Although Mei An has a strong pedigree, these all are later things.

She was not guided by her own Master from the small sect.

Therefore, there are still many defects in Mei’an.

For example, some of the secrets of Myriad Spirits Continent, many of which are not clear to Mei An.

On this point, Liewei is obviously different.

As Liedis most beloved granddaughter, Liewei has received the best education since she was a child, and Lieweis innate talent is equally outstanding and shocking.

Therefore, if you compare the current Mei An and Liehua, Liehua is obviously better.

“Zuomu’s Bloodline Strength is… violent!”

Liehua said word by word: “Different from violent in the ordinary sense, Zuo Familys violent bloodline comes from Crazy beast!”

“Frenzy beast? Is there a wild beast called the ancestor of the crazy god?”

Mei’an complexion changed.

She knows the wild beast.

This is the creature that once dominated the Barbarian Race land.

They have an ancestor named Mad God.

The mad god is a mad beast of the gods.

In the age when the mad god was active, the people of Barbarian Race were shiver coldly under its command.

Until the mad god disappeared later, and the Martial Emperor who rose from Barbarian Race wiped out the remaining mad beasts, the people of Barbarian Race reappeared in the eyes of the world.

Otherwise, Barbarian Race martial artist is just food for wild beasts.

Now that Zuo Mu and their Bloodline Strength are from the violent beasts, Mei An said that it is fake if it is not shocked.

Because the deeds of wild beasts are engraved in the body and mind of every Barbarian Race citizen.

Since childhood, most people have been warned that must be strong and must not let wild beasts return in a swirl of dust.

Now that Zuo Mu and his family have a relationship with the wild beast, it is really difficult for Mei An to calm down.

“Don’t worry, it’s all things in the past, but how could Zuo Mu and the wild beasts…”

Mei An felt Liewei’s gaze and took the initiative to answer.

“I dont know anymore. It can only be the ancestor of the Zuo Family, the crystallization of the wild beast and Human Race. After all, the humanoid Demonic beast and Human Race love each other, although there are not many things, but occasionally Will it happen too?”

Lie Hua said with a smile: “But anyway, when it comes to Bloodline Strength of violent and madness , the wild beast is undoubtedly the most authentic! There is even said, The origin is the god of beasts, the god of madness !”

“The weakening of generations seems to be weakening, but in fact, the people of Zuo Family have completely mastered the power of madness , whether it is a gain or a loss , It’s really hard to say!”

Lie Wei said with emotion.


Mei An said.

At this time, Zuo Mu had already killed Fang Yu.





In Under the urging of Bloodline Strength, Zuo Mu was violent like a Demonic beast, facing his continuous offensive, Fang Yu retreated again and again.

“Fang Yu, what to hide, aren’t you good at fighting!”

Zuo Mu shouted.

He feels that he is eating Fang Yu.

Fang Yu’s defeat is a matter of time!

Fang Yu said nothing, he was looking for a chance to fight back.

I have to say that Zuo Mus Bloodline Strength is very strong. Originally, in Heaven’s Chosen Child, the gap between the three-star martial arts and the four-star martial arts is not very large, but it is also not small.

Now that Zuo Mu is here, but like nothing, it can be seen whether it is strong or not!

“You really deserve to be from the Zuo Family!”

Lou Shuzhang’s face was gloomy.

Zuo Mu’s approach is actually very simple, that is, he directly chases and fights, making people overwhelmed.

His current offensive is continuous and fierce. As long as a weak spot is exposed, Zuo Mu will be sent home directly.

If you change the building to stretch, it is estimated that it will be difficult to insist on a hundred breaths!

Because Lou Zhan is a Refiner Master, fake foreign object, for this kind of chasing after the body, he is the least good at it.

It can be said that Zuo Mu is naturally restrained from martial artists like her.

It’s also embarra ing that Fang Yu dodges like this and was not killed!

“This Zuo Mu is very strong, we underestimated him before.”

Lou Tianbing said.

He is a very direct person.

Strong is strong, and weak is weak.

Zuo Mu is not good at being a person, but Zuo Mu’s strength is indeed strong.

Switching to Lou Tianbing’s hands, he dare not say that he is 100% sure to defeat Zuo Mu.

“This is just the beginning, I tell you, but anyone who has a relationship with the Martial Emperor family, and has a close relationship, is not a weak person, at most it is playing the pig to eat the tiger “

Bai Wuxie said seriously.

“But you…”

Lou Shu Zhang stopped talking.

But you Zuo Mu lost to Fang Yu!

Zuo Mu seemed to have expected what Lou Shu Zhan was going to say, he directly replied: “No matter whether Fang Yu can beat Zuo Mu today, Fang Yu is destined to lose to me!”

“So confident, so courageous?”

He Ping spoke up.

For these little friends from the same team, Bai Wuxie simply laughed.

Do these people really think they have no real ability?

He lost once to Fang Yu, really can’t stand up?

These guys, they must slap their faces fiercely!

Slap them in the face hard!


Suddenly, Fang Yu stopped abruptly and raised his hand to catch Zuo Mu’s punch!


This fist makes the left twilight pupil contract slightly.

In order to send Fang Yu away at the moment he hit Fang Yu, every punch didn’t have any strength.

Now Fang Yu has caught his punch with no difficulty…… is it po ible that Fang Yu is really better than himself?


Zuo Mu became more and more violent.

“Furious Bloodline Strength? Interesting!”

Fang Yu said to himself.

They are not fighting in the ring right now, and so far, Fang Yu is very comfortable. Naturally, he learned about the casual conversation between Mei An and Liewei and how sharp Zuo Mus Bloodline Strength is.

In this case, Fang Yu is not ready to fight Zuo Mujiu.

Now Zuo Mu has been flooded with anger. Under this situation, even if their Bloodline Strength has been diluted to a level that can be controlled, but as Zuo Mu gradually loses his mind, all this No longer exists.

Zuo Mu may turn into a beast in the next battle!

When the time comes, Fang Yu wants to retreat all over, I am afraid it will be a little difficult.

So, do it quickly!


next moment, Fang Yu grabbed Zuo Mu’s fist, and a raging fire ignited!


Zuo Mu was in pain, and his consciousness was also clearer. He wanted to struggle to retract his fist, but Fang Yu held it tightly, like an iron hoop. Lock Zuo Mu’s fist firmly and prevent Zuo Mu from retracting it.

“Huh? This is…”

Vice President Wang narrowed his eyes.

Fang Yu is carrying Fire Element bloodline?

Or Fire Element physique?

bloodline and physique look similar, but the generality of bloodline is undoubtedly stronger. It is no exaggeration to say that bloodline is ranked above physique.

Fang Yu has the Fire Element bloodline, but no one has ever mentioned it!

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