Although the opportunity is not great, there is always a certain probability. At least every retest will have some lucky people be favored and take the lead in breaking through to Wuling!

“Although it is just the beginning, it can be the first to attack the martial arts, it is undoubtedly one step faster…”

hearing this, many people have a reverie.

“There are too many martial artists here. They may not compete with us in the center tower, but it’s about inheritance… hard to tell!”

A man with a slight vici itudes of life coldly said: “The most important thing is to fight for this mystery and inheritance. It is indispensable to fight, do you want to show your cards as soon as you come up?”


This time The old words made them wonder.

Yes, no one can do it alone.

When the time comes, it is a duel of various means and various treasures.

However, today is the first day of the retest!

There was such a big noise on the first day… Is it really good?

“However, we are not without the opportunity. Everyone knows that there are five formation towers, each with mysterious. We stick to this. We are a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first, and this place is mostly don The guys who’t act without some incentive, are not afraid of inheritance before they were born, they really met with us force with force.”

The vici itudes of life who just spoke said with a smile.


“There is movement!”

Lou Shu slap the table and stand up, short of breath!

There was a reaction on the first day here. Did you gain something?

How lucky this is!

Although I am not sure if it is from them, it is a good thing if there is movement!

“I will search for one or two!”

After Lou Tianbing finished speaking, he immediately took out an object and hovered quietly on the ground.

It is like a disc, but it can emit white light, as if it is sensing something.

“This is…from the underground?”

Lou Shuzhan understood some of the information returned by the disc, and was stunned.

Underground…Everyone knows that if there is any mystery, it is definitely underground in Blazing City.

Then the problem comes again, they are just Great Martial Masters, they really want to dig three feet here, impossible!

Although Fang Yu had done this kind of thing, he used some special spiritual weapons in Zhenbaolou.

This special spiritual weapon is also called an industrial spiritual weapon. It is not used in combat, but more in mining.

This kind of thing occupies a lot of space and is of little significance to the retest. No one will take it with them.

Not to mention, the name Blazing City is closely related to the place full of Power of Flame. God knows if there is an endless lava below. If it is dug out, it will be caught in a pot.

“What’s more, there is Formation shelter here. With our ability…impossible to dig down.”

Lou Shuzhan gave up this idea.

“Let’s watch the changes.”

Lou Shuzhang said to everyone.

This can only be done for now.

“This…is it because Fang Yu made the noise?”

Kegul was surprised.

He just discu ed Fang Yu with Mo Ling.

Unexpectedly, with a dazzling effort, there will be a disturbance…This person is too capable of doing things!

“most likely.”

Mo Ling said with a smile.

“Then we…”

Kegul was heartbroken.

“I advise you to dispel this idea.”

Mo Ling said, playing with her long hair.


Kegul was a little unconvinced: “Good luck, those who are predestined get it!”

“You said that those who are predestined get it! So… are you the one who is predestined?”

Mo Ling rolled his eyes and said, “Fang Yu is the one who is predestined! If you forcibly touch porcelain, there will be no good results, Fang Yu still I will hate you, so bad!” When Mo Ling said that, Keguer really hesitated.

Ask yourself, Fang Yu is not a stingy person.

But Kegur deliberately robbed Fang Yu’s good fortune. It is conceivable that Fang Yu will retaliate afterwards.

After all, they are not Saints!

“And Martial Saint is not nece arily magnanimous.”

Thinking about it, Keguer had to sigh: “Okay, I hope Fang Yu brother will compensate me one or two later… “

“Don’t worry, Fang Yu is a person, I can vouch for it, if not, why do you think I have to saddle up and down.”

Mo Ling said with a chuckle.

Kegul suddenly realized that he couldn’t help but look at Mo Ling more.

Heavenly Knowledge Hall is the second child of the younger generation, really has some abilities!


“What happened?”

In the space of Elf Race, several Fire E ence Spirit General troops except Alice It’s all here.

Others may not be aware of the changes here, but they can…because the movement that diffuses out is actually the breath of Spirit King!

Their king has changed!

Seeing this, Alice will tell the previous things without omi ion and in detail.


Another Fire E ence Spirit General soldier knocked a companion to the ground.

This is the Fire E ence Spirit General army who brought Fang Yu.

Claire has a bitter face and doesn’t know what to say.

Now that it happened, it also regrets a bit.

It originally thought that Fang Yu’s arrival might be able to relieve their king’s burden, but it did not expect such a result.

Their dying king will die soon!

It might have been struggling on whilst at death’s door for decades, but now it has reached the level of died during meditation. You can imagine what happened.

They want to go in and see what happened.

Helple ly, the space here is completely controlled by the Fire E ence Spirit King.

They are only the Fire E ence Spirit General army, and there is no ability to break in.


Suddenly, the fluctuation within the gate changed!

Become very mysterious, very expensive.

“This, this…”

They looked at the door in disbelief…What happened inside?

Why is there such a sudden change!


Suddenly notice and so on them, the expre ion has changed dramatically!

Because there are originally two kinds of fluctuations.

One belongs to Fang Yu, and the other belongs to their king!

However, now one of them has disappeared, while the other has become stronger…What happened?


The closed door opened slowly, and the one silhouette walked out slowly.

As soon as this silhouette appeared, they were all subconsciously crawling on the ground.

Although they dare not look directly, they can be sure that it is not their king who comes out, but Fang Yu!

This is a Human Race martial artist who was brought by Klein and has the mark of Spirit King!

The king… has fallen!

However, before they have time to grieve, they are flooded with another emotion called shock!

Only because Fang Yu’s breath is still above their king.

What exists above the Spirit King, they dare not even think about it!

Because in the element continent, this Supreme Existence is very rare.

There are not many in the element continent, how could it appear here!

However, now the elf emperor… is born!

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