The other courtyard is located on the left side of Tanhua Pavilion. It looks remote and desolate with overgrown weeds. It seems that no one has set foot in it for a long time.

The entire courtyard stands quietly here, looking exceptionally lonely and depre ed.

Fourth Elder stood in front of the other courtyard and shouted at the people behind him: “If anyone breaks the rules of Pill Sect in the future, he will be directly imprisoned in this Grievance Hall. Within three or five years, Don’t think about it!”

Fourth Elder’s words were not loud, but very deep.

Especially three years and five years, many people suck in a cold breath of air.

It is no wonder that Pill Sect’s discipline rarely causes trouble.

It seems that the rules are quite strict.

As Fang Yu muttered to himself, Fourth Elder had led everyone from this remote courtyard back to the square courtyard.

It stands to reason that this should be the best time for cultivation.

But this compound was empty. Only a few people looked at Fourth Elder lazily, and then fell asleep.

Fourth Elder was obviously outraged by them, but in front of so many people, he didn’t have any attacks.

Without staying in the compound more, Fourth Elder directly led everyone into a great hall.

This great hall is not very large, but the architecture is exquisite.

Stepping into it one step, you can immediately feel the faint scent of Dan around you.

This great hall, at this time, has been completely enveloped by the faint Danxiang.

I don’t know how long this pill incense has been lingering, a faint white mist has appeared in the great hall.

This is the pill energy condensed by pure pill incense.

This kind of spirit is fortunate to be seen in places like Pill Sect.

Other places, absolutely rare.

The great hall is extremely empty. Except for the alchemic furnace placed in the center where there are not many medicine pills lying quietly, there is only a huge portrait at the top.

In the portrait, two two people stopped on the top of the mountain, looking down on the sky, their bodies flying white clothed, standing upright in the strong wind.

On the two weak fleshy bodies, an unconcealable arrogance broke out.

Both of them have a mighty power that defies the sky.

At first glance, these two people must be some extraworldly expert.

Or, it has a pivotal position in Pill Sect and is respectable.

But in Fang Yu’s eyes, it’s different!

When my eyes swept across these two people, I was shocked.

He is very familiar with these two.

To be precise, I have been together for a few years.

The two of them are the two disciplines that Shaohan received in the first batch.

Its just that, later on, these two people were not right in their minds, they always wanted to ascending to the skies with a single leap, and in the end they even tried to attack Shaohan.

Especially when they chased that Independent Space, it made Fang Yu dumb.

The heart is awesome, but I have never seen such a shameless person.

These two people, Fang Yu doesn’t catch a cold, and even a little disgusted.

However, Fourth Elder had already thrown a medicine pill into the alchemic furnace, and then respectfully bowed to the portrait.

After that, I looked back at everyone and murmured: “Like me, Pill Sect, there are no too many cumbersome rules. Our Tanhua Pavilion is different from them, and we dont engage in falsehoods.

< p>After paying respect to Ancestral Master, even if I formally join my Pill Sect!”

After speaking, I directly signaled everyone to come forward and worship.

Fang Yu’s thoughts were flying in his heart, and he didn’t react for a while.

This makes Fourth Elder’s face quite embarra ing.

Finally, he insisted on Fang Yu, walked to the portrait, and gave two big gifts.

Fang Yu felt a little resistant.

But after thinking about it, the past years have nothing to do with him.

The most important thing now is to join Pill Sect.

After the ceremony was completed, Fourth Elder was satisfied and nodded.

Then began to divide the residence for everyone.

Because the Tanhua Pavilion is very large, there are many other courtyards.

Plus they only have about twenty people.

So basically, there are three rooms in one room, which is not very crowded.

When you arrive at Fang Yu, you can enjoy a different courtyard alone!

This kind of preferential treatment should be a privilege given to him by Fourth Elder.

somewhat moved.

After returning to the other courtyard, Fang Yu found an opportunity and rushed directly into the Eight Desolation Secret Realm.

Since realm was promoted to Martial Sect, the little breath of air has not been made up until now. Now is a good time.

The time in the Bahuang Secret Realm has become very fast. In just one or two days, when Fang Yu came in again, he suddenly discovered that the time in the Bahuang Secret Realm was actually circulating even more. almost.

Not only that, the Spiritual Qi, which was originally abundant and pure, has also become stronger at this moment.

The benefits of faster time are not only the fullness of Spiritual Qi, but also the birth of various heaven, spirit and earth treasures.

Fang Yus current space contains six or seven beads of top grade spiritual gra .

The grade of these spiritual grass itself is very high, and under the irrigation of Spiritual Qi like Bahuang Secret Realm, it is now more pure.

With this kind of spiritual grass pill concocting, the grade is naturally very high.

Of course, these benefits are not permanent!

Fang Yu’s gaze followed the mountain top and once again placed it in a giant lake.

In the lake, there is a vaguely strong breath.

This is not the same as the faintly discernable qi that Fang Yu found in a river last time.

This kind of breath is obviously from a certain creature.

The body is not big, it may not be fully formed.

However, this also means that it will not take long for a creature to be born in the Yabara Secret Realm.

When the number of creatures in this space is born to a certain extent, the Spiritual Qi in the Secret Realm will be as thin as the continent outside.

All kinds of heaven, spirit, and earth treasures will continue to be swallowed by creatures, and eventually become scarce.

Of course, I dont feel sorry for these Fang Yu.

After all, natural selection, no matter where it is, there should always be a Heavenly Dao.

Even if Yahuang Secret Realm is a space created by Fang Yu.

But the appearance of creatures is pa ing, and Fang Yu doesn’t want to change Heavenly Dao in this space.

Let it take its course, it is best.

Fang Yu simply has no shortage of things like heaven, spirit and earth.

After holding his breath for a moment and fully restoring the Spiritual Qi within the body, Fang Yu discovered that the aura on his body had skyrocketed again.

This is the true breath power of Martial Sect powerhouse!

There was some joy in my heart, and I quickly gathered my breath and suppre ed it to Martial King Realm.

After that, slowly walked towards the small wood house.

Ruohan has been pill concocting for a few days.

There are anti-sorrow grass and meat tendons as auxiliary materials, as well as the superb alchemic furnace, plus the abundant Spiritual Qi of this a side World.

If Han is so talented, he will obviously not fail.

Standing not far away, Fang Yu looked at the situation in the wood house.

At this moment, Ruo Han’s eyes are closed tightly, and he sits beside the alchemic furnace with bated breath.

It seems that the complicated link of Mongxiang Jieyoucao has been completed.

At this moment, he has begun to indulge in the process of pill concocting.

Somewhat comforted in my heart.

After cautiously closing the breath, this slowly receded.

At this moment, I cant disturb Ruohan.

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