“Fang Yu, you procrastinated and refused to do it, are you afraid of me and dare not do it?”

Zuo Mu watched more and more people watching nearby , But Fang Yu didn’t mean to do it immediately, and continued provocatively.

“I’m afraid of you? I don’t think you wake up!”

Fang Yu smiled and said, “Since you think there are enough audiences, you Do it!”

Fang Yu motioned to Mo Ling and the others to give up their position.

He is going one-on-one with Zuo Mu!

Mo Ling tacitly came to open positions for Fang Yu and Zuo Mu to single out.

To be honest, Fang Yu and Zuo Mu singled out…what kind of result it would be, it is self-evident!

This is something you dont need to ask more.

If even the trifling Zuo Mu can’t be solved, Fang Yu will not be the number one on this list.


“Fang Yu, Zuo Mu, it is an interesting combination. Although Fang Yu is one star higher than Zuo Mu, one star is occupied by the powerhouse The advantage is actually not as big as I imagined!”

“Yes, I still think Zuo Mu is stronger. After all, the number one on the list is that in terms of points, one-to-one, not nece arily so Amazing.”

“Zuo Mu is the son of Zuo Family, an important branch of the Martial Emperor force of the three eyes. Although he is not well-known in this area, he cannot deny Zuo Mu’s strength.”


Many people have confidence in Zuo Mu, thinking that this battle will give Zuo Mu a greater advantage!

“I’m not optimistic about Fang Yu…”

Mo Ling rolled his eyes, and suddenly said loudly: “Since you are not optimistic about Fang Yu winning, I will add my bet. _m out of this thing to bet Fang Yu to win, does anyone want to bet against me?”

I saw that Mo Ling took out a go ip plate with a simple style and a hint of Spiritual Qi overflow.

“This is the treasure produced by the Heavenly Knowledge Hall, the secret go ip disc?”

Luo Lan has sharp eyes and suddenly recognizes what it is.

“What is the secret go ip plate?”

Someone saw this thing for the first time and asked curiously.

“It means literally, this thing has the effect similar to the eye of demon, it can give hints in some dangerous places, or when indecisive, although the specific meaning is also profound Interpretation, or comprehend by yourself, in short, there are still many functions! The most important thing is that this product is only produced by Heavenly Knowledge Hall! Heavenly Knowledge Hall has a limited number of heavenly go ip plates released every year, and Mo Ling can take out one as a bet , Fang Yu already has great confidence.”

Someone who knows how to do it explained.

At the same time when everyone was suddenly enlightened, they couldn’t help but lean towards Fang Yu.

Yes, as a member of the Heavenly Knowledge Hall, Mo Ling has a certain meaning in every move.

She can win by betting on Fang Yu now, so she won’t be aimle .

After all, the Tianji go ip plate is not Chinese cabbage, but it doesnt hurt to lose it.

“I bet with you! This is the treasure that hosts the Martial Sect full strength attack. Although the level of performance depends on the strength of the person who owns it, but in terms of rarity, both It’s similar, you wouldn’t dare to be afraid!”

Luo Lan took the initiative.

cracking a joke, Zuo Mu is her fiance, and now Zuo Mu challenges Fang Yu, although there are elements of revenge and recovery, but there is no lack of factors that give Luo Lan a breath.

Now Mo Ling takes the initiative to overweight, so provocative, if she doesn’t accept the move, wouldn’t everyone think that Zuo Mu is a soft persimmon, and their entire group is a good bully?


Mo Ling glanced, tentatively agreed.

She wanted to say something, but an inspector said: “On the night of cro ing the catastrophe, after cro ing the catastrophe, there will be revenge, and there will be grievances. It is an unwritten tradition! If you want to do it , Hurry up! Otherwise, dont say you dont have a chance!”

These words are to remind Mo Ling again, stop here.

After all, Mo Ling’s purpose is to build momentum for Fang Yu, the bigger the better!

When the time comes defeated Zuo Mu, the greatest gains will be made.

This is the fundamental purpose of Mo Ling.

However, for the inspectors, if they are really made too much by Mo Ling, they are finally out of control, it is them who are uncomfortable!

For this reason, they will never let Mo Ling go as he pleases.


Mo Ling smacked his lips, a little disdainful.

But she has nothing to say.

Because of her behavior of wanting to make trouble, it will happen sooner or later that Azure Dragon Academy is holding her down. But she didn’t expect it to end before it started. It’s really a finished apprenticeship before you die!

“However, Luo Lan took out the gambling thing, barely reluctantly, anyway, it is pay a small price for big rewards in return, not to lose.”

Mo Ling Thought to himself.

As for why it pays a small price for big rewards in return…… Is Fang Yu good for Zuo Mu?

This is not pay a small price for big rewards in return. What is pay a small price for big rewards in return?


Suddenly, Zuo Mu roared, his breath filled with waves.

Although all directions have been vacant, some people who are closer are still affected and regre ed.


Everyone is shocked!

This is just the breath that Zuo Mu exudes. It’s not really hands-on yet. If they are really hands-on, didn’t they lose in a single encounter?

I really didn’t expect Zuo Mu to be so tyrannical and terrifying!

“tsk tsk! Who can I show you?”

Fang Yu seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He stretched his distance and patted his sleeve lightly, as if just blowing Here is some insignificant dust.

“Fang Yu, how big you are now, I will make you lose so miserably later!”

Zuo Mu didn’t care about Fang Yu’s attitude, but opened his mouth. .

However, Zuo Mu’s appearance is far from before.

Now Zuo Mu looks, faintly, a little bit unlike a human!

“Doesn’t it look like a person?”

Seeing this, many people felt a sinking heart.

If it’s not human, what is Zuo Mu now?

“This is Zuo Mu’s Bloodline Strength.”

Lee Wei glanced at and said: “The ancestor of Zuo Family is a hybrid of Demonic beast and Human Race, although later generations Daidu and Human Race are married, but this bloodline cannot be eliminated, and there is no need to eliminate it…this bloodline, as long as the control is not wrong, it is a gain, and there is no negative effect.”

” Of course, the most important thing is that they have been married to Human Race for many generations! This dilutes their bloodline power a lot, but it is precisely in a power that can be controlled, such as a knife, how powerful it is, it cant be controlled. , It will only hurt yourself in the reverse direction, which is meaningle .”

Liewei stared at Zuo Mu and said: “However, the current Zuo Family protagonist can completely control the power of this bloodline. So it will only be a trump card. If it werent for the stronger bloodline of our family, I would have to envy Zuo Mu.”

“Then Zuo Mus bloodline is…”

Mei An couldn’t help asking.

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