
The silhouette of the bat is so fast that the naked eye can’t catch its trace.

However, after becoming a martial spirit, the greatest benefit is Spiritual Consciousne !

Naked eye can’t see it, Spiritual Consciousness can track it!

Although Spiritual Consciousness is sometimes not omnipotent and will be limited by various factors, in general, Spiritual Consciousness is still very convenient and easy to use!

Soon, Lou Tianbing locked this bat silhouette.

“Where to escape!”

Lou Tianbing went to grab it.


However, when Lou Tianbing thought he was going to catch it, the opponent suddenly accelerated and even let him catch an empty space!


Lou Tianbing slightly startled.

“Hey! Our heavenly soldier doesn’t want face? Let me meet you!”

Kegul loudly roared, leaped up.

Kegur originally wanted to wait for the opportunity to move, but this Batman was a bit mysterious, but he was able to accelerate a second time, and it seemed that he still had a lot of hole cards.

If you leave it alone, I am afraid it will really let it escape.

They looked around, just to see if they could find some clues before Fang Yu.

Otherwise, Fang Yu is the leader in everything they do, and Fang Yu is the main force. They are too shamele , right?


Faced with Kegurs obstruction, the Batman opened his mouth, and some strange sound waves filled everyones ears, as if by something hurt.

“Don’t think about it!”

Wang Zhong intercepted again.

This Batman is not simple, it should have some origins.

If you catch it, it will definitely help them find the ruins of the saint. I definitely cant let it leave like this!

Wang Zhong summoned his Life Source item.

He was born with this bell.

For such a person, the future achievements are destined to not be too low.

However, this mouth clock has a very close relationship with Wang Zhong. It is nothing to say if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

If it is not nece ary, Wang Zhong will not come out summon casually, so as to avoid accidents.

However, as it is about the ruins of the saints, Wang Zhong also finds it difficult to stay out of the matter and can only take action!


After the two sound waves collide, Wang Zhong has the upper hand.

After all, the clock is an artifact, and the batman is a creature. The sound waves collide and echo, which is definitely more uncomfortable for flesh and blood.

Although Kegur and the others are also affected, it is definitely the Batman that is more serious.

“I still want to go!”

Seeing that the Batman is going to leave again, everyone was furious and became angry.

Because they are not spare no effort this time, I am afraid it is really difficult to keep Batman.

“Let me come!”

Bai Wuxie took a deep breath and his body bulged.


next moment, a hurricane blasted out of Bai Wuxie’s mouth!


The Batman turned around and fell to the ground!

When it wanted to get up, Lou Tianbing had already arrived, and he pre ed the Batman firmly!

“Remove its limbs!”

Kegul squeezed his fist and said viciously: “In the realm of our Barbarian Race, there are also such fierce and cunning creatures. If you deal with them, you must not be merciful! Otherwise, they may escape, and we will all in vain with all our effort!”

“Profe ional things, let the profe ionals do it.”


Bai Wuxie does not fight or grab.

Although he ultimately defeated the Batman.

But what Bai Wuxie needs to admit is that without the help of these little friends, it would not go so smoothly.

On the other hand, Fang Yu also followed the drug lunatic back to his refining room.

His refining room is very hidden, covered by Formation, which surprised Fang Yu.

Because it is so rigorous and comprehensive in this kind of place, it is really rare, it is rare!

“hmph…Medicine Refining Master, I have to know everything!”

The medicine maniac is a little happy.

This is his persistence and love for refining medicine for many years.

Now that Fang Yu can be surprised, he feels very worthwhile and very happy.

“Actually, Senior, why did you end up in such a field?”

Fang Yu couldn’t help asking.

He didn’t have any interest in the first place, but after getting to know the medicine maniac, Fang Yu was surprised to find that this person has a lot of abilities!

The question is, why did such a person end up in such a field?

Really puzzling!

“You are not an ordinary candidate.”

The drug lunatic said coldly.

“This…I said I was born out of the ordinary, do you believe in medicinal maniac Senior?”

Fang Yu scratched his head and said.

“Lets stay here!”

The drug lunatic gave Fang Yu a blank look: “You have different attitudes towards Azure Dragon Academy and me from Azure Dragon Academy, only You have some relationship with the senior management of Azure Dragon Academy. I dont think you are like those second generations. So are you the one who received the special invitation letter?”

“Senior, you are the same. Can guess it!”

Fang Yu was surprised.

“Hehe, what I said was specially recruited back then, some secrets, ordinary people don’t know, I still know.”

Medicine maniac said with a smile.

“Well, since you know the senior drug maniac, I also confess that I am the candidate for the special invitation letter from Vice President Wang.”

Fang Yu also revealed himself The old bottom.

“Deputy Dean Wang? Could it be Wang Dalong!”

The medicine maniac startled, said.

“Wang Dalong? I don’t know the name of Vice President Wang, but I can describe his characteristics to you.”

Fang Yu then described the appearance of Vice President Wang. .

When he finished speaking, the drug lunatic gave Fang Yu a big eye!

“Needless to say, he is Wang Dalong…he became the deputy dean? No, with his innate talent back then, its not a problem to become the dean. There is also Old What about Senior being the dean?”

The drug lunatic asked questioningly.

“I don’t know this. I don’t even know whether the contemporary dean is a man or a woman. I just know that the contemporary dean is very young, and Vice Dean Wang is sincerely convinced by the contemporary dean.”< /p>

Fang Yu said frankly.

“Is that so? It seems that Azure Dragon Academy has a lot of evildoers. Wang Dalong is the evildoer of our generation. Now it seems that he has been killed by the evildoers… It’s really a relief! “

The drug lunatic is stunned.

It seems that although there was not much hatred between him and Deputy Dean Wang, they were also not so happy!

Otherwise, when you mention your deceased, how could it be like this?

“You should know that when Wang Dalong was young, he traveled to many places, right?”

The medicine maniac returned to busine .


Fang Yu said he knew.

This is not a secret, and even many people have publicized that the reason why Vice President Wang is so powerful is related to his traveling around when he was young and getting all kinds of good luck.

“As for what you asked, it probably happened after Wang Dalong’s travels.”

Speaking of the past, the drug lunatic smiled sorrowfully: “If Wang Dalong did not travel, maybe not Such tragedies will happen.”

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