“Since Traceless Sect and other Great Sects insist that my Pill Sect disciple is unclean! Why should we say more?”

When everyone calms down, Dao Fang slowly exited again.

This sentence sounds very domineering, and it doesn’t seem to make sense.

I thought he, like Fourth Elder, wanted to protect shortcomings.

Unexpectedly, he murmured another sentence: “Since they want people, they will be handed over to them. That is to prevent people from all over the world from laughing and saying that Pill Sect has no eyes to know people. “

As soon as this statement came out, Fourth Elder was taken aback.

My eyes widened, and I didn’t believe it. This would come from the Ancestor Master.

“Ancestor Master, no!”

I just wanted to step forward to persuade, but was stopped by a few Elders on the side: “Okay, even the Taoist Ancestor Master spoke , What are you clinging to?”

“Ancestor Master is wise!”

It is a few old men who have succeeded in a trick.

The gloomy eyes swept across Fourth Elder, and he said with a sneer: “Where is that kid? Don’t hand it over soon? Is it po ible that, and we need to search for it personally? “

“Don’t be so troublesome!”

With a few people tone barely fell, Fang Yu has slowly walked into the great hall.

He glanced at Daofang’s body, and then placed it on the old man.

“Why haven’t you left? Courting death!”

The moment Fang Yu appeared, Fourth Elder’s face sank again, and he pulled Fang Yu back down and lowered it. Voice: “Didn’t I let someone inform you?”

“The world is so big that even Pill Sect is not a place for me. Where else can I go?”

Fang Yu looked at Fourth Elder with a wry smile, shook the head.

I can’t help but feel grateful.

Since entering Pill Sect, he has been very fond of Fang Yu. The whole Pill Sect is up and down. At this moment, he is the only one who wants to protect Fang Yu.

This kindness is nothing in return.

In front of everyone, Fang Yu gave a big gift to Fourth Elder, said solemnly: “From now on, I am no longer the discipline of Pill Sect, Fourth Elder, and Pill Sect. It doesn’t matter at all!”

This is the best way Fang Yu can think of repaying Fourth Elder.

Don’t hinder Tanhuage, don’t hinder him.

As soon as these words came out, the whole great hall was suddenly quiet again.

The old man’s face was weird, but after a while, he was happy.

Here is Pill Sect, even more how and Ancestor Master is here.

Even if Fang Yu stood in front of him, he didn’t dare to take it easily.

It’s good now, Fang Yu took the initiative to clear the relationship with Tanhuage.

The middle age person next to the old man was also taken aback for a moment. I don’t know why Fang Yu dropped this last straw.

Only Fourth Elder, his gaze was dull, his eyes staring at Fang Yu.

I was short of breath, my face turned pale, and my whole body was trembling slightly.

I don’t know if Fang Yu was angry.

But at this time, Fang Yu didn’t have time to explain more.

His eyes were again placed on the few people headed by the old man, and he opened the mouth and said in a deep voice: “Aren’t you going to take my life? Come on!”

” Start!”

Fang Yu tone barely fell, the old man was not stunned anymore, his low tone instantly sounded.

The middle age person beside him is already impatient.

Getting the old man’s order, he burst out in an imposing manner.

this aura, comparable to the peak of Martial Sect.

Fang Yu, without the slightest hesitation, instilled Spiritual Qi from within the body dantian onto the dragon armor.

“bang bang bang!”

When the defensive power of the dragon armor just appeared, dozens of violent power strikes were already on Fang Yu.

Martial Sect Peak Realm powerhouse shot, the speed is fast as lightning.

Rapid and violent.

The middle age person’s breath is not low, and his strength is not weak.

These dozens of violent power strikes on Fang Yu’s body, mixed with the power of surging artistic conception, actually shook Fang Yu’s body with the power of the dragon-clad guard.

Aftermath, almost breakthrough the defense power of dragon armor.

In a few years, after waiting for the guy to enter the Realm of Martial Venerable, with this offensive method, Fang Yu is bound to suffer a lot of damage.

However, at this time his fleshy body strength has already reached Realm of Martial Venerable.

This power is awe-inspiring and violent, but Fang Yu still does not pose too much threat.

But continue to let his unbridled strikes go on, and when the power of the dragon armor is broken, he can still take advantage.

Anyway, after a desperate fight, Fang Yu didn’t care about other things, so he went all out.

The breath of the Throne of Sin was faintly wafting, and it turned into shape in a moment.

The huge shadow, as Fang Yu’s strength increased, his aura actually strengthened a lot.

The surging power of artistic conception appeared on the black shadow, and when the a side World was enveloped, bursts of blood suddenly floated around.

In the bloody smell, violent hostility swept through unscrupulously.

“You said you are not a murderous madman? Even the throne is so bloody…”

The middle age person’s eyes frowned, and his face suddenly startedled when he was about to say something.


“This aura, why is it so strange?”

tone barely fell, Fang Yu’s breath has been released.

Without the slightest reservation, he instilled all Spiritual Qi into the Throne of Sin, and suddenly strikes towards the middle age person.

The power of this blow is comparable to the peak of Martial Venerable!

Bursts of monstrous killing intent, accompanied by the smell of violent blood, linger beside the middle age person.

This kind of power is completely beyond the ability of a middle age person.

Even if you encounter the powerhouse of Martial Saint Realm, you can barely touch it.

“Martial Venerable……”

“This kid is actually Martial Venerable Realm!”

The face of the middle age person changed suddenly.

His pupils widened, staring at the violent power that fell.

The extremely rich Spiritual Qi flows from him within the body, intending to turn around and avoid it.

At such a short distance, he obviously has no retreat.


There was a loud noise like the sky.

The violent power of the Throne of Sin suddenly fell to the ground.

However, to Fang Yu’s surprise, this blow, not at all, smashed the middle age person.

On the contrary, a golden light suddenly appeared, and under the golden light, a giant dragon covered in scales soared out.

Opening a huge mouth, exposing his face full of fangs, he swallowed Fang Yu’s violent blow in one mouthful.

After a while, the golden light slowly fell, and the surroundings returned to calm again.

Is the Tao Fang Ancestor Master!

Fang Yu’s eyes twitched.

Just now, he clearly saw Dao Fang Ancestor Master wave his hand at random, and summon out of the giant dragon.

Absolutely didn’t expect, he would actually shoot.

Moreover, or for to protect an outsider!

This surprised Fang Yu’s heart.

I gave Daofang a puzzled look, but he didn’t mean to explain at all.

The middle age person came back to his senses with a lingering heart. He glared at Fang Yu and rushed to say thank you.

“Be careful behind!”

Fang Yu opened his mouth, just about to say something, but at this moment, Fourth Elder burst into harmony.

The imposing manner broke out all over, and bursts of aura flashed by, forming an invisible restriction.

At the moment when this restriction was condensed beside Fang Yu, a green flame had already shot directly towards Fang Yu.

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