
You can search for “Super Slaughter System Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

According to the deduction of the heavenly chart, Fang Yu went straight to the Martial City of Aolong. After the Battle of the Dragon Terrace, he was lucky for the Golden Dragon at both ends, and his fortune improved a lot.


Fang Yu will be in Inside the City Lord Mansion, waiting for the moment when the curse aura has completely disappeared and his fortune has completely returned.

Be a doorman?

A Tianjiao giant comparable to the powerhouse of the imperial realm, come to their City Lord Mansion as a gatekeeper?

How is this possible!

When Fang Yu said this, all the powerhouses in the City Lord Mansion’s presence became weird.

What’s more, his face was flushed and he mistakenly thought that Fang Yu was here to play with them!

trifling City Lord Mansion that’s all!

Since the previous generation of Old City Lord, this powerhouse of the Emperor Realm fell, their City Lord Mansion was removed from the Eight Great Influence!

In a hundred years since then, no one has been able to carry the backbone of the City Lord Mansion!

A statue comparable to the battle strength of the imperial realm can easily crush their entire City Lord Mansion. The Tianjiao giant who is suspected to be born in Martial God Overlord Influence, come to them to be the gatekeeper!

This is simply a fantasy story!

At this moment.

City Lord Mansion, the strongest that Peak Great Saint old man, also felt that Fang Yu deliberately humiliated them City Lord Mansion.

Suddenly, the body of anger trembled, but he dared not say anything, lest he angered Fang Yu a little bit, and let this Tianjiao giant find the cause, crushing them City Lord Mansion!

The eight top powers all gave way in front of the Tianjiao giants with mysterious origins and comparable to the emperor realm, even more how they City Lord Mansion.

With Fang Yu’s strength, letting City Lord Mansion extinguish sect couldn’t be easier!

“I’m waiting for your lacking hatred and enmity! Why do you deliberately humiliate me City Lord Mansion! Is it trying to plot the assets of my City Lord Mansion?”

The old man didn’t dare to provoke Fang Yu, but the young man in the seven-star Great Saint state was still in his youthful mood.

He looked at Fang Yu angrily and shouted out loud.

If it weren’t for the old man who was dragging him desperately, I’m afraid he of the seven-star Saint Realm would have moved towards Fang Yu on the spot!

“It’s not a joke! It’s not a deliberate humiliation!”

“I have a treasure. I walked through this place to calculate the secrets and guide me here! In the calculations of the secrets, I have this connection with you and the City Lord Mansion…”

Fang Yu said slowly.

Such words immediately shocked many City Lord Mansion powerhouses, and their hearts were shaken.

City Lord Mansion, over the past hundred years, not many treasures of various resources are left! Where is it worth the plot of the Tianjiao giant in front of him?

“The hit is related to the City Lord Mansion such as me…”

old man, with a hot color in his eyes, his attitude changed drastically, and he quickly wanted to welcome Fang Yu into the mansion.


The old man left many powerhouses, leaving only the youngster in the Seven-Star Great Saint realm, accompanied by Fang Yu.

A group of three people walked slowly in the City Lord Mansion.


After a rockery, a void portal appeared in front of the three of them, and the old man couldn’t help moving towards Fang Yu and asked.


“The prophecy must be true!”

“At this time, such a giant of Tianjiao came to me and waited for the City Lord Mansion! Your Excellency, you must be the one in the prophecy!”

“I wonder if you can let me take a look at your inheritance mark…”

The old man’s eyes were hot, extremely excited, and trembling, he moved towards Fang Yu and walked towards Fang Yu, wanting to explore Fang Yu.

An old Peak Great Saint, with Fang Yu’s strength, can be killed with a finger, easier than killing an eight-star Great Saint.


Fang Yu didn’t stop the old man.

Because he remembered one thing! On him, the only thing that can be regarded as the mark of inheritance is the Heavenly Palace Seal mark and the mark of the gods.

“Is it related to the Heavenly Palace or the Slayer Sword?”

It didn’t take long.

Fang Yu knew the answer.

Looking at Fang Yu’s shoulder, the four corners lit up one of the gods’ marks, the old man’s body trembled, and the old man was crying. He couldn’t help moving towards Fang Yu and knelt.

“Slaying messenger! 100th 70th generation! Meet the new generation of Sir Divine Lord! I wait for Su Family to guard the fragments of the Slaying Sword for millions of years, and finally usher in your arrival!”

After speaking, the old man knelt down at Fang Yu’s feet piously.

It’s not just him.

Even on the side, the arrogant teenager had an incredible expression in his eyes. He followed the old man and knelt before Fang Yu.

“Slaying Messenger!”

“Watching the Slayer Sword Fragment Million years…”

Fang Yu’s eyes widened, expressions of horror all over his face.

In the remains of Heavenly Palace, he got the shards of the Slaughter Sword. I thought that the second fragment of the Slaughter Sword I went to, I didn’t know how many years before I could meet the opportunity.

Who ever thought.

However, just after leaving the Lingyun Secret Realm, I encountered the second Divine Slaughter Sword fragment in Aolong Martial City!

“I am indeed the chosen descendant for the Lord of the Slaughter Sword! Since they can be regarded as my own, please tell me in detail about your Su Family Divine Slaughter…”

How precious is the God Slaughter Sword!

Fang Yu already knew the scene after the previous ten-square slaughter order space and the scene of the 3rd Illusory World in the remains of Heavenly Palace.

This slaughter sword is the most powerful house in the ancient territory of the Three Realms, and the weapon of the king of slaughter! Moreover, at the last moment of the fall of the King of Slaughter, the power of the God World was integrated into this sword.

Who can gather the four pieces of the God Slaughter Sword, when the time comes, who is in charge of the God World, the king of the new generation of gods!


The old man was nodded with excitement, and slowly talked about the glory of the ancestors, the relationship with the king of the slaughter, and the prophecy legend.

One hundred 10,000 years ago, when the king of the slaughter was still survived in the world, there were nine extremely powerful gods and four confidant gods!

The king of slaughter, died during the last moment of meditation, the sword of slaughter jumped to pieces and scattered in Human World! The first generation of the Slaughter Sword Fragments was the Divine Slaughter Messenger, who also shouldered the responsibility to inherit the Slaughter Sword Fragments from generation to generation until the arrival of the Inheritor.

At the time of glory, Su Family was also an Ancient Race in the Martial God forces, the twelve overlords of Human World! But it didn’t take long before it fell.

One 10,000 years ago, the final heritage of Ancient Race was exhausted!

Su Family, the last powerhouse of the imperial realm, took all the clansman and went incognito to the place of Martial City, the mysterious wind domain.

For the prophecy of that illusory, for ten thousand years, Su Family has always guarded this portal where the fragments of the Slayer Sword are sealed.

Furthermore, as the old man told, Fang Yu learned something he didn’t know at all.

When the Inheritor collects the first piece of the Slaughter Sword fragment, the Fragment of the Slaughter Sword will absorb the Inheritor’s luck to warm itself.

When collecting two pieces of the slaughter sword, the imprint of the slaughter held by the Inheritor can sense where the aura of the other fragments lies!

When collecting the three pieces of the Slaughter Sword, the Inheritor deliberately stole the authority of some of the God Worlds, and ordered the gods of the God World to have righteous gods!

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