“The general situation, I understand, let me think about it.”

Fang Yu felt a little headache.

This is different from what you thought!

Although it was in Yao Feng’s testimony, Fang Yu knew that the so-called relics of the saints might be different from what they thought before!

However, it is still unexpected.

“Fang Yu, I have something to tell you.”

Feng Yaoguang approached and said.

“Say it.”

Fang Yu replied.

“I can only speak privately.”

Feng Yaoguang looks very serious, Fang Yu moved, nodded.

When they walked to the side, Feng Yaoguang said softly: “I remember, I really am a reincarnated person.”

“Reincarnated person!”

Fang Yu was surprised.

Although this result was expected, it still surprised him if it was really confirmed.

Because he can clearly feel that Feng Yaoguang is not so happy anymore.

It is true that the reincarnated people will have more advantages and stronger than ordinary people, but the reincarnated people also have their destiny.

In past and present lives, often only one personality can dominate everything.

For example, the little Martial King Dai Meng.

Her previous life is definitely a very evil outsider.

The same is true. When the memory of little Martial King Dai Meng’s reincarnation gradually awakened, while she continued to grow stronger, she became more and more evil, frightening and awesome.

Go on, I’m afraid there is no more Martial King Dai Meng, only the reincarnated Dai Meng!

Whether this kind of result is good or bad is hard to say.

Although he has gained strength, the personality of this life is obliterated. To a certain extent, he is also making clothes for others. Is it worth it… Hard to say!

Now Feng Yaoguang has gradually awakened the memory of previous life, whether it is good or bad…Fang Yu also feels hard to say.

“So are you going to pursue this kind of power?”

Fang Yu couldn’t help asking.

Actually, the reincarnated person, after the awakening of memory, will continue to search for and go back to the past, and find the memory of previous life, it is undoubtedly stronger and stronger.

However, this approach is approaching the previous life, and ultimately the personality of this life, the probability of failure is great.

However, there is no doubt that it can become stronger in a short period of time.

“I am going to pursue it.”

Feng Yaoguang nodded: “When the selection of the four major academies is over, I will apply for a leave of absence, and then look for memories of previous life…”

“Actually, I have dreamed of where I should go.”

After a pause, Feng Yaoguang said again.

“Where did Vice President Wang find the eggs?”

Fang Yu couldn’t help asking.

“Yes…this is one of the traditions of Deity Race, and it is also the place I controlled at the beginning. This egg is made by my mount. It has a kind of magical bloodline that can be returned to Initially, I re-take the road of cultivation.”

“At that time, I was in great danger and might fall directly. For this reason, I chose to be reincarnated and reborn. The materials for rebirth were not collected by me, but As a powerful race with rich resources, it is not difficult to gather materials for reincarnation and rebirth, so I can prepare for future troubles.”

“The crisis has come, and I think I may die in a short time. I chose to reincarnate and rebirth without hesitation. At any rate, I left a little hope for myself…”

Feng Yaoguang explained her reincarnation and rebirth in a simple and understandable way. Again.

While Fang Yu suddenly realized, he was also in a complicated mood: “Are you going to give up this life of yourself?”


Feng Yao The light complexion was a little weird: “In fact, when I was reincarnated from my previous life, in order to increase the success rate of the rebirth, I wanted to wipe out my spiritual imprint.”

“Huh? This is not…”


Fang Yu’s face was shocked.

The spiritual imprint is obliterated, which means that although Feng Yaoguang may remember the memory of previous life, he will not be influenced by the personality of previous life.

Because this personality is very weak, when the time comes, he will definitely be directly a imilated by Feng Yaoguang.

Then it is the Feng Yaoguang of this life.

Since this is the case, why do you have to be reincarnated and reborn without the self without the previous life, without the self with the previous life?

Does it make sense?

“I dont know, maybe the previous life me, I dont want this life too embarra ed? All in all, Feng Yaoguang will be Feng Yaoguang, and more, Deity Race, etc. I don’t know yet.”

Feng Yaoguang said frankly.

“It’s so good.”

Fang Yu said with a smile.

This is a good thing.

“I want to find someone to talk about these things, but it’s not good to find anyone. I can only talk to you.”

Feng Yaoguang finished speaking, long Put out a breath.

Obviously, it is also very difficult for her to keep so many secrets in her heart.

Because all this happened so quickly, the changes were too great.

Ordinary martial artists, I’m afraid I can’t accept them.

Feng Yao Guang can accept it calmly, in a sense, it is also very impre ive.

“In the future, there will be no one to talk to, so you can ask me to tell in private that my mouth is very tight, but it must be served with good food and drink, otherwise I won’t help you keep it secret!”< /p>

Fang Yu casually said, so Feng Yaoguang couldn’t help laughing.

Familiarly, Fang Yu seemed to have seen the first Feng Yaoguang, arrogant and despotic, which he encountered.


At this moment, Fang Yu seemed to see another woman slightly smiled at him.

This is a beautiful woman, very similar to Feng Yaoguang.

But she is more peaceful, compared to aloof and remote unearthly elegant and poised.

next moment, she turned into rays of light, floating between Heaven and Earth.

“Huh? This…”

Fang Yu was stunned. He wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn’t know how to say it!

“Dragon Celestial Immortal, have you seen it?”

Fang Yu quickly asked: “Just now silhouette!”

“What did you see?” “

Long Celestial Immortal is a little confused, I don’t know what Fang Yu is talking about: “You are not a refiner, right?”

She suspects that Fang Yu is a refiner. I was confused, and just showed off to her… hmph!

“But I have some strange hunches this time…”

Feng Yaoguang said again: “This The ruins of the saints here…not simple, very dangerous, and it should kill many people!”

“Many people will die!”

Fang Yu heart startled.

“Well, lets not say that the ruins of the saints are originally very dangerous places, and the arrival of the ruins of the saints this time seems to be… deliberately swallowed by the Azure Dragon mirror?”

Feng Yaoguang said some of his own thoughts: “I vaguely feel that the Azure Dragon mirror is not in the state, and it is not normally what we know, the Azure Dragon mirror we know.”

hearing this, Fang Yu looked at Feng Yaoguang with admiration.

Awakening the memory of previous life and gradually regaining the strength of the past is extraordinary!

If Fang Yu hadn’t encountered such concealed things personally, if he asked him to speculate, he would definitely not be able to infer this step.

Feng Yaoguang was fine, so she gue ed a pretty close based on induction…Well, Fang Yu admitted that he was sore.

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