“It’s all brothers, it’s nothing to be polite!”

Fang Yu stood aside with a smile, not at all showing a strange expre ion in his eyes.

After witne ing the bloodthirsty Demon Lord putting on the small ring, I felt relieved.

Wear the main ring on your hand.

Fang Yu’s mind sank, and the continuous power of the small ring instantly sank into Fang Yu’s body.

An invisible restraining force is formed in the sea of qi at Dantian.

This power is very similar to the power of space imprinting.

However, this power has no effect on Fang Yu, it can only affect the bloodthirsty Demon Lord wearing a small ring.

At this moment, he has put the small ring on his hand.

An invisible force radiated from him instantly.

He is frowned, although he is already the cultivation base of Martial Sect realm at the moment.

But with this power, he is still a little puzzled.

The puzzled shook the head wanted to ask Fang Yu out loud, but he was afraid that Fang Yu would be angry. After thinking about it, he forcibly held it back.

In the end, she was completely blank, looking at Fang Yu’s satisfied eyes, standing stupidly in place.

Fang Yu looked at him and didn’t explain much.

Obviously, the power of the contract has taken effect.

The power of this contract has been planted invisibly on the body of the bloodthirsty Demon Lord.

Once he has any attempt to harm Fang Yu, then the power of this contract will instantly appear and swallow him.

Fang Yu didn’t know where this Soul Swallowing Ring came from.

But hundreds of years ago, some people used it.

The man Xiaojie threw away the ring without authorization, trying to tear the contract.

It’s a pity that as soon as the person of the Lord Rings thought, he was directly swallowed by the power of the contract.

Since then, the reputation of Swallowing the Soul Ring has become irritable.

However, for the sake of morality, this summary is really not suitable for Upright Sect, and it is not ashamed of many people.

So since then, Soul Swallowing Ring has completely disappeared from this continent.

The matter of swallowing the soul ring was gradually forgotten by many people.

If you find it in the spar mall, Fang Yu might even think that such a thing does not exist.

After all, not many people know where the Heaven and Earth power contained in this soul swallowing ring comes from.

I don’t know how violent this power is, even the powerhouse of Martial Saint Realm can swallow it.

As I muttered to myself, I looked at the bloodthirsty Demon Lord.

At this moment, his face is still blank, as if he has never experienced world events.

It took a long time to go up and down, this guy can’t exceed Fang Yu’s 100 meters distance, but it’s obviously not convenient to keep following up and down like this.

Thinking about it, Fang Yu directly opened the channel entrance of Yahuang Secret Realm.

Habarang Secret Realm, although it is an independent space.

However, the entrance tearing point of this space is different from ordinary Independent Space.

The entrance to the space is just around Fang Yu.

Where is Fang Yu, when you open the space, you tear up the space.

Although this has great drawbacks, after all encountering a danger that cannot be dealt with, after hiding in, they will never be able to come out.

You can’t shuttle to other places, you can only stop where you go.

The last time in Yiyuan Mountain, he and Liu Fatty were besieged by several powerhouses at the peak of Wu Huang, which showed the shortcomings of the Bahuang Secret Realm.

But at this time, the special channel entrance of Yabara Secret Realm undoubtedly came in handy.

The Yahuang Secret Realm is independent, but the channel entrance is not independent.

Always be by Fang Yu’s side.

Even if you enter the Bahuang Secret Realm, in fact, the Space Node of the Bahuang Secret Realm is still not far from Fang Yu.

It is undoubtedly a good choice to place the bloodthirsty Demon Lord here.

Once, he had no chance to cause trouble.

Secondly, he has never exceeded Fang Yu’s distance of 100 meters.

even more how, Yahuang Secret Realm is Fang Yus space, and Fang Yu is the master there.

With the function of the soul-swallowing ring contract power, even if the bloodthirsty Demon Lord remembered something when the time comes, he became fierce, it would not pose any threat to Fang Yu.

As for Ruohan in the Eight Desolation Secret Realm.

Without Fang Yu’s meaning, the realm of the bloodthirsty Demon Lord Martial Sect is not enough to cause him harm.

“Let’s go in!”

Fang Yu pointed to the storage of Secret Realm, and said to the bloodthirsty Demon Lord.


Bloodthirsty Demon Lord nodded.

Now, his Fang Yu can be regarded as obedient.

There is absolutely no meaning of disobedience.

Although I was a little confused about where the space in front of me was, I still didn’t hesitate to walk in.

Step into it, the power of space distortion instantly envelops him.

Without any waves, he has entered the space of the Eight Desolation Secret Realm.

Fang Yu means not at all to follow up, directly close the entrance of the Yahuang Secret Realm, and then move towards Pill Sect and walk backwards.

Not because of the big heart, but because the group of people who came out with Fang Yu before, have already turned back at this moment.

When pa ing by Fang Yu’s side, Fang Yu glanced at them with some confusion in his eyes.

Because of their bodies, they are covered with mud at the moment, and they look very embarra ed.

Headed by the middle age person, the dozen or so people gathered together originally went there with happy laughter and cheerful voices, but at this time they all looked melancholy.

There are also a few people with shocking scars all over their bodies.

It is obvious that they have suffered a lot in the jungle on that side!

Look at the size of the wound and the trace of claw marks, it should be the Spirit Beast in the jungle.

For such a large group of people, whose strength is around the peak of Martial King, they will suffer such a big lo . This is something Fang Yu did not expect.

But when you think about it carefully, the Spirit Beast he saw in the jungle even has a fleshy body that has reached the Martial Sect level.

It is inevitable for them to suffer!

This time I came out to look for the gra , not only did not find it, but also lost a few people.

If you go back and let the Fourth Elder of Tanhua Pavilion know, they obviously can’t eat it!

Fang Yu murmured in his heart, this can be regarded as bad luck with them!

The faces of these guys were downcast at this time, especially the middle age person headed by him. Fang Yu originally saw that he was confident along the way, and he had never shown such bitterne .

“Big brother, let’s go back like this, can’t we tell Elder?”

The little follower closely followed the middle age person, showing a nervous expre ion on his face.

“What are we afraid of? We are attacked by Spirit Beast! Some of them are weak. What does it have to do with us?”

The middle age person’s face changed slightly, and his eyes were cloudy and sunny Uncertain, it took a long time to get over.

He should have thought about this for a long time.

Fang Yu followed them, always feeling that things were not easy.

It seems that they took the initiative to provoke Spirit Beast and failed, but were they killed by Spirit Beast?

When I returned to Pill Sect, the sky was completely dark.

In the Tanghua Pavilion, brightly lit, there are obviously people moving at this moment.

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