The imposing manner broke out all over his body. When he was about to take a shot, Fang Yu’s gaze inadvertently swept over the innermost alchemic furnace in the wood house.

Fang Yu looks familiar to this alchemic furnace!

Exquisite alchemic furnace!

Exquisite and compact appearance, densely packed characters are engraved all over the alchemic furnace.

Looking at the appearance and appearance, it is exactly the same as Fang Yu’s superb alchemic furnace!

No matter from the workmanship and grade, Fang Yu couldn’t see the difference between this alchemic furnace and his mouth.

Obviously, the mouth of this alchemic furnace and Fang Yu came from one person.

Fang Yus mouth was forged by Pill Saint Senior himself.

And this mouth is obviously forged by Pill Saint Senior himself.

Why does this old man have the alchemic furnace forged by Pill Saint Senior?

Who is he?

As he muttered to himself, Fang Yu had already recovered all his breath, and looked back at the white-haired old man in front of him, suddenly reacting in his heart.

This old man, isnt he a legendary Danxian Senior?

The moment this thought appeared, Fang Yu was shocked.

Just now, Appearance shot him.

Fortunately, everything is still too late.

Think about it carefully, Pill Sect’s 12th Elder, also known as Danxian, has stayed away from the world for many years.

Although we all know that he is on this Brahma Mountain, no one knows the exact location.

There is also that aura in him, which is somewhat similar to Pill Saint Senior.

Pill Saint and Danxian are senior and junior brothers. It’s not surprising to have this feeling!

Fang Yu was relieved instantly after figuring out the identity of the old man.

Since he doesn’t believe that Fang Yu is the identity of Pill Sect disciple, how about moving out Pill Saint Senior?

Thinking in my heart, I hurriedly said to the white-haired old man: “Senior, I entered Pill Sect by accident. Whether you believe it or not, I am Pill Sect disciple.

< p>Of course, my ability, although I didnt learn it in Pill Sect, but it is also inseparable from Pill Sect!”

Fang Yu said slowly, speaking of this. At that time, the aura on Danxian’s body also dropped.

He didn’t mean to hurt Fang Yu. The blow just now was just a test.

Because he can clearly feel that Fang Yu is very unusual.

Frowned, he looked at Fang Yu and asked, “Who gave you the ability of knowing pill?”

“Pill Saint Senior!”


Fang Yu answered without thinking about it.

I have to say that the ability that comes from this mouth is still learned from Old Guy.

In a word, Fang Yu said that face doesn’t change and his heart is not beating.

Even the old man in front of him was slightly taken aback.

“Pill Saint?”

“The Pill Saint in the Miaozhou?”

The old man murmured to himself, and then looked up and down Fang Yu. His eyes fluttered, as if thinking about something.

After a while, he slowly uttered a voice, and asked Fang Yu: “How is Senior Brother?”

“Senior Brother?”

Fang Yu frowned, pretending to be puzzled.

Listening to the old mans tone, it must be Pill Saint Seniors Junior Brother, its a prince …

“Not bad!”

Fang Yu pretended to be puzzled, The old man didn’t notice it, just nodded, and didn’t show his identity.

“Pill Saint Senior is very good. He has been away from the world for many years and is also indulging in pill concocting.”

Seeing the expre ion of the old man, I am sure that he is Pill Saint Seniors Junior Brother. , Fang Yu also broadcast a lot.

I never thought that the way of meeting Danxian was so special.

“That’s good!”

The old man was nodded, and then looked at Fang Yu’s body.

Mumbled: “I’ll just say, why do you have a Senior Brother breath!”

Pill Saint’s breath?

Fang Yu frowned.

After thinking about it, I suddenly realized.

That delicious alchemic furnace!

The reason why the elderly feel this way is probably related to the exquisite alchemic furnace created by Pill Saint Senior in the Secret Realm.

Although the exquisite alchemic furnace is in the Bahuang Secret Realm, it is basically isolated from this space.

However, Fang Yu of that alchemic furnace has been in contact many times.

Not long ago, when I came out of the Yabarang Secret Realm, I stayed beside the alchemic furnace.

It’s not a strange thing to have the smell of the alchemic furnace on his body.

“Since you are Senior Brother’s discipline, then I, Martial Uncle, should give you something!”

The atmosphere was dull for a while, the old man slightly smiled and looked at Fang Yu Said something.

Give something?

Fang Yu was stunned when he heard it.

This old man is really a particular person. He will give gifts when he meets?

But when I think about it, I am relieved. After all, looking at his reaction, he should have a good relationship with Pill Saint.

The two have similar personalities and are very bold.

“This alchemic furnace was built by Senior Brother.

Everyone knows that Senior Brother pill concocting is superb, but few people know that Senior Brother forged an alchemic furnace is true. ability!

This alchemic furnace was originally left to me as a souvenir by Senior Brother Nian.

However, since you are here today, I will give it to you! It is also a destiny That’s it!”

The old man said slowly, and has pa ed the alchemic furnace into Fang Yu’s hand.

While Fang Yu was overjoyed, he did not forget to thank him repeatedly.

Be aware that it is not easy for Pill Saint Senior to forge an alchemic furnace.

Even if he agrees, the materials used for the alchemic furnace are on this deserted mountain.

Just going back and forth, it takes a lot of time.

Now that Danxian with no difficulty has delivered this alchemic furnace to Fang Yu’s hands, apart from overjoyed, I still feel a little bit bloody.

Things that I had tried so hard to get, now you can as easy as blowing off dust!

But this is also good. There are two exquisite alchemic furnaces made by Pill Saint Senior. When refining the exquisite pill in the future, you don’t need one by one.

Shooting two medicine pill at the same time will definitely earn a lot of spar.

“This Pill Sect is a place of fame and fortune!

Stay in Pill Sect in the future, you have to clean yourself, dont follow the crowd!”

Alchemic After the furnace was handed over to Fang Yu, Danxian frowned seemed to have something to say, but after thinking about it, he didn’t say anything, just reminded Fang Yu.

As soon as he entered, Fang Yu could clearly see that he seemed to have some opinions on Pill Sect, but for the sake of face, he refused to say more, so Fang Yu naturally didn’t have to ask too much.


Fang Yu respectfully saluted.

“Fourth Elder can be regarded as the clear stream of Pill Sect, and it is not bad to follow him! If you have any problems with Pill Sect in the future, you can come to me!”

Speaking slowly, he turned around and sat next to the alchemic furnace, and began to study the exquisite pill he had just refined.

“many thanks Senior!”

He said nothing, Fang Yu walked out of the wood house directly.

It can be seen that Danxian and Pill Saint Senior have similar personalities and don’t like being disturbed.

Fang Yu is not a fool. He has already received such a great benefit, so naturally he doesn’t mean to stay any longer.

Out of the wood house, the sky gradually dimmed.

When Fang Yu looked up at the sky, a burst of power began to rise gradually in his heart.

This force is very familiar…

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