The Great Evil Heavenly Demon Venerable disintegrated, and the two extraterritorial evil spirits looked unharmed, and slowly moved towards Fang Yu where they were approaching, and suddenly felt a scalp numb.

The unknown is the most terrifying!

They couldn’t see what method Fang Yu had used to survive so many shadows.

This is where they feel scared!


“Look at it!”

“This child is so weird, it definitely has Pantheon origins! It’s not without the Divine Seal. , But the Divine Seal is too deep, and the grade is too high, it is not something I can sense at all!”

“This kind of weird scene, even if Fang Yu has a Divine King branded protective body on him, I believe it too! Otherwise, dont say Great Saint, the Great Lord, even if the Samsung Emperor is here, just defending and not attacking, we should have been beaten to ashes just now.”

Two The soul flew away and scattered when Fang Yu approached, and the soul flew away and scattered. Without any hesitation, he turned and fled.


For this, Fang Yu came next to them, pre ing a palm on their shoulders, and his voice flickered, but it was like a life-death.

“Where are you going to go?”

“Are you going now?”

“Why, I’ll give it away!”< /p>


A horrible suction force, followed by Fang Yus body, came from the system, and immediately pulled the two foreign evil spirits into the system space. .

“ding dong!”

“Succe fully hunted down two extraterritorial evil souls!”

“Special reward: two scarlet treasure chests! After opening, Randomly get a special card with permanent effects!”

Special cards!

Permanent effect!

Special reward, scarlet treasure chest!

Fang Yu’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that the punches on his body didn’t hurt too much! Each of the special cards has a power against the sky.

It looks like the cards of the Seven-Star Great Saint ten breaths time, and the cards that are completely immune to six ten breaths. Fang Yu has already seen it just now!

There is no time limit, and Fang Yu is looking forward to a card with permanent effects.

If a permanent special card that is completely immune to damage can be drawn, wouldn’t Fang Yu just deal it!

In this dangerous place, Fang Yu can walk unhindered in the numerous ancient territory world of Powerhouse! After all, that is immune to all damage.

“This will open the treasure chest!”

“Draw! draw!”

Fang Yu invited the system panel and immediately turned the two flickering scarlet The treasure chest was opened, and a burst of dazzling radiance appeared.

After that, Guanghua dispersed.

Two cards that only Fang Yu can see appeared in front of Fang Yu.

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Legendary card! Absolute enslavement! Friendly reminder: Put this Legendary card together with the broken Martial God mask, but it has an extremely magical effect!”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Legendary card! Absolute enslavement! Friendly reminder: Put this Legendary card together with the broken Martial God mask, but it has an extremely magical effect!”

Two cards full of dazzling patterns, just suspended in front of Fang Yu, not only look and function exactly the same, even the hints given by the system are the same.

Legendary card?

Fang Yu’s eyes flickered.

At this moment, the two are full of cracks, but the top of the mask is a mask with a sun and a moon pattern, which appeared in Fang Yu’s hands.

Looking at the two Legendary enslavement cards and the effect of this broken Martial God mask, Fang Yu glanced at the Martial God battlefield again, looking thoughtful!

Fang Yu already had some gue es in his mind about why those two extraterritorial evil souls were here in Heaven and Earth, and why Heavenly Palace fell 100,000 years ago!

These two extraterritorial evil spirits should have escaped from the ruins of God World, or they might have a connection with God World!

100,000 years ago, after coming to this world of nine territories on earth, these two extraterritory evil spirits began to plot the fleshy body of the two of the three strongest Martial Gods!

100,000 years ago, they used their means to fight in the bewitching Heavenly Palace. The two powerful Martial Gods turned against each other and broke into Heaven and Earth, forming this Martial God battlefield.

I am afraid that in the last body po e ion, the two strongest Martial Gods also discovered the existence of these two extraterritorial evil souls, as well as plots and methods to isolate the two extraterritorial evil souls. Martial God was outside the battlefield, and the two strong Martial God bodies fell into a deep sleep, and the true soul was sinking into reincarnation, in a half-dead and half-alive situation.

“If this is the case, then I am afraid that these two extraterritorial evil spirits will be picked up by me for 100,000 years of squatting!”

Fang Yu’s eyes flickered.

Of course, all this is just his gue . What is the real fact? The soul flew away and scattered in the system space has already been two of the two evil souls outside the territory, so I can’t tell him.

Fang Yu wants the answer, so he can only go to the Martial God battlefield by himself. After seeing the two strongest Martial Gods, everything will be known!

“Two Legendary cards, absolutely enslavement! If this is used together with the effect of the broken Martial God mask, there is a po ibility that it will allow me to succe fully enslave two powerful Martial Gods…”


“If this is the case, I am afraid that I will walk unhindered in this ancient territory Human World in the future! Even if the overlord Martial God forces see me, I will retreat!”

< p>Fang Yu’s mind is full of thoughts.

Ancient territory is the detached continent! Legend, divided into three parties Heaven and Earth Great World! The world of earth, Heaven Realm! There are hundreds of God World 10,000 years ago!

When he first came to the ancient territory world, Fang Yu received a ten-fang slaughter order, and he peeped into some secrets about the ancient God World.

There is also a crazy white-haired man who gave the imprint of the god slaughter, let Fang Yu collect a square fragment called the god slaughter sword, and then kill God World for him to be rebellious!

Now ancient territory world.

The God World has become a legend. Million years have not appeared before, so that the cultivator can’t pursue the trace of Pantheon at all!

Heaven Realm, above the nine realms of the world.

Since the fall of Heavenly Palace 100,000 years ago, Heaven Realm occasionally walks through numerous cultivators in the lower realm. Even the lower realm has never been lower!

If it werent for some ancient Martial God Overlord Influence, you could occasionally contact the cultivator of Heaven Realm. Im afraid that after 100,000 years, Heaven Realm will soon become a legend.

As for the nine worlds of this world, the twelve overlord Martial God forces, like the blazing sun in the sky, look down on the Human World!

For 100,000 years, since the three most powerful Martial Gods, the fall of the fall, the set foot on the Heaven Realm, the set foot on the Heaven Realm! There is no fourth strongest Martial God in the world.

For 100,000 years ago, the second of the three most powerful Martial Gods, Heavenly Venerate Martial God and Xuantian Martial God, if Fang Yu can enslave them!

That Fang Yu alone can sweep Human World! Dominate the nine domains and plunder resources to provide your own cultivation.

The twelve overlord Martial God forces, no matter how strong they are! Together, it is not enough for a supreme Martial God to hang on one hand.

“Xuantian Martial God! Heavenly Venerate Martial God!”

Fang Yu gave a chuckle, and under the dreaded and horrified gazes of the Great Saints, he stepped into the portal of the Martial God battlefield Among.

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