portal and look for that fragment?”

Fang Yu asked slowly.

At this moment, on his arm, the imprint of the god slaughter seemed to feel the aura of the fragments of the second god slaughter sword, and it became more and more hot.

Just like before in the remains of Heavenly Palace and Inheritance Palace, the imprint of the slaughter forced Fang Yu to find the fragments of the slaughter sword in front of him!

Of course, Fang Yu is still very cautious at the moment.

Su Family has not fallen to this level, and the fragments of the Slaughter Sword are still not lost. Obviously, the fragments of the Slaughter Sword sealed in this portal are not so easy to obtain.

Fang Yu even suspected that since the decline of Su Family and no longer the Martial God overlord Ancient Race, they, without the Martial God realm, might have tried to get the Divine Slaughter Sword like their ancestors did. Become a messenger of gods!

Unfortunately they did not succeed!

Otherwise, at this time, nothing will happen to Fang Yu!

“This…the old man doesn’t know anymore. Su Family has fallen so badly. Over the past ten thousand years, many ancient books have been lost!”

“If it were not the ancestors of the first Martial God realm, that god slaughter envoy, used secret technique to engrave these missions into the blood of my descendants, I am afraid that at this time, I should wait for Su Family blood Lost…”

The old man said slowly, looking very embarrassed.

Fang Yu didn’t care about this either.

Su Family and Fang Yu are not relatives, just for the mission of the clan, Guardian God has killed the Sword Fragments until now, it has been difficult for them all these years!

“For these two days, I will temporarily reside in Su Family as a doorman. After I obtain the Slayer Sword Fragment, I will make a promise to you Su Family!”

“Whether it is to make Su Family reproduce the City Lord Mansion or reproduce the glory of the Martial God Realm Overlord Influence, I can do it!”

Looking at this portal, Fang Yu pondered for a long time, and finally turned his eyes to the Su Family and his grandson.

Although Fang Yu did not stay long in Aolong Martial City, he still heard a lot of secret rumors in the city.

For example, the City Lord Mansion, Su Family, has fallen so badly because of the fall of the last powerhouse of Su Family’s imperial realm a hundred years ago.

Now the eight peak forces are working together to kill all the young Tianjiao generations of Su Family at that time, until the bloodline of the City Lord Mansion has a fault!

Martial Dao inheritance will not pick up!

That night, foul wind and bloody rain swept the Martial City of Aolong. From then on, the so-called City Lord Mansion In name only! The backbone was even more interrupted!


“Now, Su Family’s blood and my grandmother and granddaughter, this is already very good! Su Family is about to complete the mission, so I won’t cause you any trouble…”

The old man has an old face, full of twilight, and a bit of decadent aura on his body. Obviously, his life essence should have been exhausted long ago. Now he is only relying on medicine pill to survive that’s all.

It’s just that, using medicine pill to continue life, it won’t last long. When it’s really died during meditation, that’s the end of the soul flew away and scattered!

The words are only finished.

old man, with a hesitant tone again, his eyes pleading, moved towards Fang Yuwang.

“little old man, there is a request!”

“Please also read about the hard work of our Su Family guarding the fragments of the Slaughter Sword for generations. After the little old man the soul flew away and scattered, please take care of my grandson one or two…”

“Martial Dao cultivation, juvenile spirit, should have been a good thing! But… But we City Lord Mansion and Eight Great Influence have a deep hatred, they would never want to see my grandson rise, even if we didn’t even think about it. Revenge…”

In this place of Martial City, the proud dragon dominated by eight blood feud forces, this old man is struggling to support the City Lord Mansion. The difficulties can be imagined.

“No hurry!”

“Now, there is still a lot of time to find the second slaughter sword fragment in the portal in front of me!”

“You grandson, I will take care of it! My Fang Yu’s promise remains the same. Think about it, what do you want…”

Speaking of this, Fang Yu’s voice paused. The original deep eyes were as sharp as a sword in an instant, and he moved towards the east looking straight, still with a slight chill.

“Promise not in a hurry!”

“I will go there for a while to find my guests! I thought Fang Yu was an Outsider, so I could bully at will?”

“Hehe! If they really think so, it would be ridiculous! My Fang Yu has never suffered! Those who want to fight me are all dead!”

Fang Yu finished speaking coldly.

next moment.

Above the sky, there was a rolling sound, like a thunderbolt roar, and three terrifying powerhouse aura emerged from the east.

These three breaths are all the cultivation base of the imperial realm!


These are three Old Monsters of the Emperor Realm!

“Get out!”

“Foreign kid! I am waiting for the Aolong Martial City local cultivator, if you don’t beat you like a pig or dog, I will kneel and beg for mercy, even if I give you face for this Tianjiao giant!”

“You dared to kill the old man’s son-in-law, you are extremely vicious! The old man must kill you! It will thwart you!”

The sound of the old roar blasted Heaven and Earth.

hong long long!

With the fall of the voice, above the sky, the sky that was originally ten thousand li cloudless, instantly became overcast, and the forest was extremely cold.

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