“hong long long ~”

In the green flames, there is an endless force of decay. When strikes are restrained, the power increases in vain and a dull moment After the loud noise, the Qingyan had already broken through and the strikes were on Fang Yu.


There was another crisp sound, and Fang Yu’s foot was light, and he was immediately blasted by this force for several meters.

Fortunately, the perverted defense power of the dragon armor has not collapsed.

After forcibly resisting this blow, the entire dragon armor was in tatters.

Fang Yu’s heart tightened, his eyes fixed on the direction behind the middle age person.

It’s the old man!

The old man of Traceless Sect.

Taking advantage of Fang Yu’s distraction, suddenly a sneak attack.

His strength is not low.

I dont know how long I have stayed in Martial Venerable Realm. The aptitude is obviously higher than Fang Yu.

This situation was unexpected by Fang Yu.

Glanced at Dao Fang again, he still didn’t move at all.

Fang Yu gritted his teeth and wanted to take out the puppet that Shaohan gave to him.

With the help of the puppets, these people were forcibly resolved.

However, the grievances between Dao Fang and Shao Han Fang Yu are clear in their hearts.

The ghast of Shaohan is no different from Shaohan himself.

Once you take it out, maybe Old Guy will react.

Thinking about it, Fang Yu was coldly snorted, and the whole body suddenly became bright.

In my mind, the huge nebula picture slowly revolves.

For the strength of Fleshy body, he may not be Old Guy’s opponent.

But more than the power of artistic conception.

In the ancient chess game, there are many people with strong artistic conception!

The power of the violent artistic conception flows slowly, mixed with the power of time distortion.

After a while, everything around me was brilliant.

Above the great hall, a huge che board illusory shadow suddenly appeared.

As soon as the illusory shadow appeared, all the spirits gushed out from where the child was dropped.

The beam of light quietly wrapped the old man.

The face of the middle age person was taken aback.

“What is this?”

“What a strange breath power…”

When he muttered to himself, the old man had already reacted first come.

“Not good! It’s Devouring Power!”

He roared, his voice fell, and his whole body suddenly exploded.

Dragon Mark lingers all over the body, trying to withstand the power of the beam of light that has lasted through the ages of che .

He is not a fool.

Although I dont know what this fine light and che board are.

But the powerful Devouring Power contained in this beam of light can still be noticed.

All the breath of Realm of Martial Venerable burst, Fang Yu’s ability is also amazing.

However, Fang Yu is also Realm of Martial Venerable.

With the improvement of Fang Yu’s realm, the Devouring Power of the eternal chess game has also increased several times.

Under the same realm, almost no one can escape the swallowing power of the ancient chess game.

Even if an outsider intervenes, it is very likely to be trapped.

The reason why you directly took out the chess game of the ages is to defend against the despicable Ancestor Master.

Although he is the pinnacle of Martial Emperor.

But it is obviously not a wise move to intervene at this moment. I can’t do it, powerless to defend himself.

Facts are also within Fang Yu’s expectations.

When the beams of light wrapped up a few people in the chess game, he was frowned and finally chose to stand in place.

“boom~ boom~ ~”

The old man in the beam of light broke out to the extreme at this moment.

The turbulent power lingered out, guarding the body, actually barely resisting the Devouring Power in the beam of light.

However, looking at the red color on his face, it is obviously an arrow at the end of its flight, which will not last long.

Compared to this old man, the others are not so lucky.

Allow them to struggle and resist, and they can’t escape the swallowing of the beam of light.

After a while, the silhouette of the whole person disappeared with the beam of light.

Finally, the powerhouse of Martial Venerable Realm worked hard for a few minutes, and Fang Yu really felt pain for him.

Without even thinking about it, he directly shouted loudly, punched him suddenly, and strikes towards him.

“hong long long!”

The waves of fist shadows transformed by the dragon of heaven, accompanied by a violent fist wind, plunged into the old mans body. There was a deep rumbling sound.

Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse’s violent blow, even if it is defensive, is difficult to resist.

even more how the old man is an arrow at the end of its flight at this time.


The deep rumbling sound sounded slowly.

The body of the old man was directly swallowed by the beam of light of the ancient chess game.

At the moment the silhouette disappeared, Fang Yu could already clearly notice that the aura in him was fading rapidly.

Presumably even if he enters the chess game of the ages, he is one of the living dead.

It is obviously impossible to figure out the Profound Truth of the ancient chess game.

“You brat, how could it be Martial Venerable Realm?”

Fourth Elder has been stunned.

I looked at Fang Yu incredulously and asked.

A few days ago, Fang Yus realm was still in Realm of Martial Ancestor.

In just a few days, have you actually entered the Martial Venerable Realm?

Fang Yu gave a wry smile, not at all to answer Fourth Elder’s words.

Looking at Daofang, his brows frowned slightly.

After being dull for a while, he sneered.

It seems that I have figured out something. Looking at Fang Yu, he whispered: “For the time being, I dont care about your past deeds.

Today, you are in my Pill Sect and personally killed Traceless Sect. Great Elder.

On this alone, my Pill Sect from now on cannot accommodate you.

Since you have already said it yourself, from now on has nothing to do with our Pill Sect . Then leave as soon as po ible. I wont cause Pill Sect to incur any disaster! “

After speaking, he left with his hand directly.

Fourth Elder looked anxious, and when he wanted to say and so on, he was already stopped by several other Elders.

Several of them have strange faces.

No need to speak, Fang Yu already knows what they mean.

In this case, there is no need to miss it.

A respectful salute to Fourth Elder, without too much goodbye.

Although since entering Pill Sect, he has not yet called him Master.

But in Fang Yu’s heart, he has surpa ed Master.

Todays grace is unforgettable. If you have a chance in the future, you must repay it.

Turning to leave the great hall of Tanhua Pavilion and stepping out of the great hall, the grief and indignant silhouette of Fourth Elder came again behind him: “You brat, I remember it for Lao Tzu, you will always be Lao Tzu’s discipline. Give me Stay alive, you still owe Laozi…”

Outside the Pill Sect Tanghua Pavilion, Fang Yu stood on the square.

Standing here before, the scene of Fourth Elder and the others robbing people is still vivid.

I did not expect to leave so soon.

I thought that after escaping from the Misty State and entering Pill Sect, I could live in peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, here is the beginning of the road to escape.

Exterminated the old man, the Great Elder of Number One Sect Traceless Sect in Shire.

Presumably in the future, there will be no more place for Fang Yu in this great Shire state.

The people of Traceless Sect are much more difficult to deal with than the sects of Miaozhou.

Now, the only place to go is the origin of the small square Heaven and Earth.

Only by going there, maybe we can find a real place to stand…

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