When the voice rang, Fang Yu shook the head.

Obviously, this is not the voice of Pill Saint Senior.

The hope in my heart was broken instantly.

However, the owner of the wood house also agreed that Fang Yu had entered, but there was no need to carry it.

Stride to the wood house and make an appointment over the wooden bridge over the creek.

Walking to the wood house, the scene in the wood house has already come into view.

The wood house is not big, similar to Pill Saint Senior’s.

Its just that in this small space, there are a lot of spirit flowers and gra es.

The quality of these spirit flowers and gra es is very high, but it seems that they are not at all cherished, but are placed aside randomly.

In the middle of the wood house, there is an old man with white hair sitting.

The old mans face is wrinkled and he is probably over a hundred years old.

This appearance is somewhat similar to the Master Shaohan encountered when he first came to Quicksand City.

Its just that it was 800 years ago.

At that time, the white-haired old man was no more powerful than Realm of Martial Ancestor, and he devoted himself to Alchemy Technique. Naturally, his lifespan would not grow much, and it might have fallen.

And who the identity of this old man is, Fang Yu is not quite clear.

“Pill Sect is here?”

While Fang Yu was standing in front of the wood house, the old man looked back at Fang Yu and slowly asked.

“Pill Sect Disciple.”

The old man didn’t mean to be polite, and Fang Yu naturally didn’t hesitate too much and reported himself.

“Fourth Elder’s person?”

After Fang Yu’s voice fell, the old man murmured for a while, and then slowly asked.

“Not bad!”

Fang Yu is nodded, and has no meaning to hide.

“en! Fourth Elder can be regarded as a clear stream!”

The old man murmured nodded, and a strange expre ion flashed in his eyes.

This expre ion was quickly caught by Fang Yu.

Obviously, he has hidden meaning, but Fang Yu didn’t ask much when he said that he did not at all.

“Senior, your excellent pill, although the color is not very good, but the medicine efficacy is very high!”

At the same time, Fang Yu’s thoughts have been put On the gray-black medicine pill in the old man’s alchemic furnace.

On the surface of this medicine pill, it seems nothing special, and the color is not as full as Fang Yu’s exquisite pill.

But, just look at the appearance, that is a layman.

Fang Yus perception has been in medicine pill just now.

On this medicine pill, there is a vague power of artistic conception.

This power comes from Old Yu himself.

In other words, this medicine pill was completed by the old man who spent a lot of time and effort, even using the power of artistic conception.

This superb pill has extremely high medicine efficacy, and even has the effect of turning back the dead.

“It looks like you understand?”

As soon as Fang Yu’s voice fell, the old man smiled slightly, watching Fang Yu and asking again: “When will you enter Pill? Sect?”

“Just came in this year!”

Fang Yu replied in a deep voice.

“That’s not simple!”

The old man smiled unabated, and then looked at Fang Yu and said: “I entered Pill Sect in the first year, and you can see how I am. The effect of medicine pill. It’s a good seed!”

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to Fang Yu and signaled Fang Yu to enter.

Walking into the room, Fang Yu was not polite, and sat directly opposite the old man.

My eyes, continue to look at the black medicine pill in the alchemic furnace.

After a while, he slowly said: “Senior, your medicine pill, should have the ingredients of worry-free gra ?”

After looking at it for a long time, Fang Yu has already said Pindan’s materials have been clarified.

Relieve worry gra , more than ten beads of high-grade spiritual gra , plus muscle tendons.

The power of artistic conception cooperates with earth veins fire and tempering for two to three months before becoming a pill.

The reason why it is determined that the medicine pill contains the anti-sorrow grass ingredient is because of the few people Fang Yu previously robbed, one of them has the root of the anti-sorrow gra .

At that time, Fang Yu carefully looked at Jieyoucao. He originally planned to use Jieyoucao in exchange for Pill Sect qualification, but he didn’t expect that Fourth Elder didn’t seem to be planning to find what he wanted.

In the end, Ruohan in the Eight Desolation Secret Realm was completed.

“Do you also know this?”

The smile on the old man’s face suddenly stopped.

Looking at Fang Yu, I suddenly felt puzzled.

When I first entered Pill Sect, I had such an eye, obviously very unusual.

If Fang Yus previous sentence of high medicine efficacy was just flattering, he could have gue ed the ingredients of this worry-free herb.

In my heart, Yugao can’t help but look at it a bit.

After that, he looked at Fang Yu and murmured: “is it po ible that, you are the son of which power in Shire Prefecture?”

“Neither !”

Fang Yu directly shook the head, naturally seeing the doubt in the old man’s heart.

I thought about it and didn’t explain too much.

The purpose of this visit is to investigate the matter of the earth veins fire.

Since the most central area of the earth veins fire has been occupied by the old man, Fang Yu doesn’t want to wait any longer.

After chatting with the old man, Fang Yu planned to leave without mentioning the earth veins fire.

However, when Fang Yu just walked to the door, the old man thought for a while and suddenly stopped Fang Yu.

After that, a smile appeared on his face again.

Looking at Fang Yu slowly opening his mouth and asking: “You are here this time, shouldnt it just be a coincidence?”

This sentence asks whether it is salty or not, but Obviously, he The words mean more than they say.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu didnt conceal it, and said directly: Senior. Lets not hide it from you, I found traces of earth veins fire in this mountain range, follow the earth veins fire Ive been exploring all the way to here.

I originally wanted to pill concocting with the power of the earth veins fire, but since the Senior has come first, I naturally have no reason to snatch!”

said After that, I cupped the hands directly and I plan to leave.

Just stepping out of the wood house, behind him, suddenly an imposing manner burst out.

This force came very suddenly, looking at the direction, it was Fang Yu’s back.

Fang Yu was startled, but he didn’t expect this old man to suddenly make a move.

However, since entering the Martial Sect realm, his strength has greatly increased.

Although the distance is relatively close, Fang Yu still dodges and barely escaped the violent blow.

“Senior what does this mean?”

Fang Yu looked back at the old man with a look of incomprehension.


After a long while, a dry smile appeared on the old man’s face.

Afterwards, looking at Fang Yus gaze, solemnly asked: “Who are you? Pill Sect disciple, his eyes are so high that he can avoid even an old sneak attack. I dont think you are strong enough. Bad, right?”

After all, the old man has hundreds of people, and he is fairly accurate.

But this time he obviously miscalculated.

Fang Yu may be regarded as a person from harbor ulterior motives.

He was speechless for a while, and it seemed that the old man didn’t intend to let him go.

Fang Yu is not clear about the identity of the old man. Since he knows Fourth Elder, he has something to do with Pill Sect.

Since he does not believe that Fang Yu is a Pill Sect person, Fang Yu has no choice.

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