“Where are you going to care about me?

Is it dependent on me?”

Mumbling in my heart, Fang Yu Angrily staring at the bloodthirsty Demon Lord, righteously he said: “This brother, I didn’t know each other, I have no grievances in the past, and I have no enmity in the past. It has nothing to do with me where you go, and please stop following me! “

After saying a word, just cupped the hands and leave.

However, the bloodthirsty Demon Lord stopped directly in front of Fang Yu with a bitter expre ion on his face.

“Brother, listen to me! I dont know who I am or where I come from. But I just cant help but follow you.

Neither do I Follow you, but I just can’t control it!… “

This sentence has a vaguely imploring meaning.

Looking at his serious face doesn’t seem to mean cracking a joke.

What he said is a little strange.

Can’t help but keep up?

Fang Yu frowned, slowly releasing the perception.

After a while, Fang Yu felt a chill, and then he collected all the perceptions.

No wonder this guy has been following Fang Yu and refuses to give up.

His body has been faintly imprinted by the power of the ancient chess game.

The power of the chess game through the ages constrains this brand.

And the bloodthirsty Demon Lord, was held back by this brand.

Accurately speaking, the bloodthirsty Demon Lord cannot leave the eternal chess game 100 meters away!

Otherwise, the power of the space imprint will be activated.

Fang Yu is not clear about the consequences.

But Fang Yu is almost certain now.

The power of this ancient chess game, like a shackle, has firmly locked the bloodthirsty Demon Lord by Fang Yu’s side…

Isn’t this cheating people?

Fang Yu felt distre ed.

Let this guy stay by his side all day long, it is tantamount to putting a time bomb.

Maybe one day when he thinks back to the past, he will be aggre ive and explode.

But now, the spatial branding power of the eternal chess game has taken effect, and it cannot be changed by external force.

In other words, this bloodthirsty Demon Lord has to follow Fang Yu…

“Brother, can you not lose me?”

When Fang Yu was in distre , the bloodthirsty Demon Lord stood aside and begged again.

“Shut up!”

Fang Yu let out an angry roar.

Such a cheating thing would appear to him Fang Yu.

I was so depre ed, I wanted to kill this guy.

But seeing him harmless to humans and animals at this time, with a dazed look, I thought about it and couldn’t bear to start.

It is not safe to take him by your side.

It is obviously impossible not to bring him by his side.

Thinking about it, Fang Yu slowly opened the spar mall.

After choosing for a long time in the dazzling array of high grades in the spar mall, finally, my eyes stayed next to medicine pill, the magic weapon column.

In this column, Fang Yu remembers that there is a product, which is better at this time.

Swallow the soul ring!

Fang Yu’s gaze has been placed here.

The items that can appear in the high-level spar mall are naturally not ordinary things.

I glanced up and down, this soul swallowing ring is of very high grade.

But relatively speaking, the price is only three hundred spars.

It is also within Fang Yu’s acceptance.

But at this time Fang Yu is not in the mood to care about the price. Instead, he focused on the introduction of Soul Swallowing Ring.

A rough glance before, this should be a magic weapon similar to restraint.

You can restrain others, for me to use.

However, when Fang Yu saw the introduction of the Soul Swallowing Ring, he realized that this ring is far less simple than imagined!

There are two soul swallow rings.

One small and one big.

The small ring contains the power of Heaven and Earth Profound Truth.

This kind of power has a strong contractual effect.

Similar to space branding.

The larger one is the main ring.

There is not much power in the main ring.

But this main ring can control the power of the contract in the small ring.

Accurately speaking, as long as you wear a small ring, you will be signed by the power of Heaven and Earth Profound Truth.

The contract owner is the person who wears the master ring.

Once the contract is signed, it will be controlled by the power of Heaven and Earth.

One slave and one servant, once the servant has any idea of violating the contract, he will immediately be swallowed by the power of the contract in the small ring.

This kind of power, but the power of Heaven and Earth Profound Truth, even the powerhouse of Martial Saint Realm, cannot be violated!

This is a good thing.

At least for Fang Yu, he can solve his urgent need.

The bloodthirsty Demon Lord is a time bomb, but once bound by the power of the contract, it is within Fang Yu’s controllable range.

If there are any other ideas, without Fang Yu’s hands, the power of the contract can swallow him directly.

I didn’t think too much, and didn’t feel bad about these three hundred spars.

He directly exchanged the Soul Swallowing Ring in one breath.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, the exchange was succe ful!”

“Cost: 300 spars!”

“Exchange item: Swallow the soul ring!”

“The redemption is succe ful!”

“The goods have been distributed!”

A series of mechanical system hint sounds slowly sounded, and Fang Yu’s hand has already been heard A strange force.

In the hand, two rings, one big and one small, appeared.

Fang Yu didn’t take care of the big ring.

He looked around on Xiaojie.

On the small ring, there is already a faint power flowing slowly at this moment.

This force is very violent.

Gather in the small ring.

Wei Wei released the perception, and a twisting power of Heaven and Earth slowly appeared in front of Fang Yu.

This ring, as expected, the name is not in vain!

Three hundred spars are worth it.

“Brother, are you thinking about it? Let me follow you…”

Besides the ear, the bloodthirsty Demon Lord is still begging.

Demon Lord, the bloodthirsty Demon Lord, now Realm of Martial Ancestor, at least it can be regarded as a personal thing.

So begging in a low voice beside Fang Yu, the scene is still a bit funny.

Thinking about it, Fang Yu handed Xiao Jie directly to the bloodthirsty Demon Lord.

said solemnly: “You have to follow me! Then we will be called brother from now on.

I am a brother, and you are a brother!”

” Wait…I seem to be older than you!”

Just halfway through Fang Yu’s words, the bloodthirsty Demon Lord interrupted him with a whisper.

“peng peng peng!”

Fang Yu without the slightest hesitation, following the look of Old Guy, raised his hands to three crisp big mouths.

“What I said is what I said! I want to be your father, and you have to call daddy obediently and honestly!”

It’s not enough after the fight, and then I’m not very angry.

“Yes, yes!”

After being drawn for a long while, the bloodthirsty Demon Lord didn’t happen, but he whispered nodded for a long time, for fear of offending Fang Yu.

Fang Yu didn’t talk nonsense when he saw the expre ion of the bloodthirsty Demon Lord.

Handing the small ring to his eyes, Chen Shen said: “Since I am your father…I am your brother, I should give you something! This ring, take it!”

This is natural.

Although it is shameful to do so, for the sake of safety, Fang Yu has no choice but to do it.

“Thanks big brother Xie!”

The bloodthirsty Demon Lord did not notice Fang Yu’s careful thoughts. While thanking his lips, he could not help being respectful. What a gift!

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