“Lets walk around the gates we discovered first!”

Fang Yuyan returned to the subject and said to several friends.

Since she knew Feng Yaoguang’s matter, Fang Yu wouldn’t say much either.

Then the next top priority is undoubtedly the remains of the saints.

“Yes, system, how to enter the ruins of the saints…”

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and asked for help from the super slaughter system.

“Ding! The mystery of entry has appeared, but the host hasn’t noticed it yet.”

System answered coldly.

“Already appeared?”

Fang Yu moved his eyebrows and said: “Where are the Batmen you mentioned before?”

System said, Fang Yu’s first reaction is Batman!

This is the creature that came out of the ruins of the saint.

If there is any clue, but he hasn’t found it yet, it is definitely a Batman!


Kegul dragged the Batman over.

“Really a batman!”

Fang Yu eyes shrank.

There are such creatures that resemble humans and bats!

It’s really incredible!

“Did you ask anything?”

Fang Yu asked.

“No… the language is unsucce ful! And after the investigation, the entrance is also found, but the entrance is still inacce ible.”

Kegul sighed.

They really used all their energy, but failed to find further clues. They are also helple , okay?

“I’ll give it a try!”

Fang Yu directly urged the pages of the soul book.


Fang Yu just introduced the Batman’s soul into the pages of the soul book, and there was a slight movement immediately.

The batman was barking and panicking.

“en? Interesting!”

Fang Yu squinted.

Batman will be afraid, which means that it realizes that this place is harmful to it.

It is not that Fang Yu has not tried to pull other creatures in.

But the result is very different from the current one!

They do not have this emotion.

Many Demonic beasts are still full of air, and they are considered to be kings and hegemons outside.

It shows that Batman is very sensitive.

“Then…search for the soul!”

Fang Yu used the pages of the soul book to restore some new abilities.

When you are outside, things like soul search are not easy to operate, and the success rate is really not high.

But, here in the page of the soul book, it is simply home battle!

There is nothing impossible, it just depends on what you want!


As the energy of the pages of the soul book is released, the memory of the Batman turns like a revolving lantern.

“so that’s how it is…These batmen are not complete creatures. They merge with certain forces in the ruins, so they happen to be the keys!”

Fang Yu suddenly understood.

Yes, one of the reasons why these relic creatures can come out, apart from a certain door energy leak, is that their energy aura and relic are similar, and by chance, they can act as keys. Get in and out freely.

Absolutely didn’t expect, it was caught directly after it came out, but it couldn’t be beaten, and it was impossible to go back.

“It itself is something similar to a key!”

Fang Yu said to several friends.


A few people in Keguer startled.

It is the key itself?


Such nonsense, if it weren’t from Fang Yu, they would definitely not believe it.

“Let me give it a try!”

Fang Yu took a deep breath, operated the word refining technique, and directly refining the Batman!

“What a great refining technique……”

Lou Shuzhang was originally a half-step master, and he saw Fang Yu’s refining technique at a glance, which was extraordinary.

When she wanted to see more clearly, Fang Yu’s refining tool was over.

The batman has turned into a shining ball of light.

“This is the key…”

Fang Yu smiled and said.

“It’s really our Captain! I knew you were back, you can definitely do it!”

Kegul laughed heartily, facing Fang Yu is a rainbow fart.

Anyway, you don’t need money for good things, he doesn’t mind touting one or two.

“Next, let’s wait for Liewei. When we meet her, we will enter the ruins.”

Fang Yu said.

“Want to meet, I am afraid it will not be easy…”

Bai Wuxie said suddenly.


In the face of everyone’s doubts, Bai Wuxie gave a wry smile: “Lee Wei said, there are at least hundreds of martial artists outside… even her body Its very difficult to get ahead of them and rush into the grieving cave. She said that we had better prepare.”

“This is easy…Let us come!”

Lou Shuzhang took over the job.

Fang Yu has no objection. He also wants to see how serious this Vice Captain is and how much it has.


“Oh? Do you want to make arrangements… It’s so good, then I don’t need to act.”

Replied Liehua The white innocent of the me age.

Actually, she really wants to get ahead of these people and break in. It’s not impossible.

However, it is not Liehua’s style to expose his hole cards early.

Now that Fang Yu and the others are able to prepare, then she will save all these efforts.

After speaking, she glanced at the silhouette under the tree.

There are people everywhere, and its no exaggeration to say that it is a vast crowd.

“Not only the Slashing Sky Alliance, but even the descendants of the Void Martial Emperor are here… It’s really hard to do.”

Liehua sighed.

Of these Martial Emperor descendants, few are soft persimmons, especially when they encounter Liewei, they all want to compete with Liewei.

Why is this the case? There is a great man who said that Liewei’s innate talent is very high. Above the Martial Emperor, people are born with a sense of competition.

In fact, the original words of this sentence were said by Emperor Lie himself, saying that Liehuas innate talent is above him.

This is a very high evaluation.

This mighty power who came to know by accident was afraid that he intended to promote Liewei’s fame. After all, they are family friends and helped Liedi a lot when he was young.

There is also a place in Lie Divine Kingdom.

It is not surprising that Lieweis innate talent is so high that he will be the next Wu Imperial Capital, so I deliberately promoted it.

As everyone knows, in the eyes of many interested people, Liewei is too aloof and remote, and don’t put them in the eyes.

This kind of thing is unbearable!

This surnamed Jiang woman is not familiar with Liehua, but she has heard a little.

“Jiang Zhenyu…”

Liewei said her name.

Jiang Zhenyu, in their circle, is definitely a rising star.

In the beginning, she was relatively unknown, and the family of the Void Martial Emperor had risen quickly and failed too quickly, and had not made much preparation at all, and the Void Martial Emperor had disappeared.

So, the family of the void Martial Emperor directly became the hidden Aristocratic Family.

This is to avoid the edge, and also to declare one’s own will, not to fight for it.

However, Jiang Zhenyu is a very ambitious woman.

After she was ignorant, she was amaze the world with a single brilliant feat!

In a one-on-one fight, she killed an elderly god.

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