Looking at their expre ions, where is the arrogant feeling of Pill Sect Elder aloof and remote in the past?

The sense of superiority is worthle .

Several people lowered their conditions one after another and shouted at the crowd in the square.

For fear that no one will be gone when it is too late, we are vying to get ahead.

Pill Sect, the third stage of the trial, directly became fart.

The so-called one with the most treasures of heaven, spirit and earth wins, and it is useless at this moment.

In order to grab people, several Elders even offered the eight beads spiritual gra .

This condition is tantamount to nothingne .

Its just a person!

A majestic Pill Sect selection disciple tournament, this time directly became a worthless cabbage grab.

Many Elders have even begun to ask people directly.

No matter what spirit flowers and gra es they have in their hands, they basically only need to be individuals.

I don’t know what it would be like to see this scene, people who had been hesitant and melancholy in the valley for a few days who had seen this scene had too little spiritual gra .

And those who have given up, how will they feel when seeing this scene?

Fang Yu sneered in his heart, stood still and did not move.

Behind him, the middle age person has taken a small attendant into the name of the middle-aged Elder.

The entire square was instantly lively.

“en? You brat didn’t die!”

While Fang Yu mumbled standing in place, the middle-aged Elder had slowly walked to Fang Yu’s side.

His eyes revealed a complex expre ion.

But after a while, she regained her joy.

Previously, he deliberately made things difficult for Fang Yu, just to see what strength Fang Yu has.

Fang Yu’s strength naturally did not disappoint him.

I was originally interested in Fang Yu from Italy, but seeing Fang Yu alive at this moment was naturally very excited.

patted Fang Yu, said solemnly: “Would you like to come under my name! I will protect you for the rest of your life!”

This sentence is calm and powerful, and it sounds very true within Temptation.

Fang Yu gave a bitter smile, not angry in his heart.

He doesn’t like this expre ion very much.

I didn’t like the feeling of being picked.

At this moment, Fang Yu is obviously unwilling to put himself in the name of such an obviously unrighteous Master.

But then I think about it, he is just an escape at the moment.

I came to Pill Sect, but I was looking for a corner that’s all.

It is obviously impossible for Shiqing to really expect to learn something from this guy.

However, adding Pill Sect to his name counts as Pill Sect.

In the future, things will naturally be much more convenient.

Even if the people from the Miaozhou side are chasing, they dare not make trouble in Pill Sect.

Mumbling in his heart, Fang Yu struggled for a while, and finally nodded.

To Fang Yus surprise, this middle-aged Elder, not at all, told Fang Yu to hand over the so-called twenty-bead spiritual gra .

After seeking Fang Yu’s opinion, Fang Yu was accepted.

The leaf spiritual grass prepared earlier is completely unnece ary at this moment.

After muttering to himself for a while, Fang Yu stood behind the middle-aged Elder reluctantly.

The rest of the people on the square, as long as they are in stock, are basically taken by Pill Sect.

This time, Pill Sect is full.

Its just a matter of quality, but its not easy to say.

All the people on the square have found their home after all day.

Basically, except for two people who really didnt like Pill Sects doing this, the rest, including Fang Yu, were all cast under Pill Sect and became Pill Sect disciple. .

The overall scale of Pill Sect is quite interesting.

It is different from other sects.

Other sects are basically divided into two forces.

Inner courtyard and outer courtyard.

The newly recruited disciplines all enter the outer courtyard.

Those who are strong and experienced in the outer courtyard have the opportunity to enter the inner courtyard.

Persons with extraordinary strength and exceptional natural talent in the inner courtyard have the chance to be accepted as Direct Disciple.

And this Pill Sect is different.

In addition to Sect Master, there are twelve Elders below.

There are only one pavilion and one pavilion regardless of the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard.

Twelve Elders are in charge of twelve branches respectively.

Each Elder chooses his own foundation.

Basically, every Pill Sect has 30-50 disciplines.

Among the 30-50 disciplines, there will be a few extraordinary natural talents who will become Elders Direct Disciple.

In general, within Pill Sect, the status division is not so obvious.

Basically except for Pill Sect, the twelve Elders said forget it.

The middle-aged Elder followed by Fang Yu is the Fourth Elder of Pill Sect.

He is in charge of a small pavilion named Tanhua Pavilion.

Tanhua Pavilion has a better terrain in Pill Sect, basically independent of other pavilions. There is no adhesion.

Following Fourth Elder into Tanhua Pavilion, Fang Yu found out that its no wonder that Pill Sects recruitment conditions were so high this time.

So much so that almost all Elders are robbing people!

Because there are only four or five people in this huge Tanghua Pavilion.

These four or five people are lazy, and they seem to be simply lacking in energy.

The Tanhua Pavilion of Nuo University, three courtyards, and a square.

The square space alone is almost half the size of the Mystery Institute.

The addition of several other courtyards is even more outrageous.

It’s almost catching up with the space of Liu Fatty’s compound.

However, in such a large space, at this moment, it is actually empty, except for the four or five of them, there is no silhouette of anyone.

This scene is more or less similar to the Mystery Institute.

Fang Yu sneered in his heart.

Some self-deprecating.

Never mind Mystery Institute, would Tanhua Pavilion be like this?

is it po ible that, is it his own bad luck?

Mumbling in his heart, but after looking at the dozens of people behind him, Fang Yu was relieved.

With them, there are almost twenty people in the entire Tanhua Pavilion.

These twenty-odd people, at first glance, seem to be a bit more lively than Mystery Institute…

However, there are more than twenty trifling people here. In the pavilion, they still looked somewhat bleak.

Pill Sect, why are there so few people?

Fang Yu frowned.

Followed Fourth Elder around the Tanghua Pavilion and looked at all other courtyards up and down.

Especially when he saw several pavilions next door, Fang Yu felt even more puzzled.

This Tanhua Pavilion has been calculated.

The other pavilions looked even more deserted, with only a dozen people.

In other words, in addition to the hundred new recruits of Pill Sect this time, the original remaining disciplines are no more than one hundred.

The glorious Pill Sect will have today. This is something Fang Yu did not expect.

According to the middle age person, it should be Pill Sect’s discipline to forget favors and violate justice. After some abilities, Pill Sect abandoned and became self-reliant.

However, the entire Pill Sect has hundreds of people up and down, are they all the people he said?

I really cant figure it out, Fourth Elder has already led everyone and walked slowly to a different courtyard.

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