“Oh? Why is this?”

Fang Yu asked puzzledly.

Why is the absence of Vice President Wang directly related to whether a tragedy will happen?

“Why… dont you see that the relationship between Wang Dalong and I should not be very good? Wang Dalong advocates relying on oneself, and as a Medicine Refining Master, I must respect the combination of the two. The Jiyuan Pill is a medicine pill that I created by combining the hard work of my predece ors.”

Speaking of which, the drug lunatic is a little proud: “In fact, the predece ors speculations about the Jiyuan Pill, The gue es are all right! But they lack an opportunity! In their age, Yaodao has not yet prospered like Martial Dao, and many ideas are like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, true or false, there is no way to start. “

“In my generation, many predece ors conjectures have been proved to be wrong or false, so its easy for me to integrate, and I also had some dead ends in this regard. So I just took a shot, and the Jiyuan Dan was born!”

“In fact, many of my predece ors and I still have some differences in ideas. The predece ors Martial artist has very high requirements for swallowing, level, potential, etc. I don’t think it makes any sense. Because really such a powerful guy, they dont have much remaining potential after they cross the catastrophe, and it takes a lot of effort to use it. Yuandan is meaningle !”

“I think, Jiyuandan should be swallowed by more ordinary martial artists. It should be promoted to the entire Myriad Spirits Continent, not lonely self-appreciation, so I am creating When I was in Jiyuandan, my direction was involuntarily biased towards the general public.”


The drug lunatic said to himself: “In the end, my finished product is indeed oriented towards The general public, this can be said to be what I want! But Wang Dalong has always had different ideas from mine. He felt that although the Jiyuan Pill is desirable, the starting point of the Jiyuan Pill is already very strong, and the general public is not suitable.”< /p>

“I thought he was Wang Dalongs prejudice at the time! Because Wang Dalong was originally a monster, how did he understand that cultivation of the general public is not easy!”

The drug lunatic smiled bitterly: “So, I It was also deliberately chosen when Wang Dalong was traveling to announce that the Jiyuan Pill was completed!”


Fang Yu was shocked.

If the effect of the Jiyuan Pill is so terrifying as the medicine maniac said, he somewhat understands why the medicine maniac is so admired.

This is simply a spirit pill and marvelous medicine that a ists cultivation, OK?


The drug lunatic sighed helple ly.


Fang Yu asked.

“You see that I have been here for several decades, and I have become a drug lunatic. If I succeeded or failed, do I need to ask more?”

Shaking his head and sighing.

“Then you have found something wrong with Jiyuan Pill after many years?”

Fang Yu asked again.

“Um…or, I was in the wrong direction!”

Speaking of this, the drug lunatic was directly downhearted: “I thought I should be in Jiyuan Dan had some accomplishments. As a result, over the years, I discovered that I was in the wrong direction. The sages were right. I was too arrogant at the time and just killed these Junior Brother junior sisters!”

“Hurt Junior Brother junior sister?”

Fang Yu’s heart sank.

“Yes, there were some Junior Brother junior sisters from mediocre backgrounds who voluntarily tried Jiyuandan. Because of their mediocre origins, they entered Azure Dragon Academy, but they werent as rich as Wang Dalong or me. Resources, they have a rare opportunity. They also want to try and fight for one or two, because once the Jiyuan Dan succeeds, they will not be eligible to try it for free. Luoyang paper will definitely be expensive for a while.”

“The ending…their meridian was severely damaged. It is estimated that it will take a long time to repair it. This will definitely miss the golden time of cultivation. In addition, they have a mediocre background. It is estimated that even the breakthrough Martial King will be in the future. It’s a problem.”

The medicine maniac smiled bitterly: “There were hundreds of students implicated at the time…the same, I was exiled here.”

“It’s so serious…How long is the exile?”

Fang Yu was speechle .

“500 years, or to solve the problem of Jiyuandan.”

The medicine lunatic said.

“500 years…Even if you are a Martial King, you will not live for 500 years!”

Fang Yu was surprised: “As for solving the problem of Jiyuandan… _hy can you forgive your crime by solving this problem?”

“Dont you know that medicine pill is very valuable? If I solve the problem of Jiyuandan, I will make a lot of money With the pen, I can also make up for the former students. In this way, my sins are naturally eliminated.”

The drug lunatic looked at Fang Yu like a fool.

“It is reasonable…”

Fang Yu couldn’t refute the drug lunatic’s claim for a while.

“Okay, get ready, I’m going to try to refine the final version of the ultimate pill… I believe that this version of the ultimate pill is correct! It’s a pity that I was conceited back then. I have taken so many detours!”

The drug lunatic sighed.

“Ding! Mi ion is released, participate in the completion of the final version of Jiyuandan, step on the First Step of Medicine Refining Master, and reward the dragon Bone Armor!”


Fang Yu’s eyes are bright.

Dragon Bone Armor?

Is this a treasure equivalent to a dragon tooth knife?

It is important to know that the Dragon Tooth Knife comes from a very big background and is made of a complete Dragon Emperor tooth.

Furthermore, there are many mysteries in the dragon emperor’s teeth, which have not been wiped out. The dragon Celestial Immortal has gained a lot.

If the Dragon Bone Armor is so unfathomable, it is simply making a lot of money, OK?

“cough cough, senior, medicine maniac, in fact, I can also make medicine…”

Fang Yu cleared his throat and said.

“What? You can also make medicine?”

The medicine maniac looked suspicious.

Fang Yu can also refine medicine?

Are you really joking?

Because in the understanding of drug lunatics, a person’s energy is limited, and it is impossible to take care of too many things.

For example, among Fang Yus friends, he can see that Lou Shu Zhan is actually a half-step Artifact Refining Grandmaster.

Even if God’s will is like a knife, I don’t know when the remaining half step will be taken, but at this age there is such an innate talent, it is already called Heaven’s Chosen Child.

However, this created Lou Shuzhang’s own battle strength, which was weaker than ordinary martial arts.

Everyone seems to be martial arts, they are all equivalent to realm, but Lou Shuzhan is a little weaker. This difference is probably invisible to the younger generation. It just falls in the eyes of drug lunatics. There is a clear difference.

Just like this, if the drug lunatic really wants to kill, he must be the first to kill Lou Shu, who has a weaker battle strength, and remove an opponent first.

The battle strength that Fang Yu has revealed now is so amazing. It is said that Fang Yu has such great accomplishments in refining medicine… Who believes it!

He doesn’t believe it anyway.

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