The Martial God battlefield, standing in the sky zone in the center of Lingyun Heaven and Earth, was part of the ancient territory World Source Heaven and Earth 100,000 years ago.

After 100,000 years of evolution, the Martial God battlefield is now extremely stable! The stability is a bit too heavy.

Here, if it is better than the Great Saint Realm, it will be suppre ed! A cultivation base strength, secret technique means, ten will not save one.

Only the cultivation base above the Emperor realm is truly qualified to maintain the peak state in this Martial God battlefield.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

Whoever holds the tokens of Heavenly Palace authority will be ble ed in the Martial God battlefield where many Heavenly Palace ancestors have fallen!

This ble ing power is enough to offset the suppre ion of the fear of Martial God on the battlefield!

The sky of scarlet, the land of scarlet, barren, is barren! Looking around, the rocky wilderness is full, and there is a smell of blood that cannot be di ipated in the air.

“Is this the Martial God battlefield?”

“It is true that 100,000 years ago, the place where the two Great Sects of Heavenly Palace were ruined and countless powerhouses! This rich blood Energy, even after 100,000 years, has never been di ipated.”

The void was distorted.


Fang Yu’s figure appeared here! Looking at this scarlet world, Fang Yu sighed and frowned.

Although he has the Heavenly Palace key in his hand, he still doesn’t know much about the Martial God battlefield! For the preparation of Martial God battlefield, there is not even as much soul refining as the Demon Emperor.

Previously, I entered batch after batch of Great Saint Realm powerhouses, even the acknowledge allegiance Fang Yu, as a servant of 57 holy realm ominous beasts, have also entered most of them!

As a result, there is no half a silhouette of the scarlet wilderness that you can see! Even if Fang Yu followed the induction of those holy realm ominous beasts, he couldn’t even feel it.

“Could it be that the Great Saint Realm that came in first, has all been destroyed here? Shouldn’t it! If it is so dangerous, he will definitely avoid it by refining the cunning of the Demon Emperor, and it is basically impossible. Choose to step into it…”

Fang Yu is full of doubts. Stealth is in this scarlet wilderne , his body is as fast as a streamer, and he wants to go to the end of this scarlet wilderne .


The Yukong gallops 3000 li!

Don’t say that you have stepped out of the scarlet wilderne , Fang Yu can’t even tell the direction, here he is lost!


“It’s so weird!”

Fang Yu stood there, his gaze suddenly fixed, he actually saw that he just Set foot on the Martial God battlefield, leaving a mark on the ground.

Walking around, I returned to the original place!

“It seems it is time to use this thing!”

“Heavenly Palace key!”

“Heavenly Palace powerhouse is full of fallen On the Martial God battlefield, I dont know how useful this Heavenly Palace key can be!” In the system space, Fang Yu took out the Heavenly Palace key.

Under these circumstances.

If you dont want to make some noise, Fang Yu will probably be trapped here!


Heavenly Palace key is out!

In an instant, a bright aura burst out, and the endless scarlet wilderness in his eyes was suddenly distorted!


“It turned out to be the Sect Master key!”

“You little baby, unexpectedly has such a connection with our Heavenly Palace! It seems that this scarlet wilderness can’t trap you anymore!”

In this endless wilderne , there are old voices, slowly sounding.


next moment.

The horrible suction is emerging!

When Fang Yu’s eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in the other side’s majestic, simple and vast ancient palace.

In the center of ancient palace, there are nine statues of the Great!


The nine stone statues of the great emperor are all as tall as thousand zhang, full of traces of time, and there is no divine light flowing on them.

Obviously, the nine emperors themselves have all fallen 100,000 years ago!

In this majestic ancient palace, in addition to Que Fang Yu, there are also several silhouettes. They are the two leaders of the survivors of Heavenly Palace, Old Ghost Xuan, and Old Ghost Xuan!

In addition, there are two other people, all of whom are the Lingyun Heaven and Earth. Except for the remnants of Heavenly Palace, they are trapped in the Great Saint that Heaven and Earth cannot leave!

Old Ghost Xuan, Old Ghost Xuan, all have treasures in their hands, blooming with the breath of Heavenly Palace orthodox cultivator belonging to 100,000 years ago!

As for the two Great Saints who are trapped in Heaven and Earth and cannot leave, they each have a bone jade in their hands!

It’s just that this bone jade is extremely inferior and unbearably promulgated. There is only the word “Shijun” on it, and it seems to be about to shatter.

“Sage Fang, why did he also descend on the Martial God battlefield?”

“Previously, at Path to Heaven, above the 99,999 Dao Altar level, he was not angry Two Martial God adults?”

“How could he still appear in the Martial God battlefield alive…”

The two Human Race Great Saints saw Fang Yu appear , All complexion changed, turned around, and talked in private for a while.

As for the tortoise Old Ghost Xuan and Old Ghost Xuan, they all glanced at Fang Yu, coldly snorted, and turned their heads involuntarily.

Before, Fang Yu let them knead!

In Path to Heaven, Fang Yus battle strength is too terrifying! Yun Feng who killed the five-star Great Saint again!

It is the Yun Soul Orb who has carried the Emperor’s blow again. It is immortal, and it is so arrogant that it can challenge the two Martial Gods, and it has not died yet!

Even if the two Heavenly Palace survivors tribe leaders in front of them, no matter how unwilling to admit them, they still have to admit that Fang Yu may not be able to beat them!

“Five people!”

“ha ha ha! How many years! How many years this Martial God battlefield, here is the remains of Heavenly Palace Inheritance Palace, not so lively anymore “

“Since the five gathered together, they all have several points of origin with the ancient Heavenly Palace! Now, this great hall of Heavenly Palace inheritance should also be opened!”


The old man’s voice that brought Fang Yu out of the scarlet wilderness before rang again! There are endless waves in this great hall.

On the stone statue of the Nine Dao Great Emperors, there was a glorious bloom.

A illusory silhouette of an old man emerges here.

“The old man first introduce himself, I waited 100,000 years ago, Heavenly Palace sect inheritance will be a big battle, guard the True Spirit!”

“Heavenly Palace is destroyed, but the inheritance of Heavenly Palace Unbreakable! As the guardian True Spirit of the Inheritance Palace Hall, the old man must fulfill his duty!”

“100,000 years ago, when the Heavenly Palace cultivator had a breakthrough Great Saint, every time Five people, the Inheritance Palace hall will be opened, and there are countless opportunities hidden by the ancestors of Heavenly Palace! Inside, it is up to you to wait for the good fortune.”

“Of course, old age As the guardian of True Spirit, I want to remind you! Even the orthodox Heavenly Palace cultivator, this opportunity is only once in a lifetime! In Reincarnation Realm, you have to choose carefully and choose your own opportunity carefully…”

Illusive old man, slowly telling.

In the great hall, with the exception of Fang Yu, the rest of the Great Saints are unspeakably excited, and their breathing is also fast, obviously desperate for this trial of Reincarnation Realm.

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