Be aware that Fire E ence Spirit King has been alive for a long time.

He has strong wisdom and experience.

It knows that if you take the initiative to speak out your purpose, in the conversation, it is easy to fall behind first.

Thats the case, even if Fang Yu had gue ed more or less what Fang Yu came from, it still didnt take the initiative to break it.

Absolutely didn’t expect Fang Yu mentioned it.

Although Fang Yu wanted to refine the Spirit King mark, it was also unexpected.

“The mark of the Spirit King is very important to a Spirit King.”

Fire E ence Spirit King finally calmed down and said.

“Well…Once you lose it, you will probably die soon.”

Fang Yu nodded.

The same is true. Fang Yu talked about one of the most concerned i ues.

Elf Race people!

It can be said that as far as the other party’s state is concerned, it is not for clansman, it is probably dead long ago.

Fire E ence Spirit King is struggling to support it, not because once it dies, this opened up space is likely to face collapse!

Even if it does not crash immediately, it is a matter of time. At most about a year, these Elf Race people will be exposed in front of one’s eyes of Azure Dragon Academy.

It’s not that Azure Dragon Academy is a bad guy or something, but Elf Race is rare in Myriad Spirits Continent.

Once it is targeted by some powerhouses, it is definitely not a good thing. There is a great chance that you will be in dire straits.

He doesn’t believe in Fire E ence Spirit King, bet!

However, as far as the Fire E ence Spirit King is concerned, it is not its turn not to gamble!

After all, there is only one choice.

It is true that the Fire E ence Spirit King mark can be inherited.

However, it is only Alice from the Fire E ence Spirit General army. They are not qualified enough to even have the opportunity to force inheritance.

Now Fire E ence Spirit King has one more choice…Fang Yu!

If Fang Yu was given the imprint of the Fire E ence Spirit King, then there would be another kind of probability… Fang Yu would replace the dying Fire E ence Spirit King and protect these swaying wind and rain Fairies!

“Can you protect my clansman?”

Fire E ence Spirit King said again.

In fact, if its Spirit King mark does not inherit until it falls, it will most likely collapse, and then continue to feed back its own clansman, but in terms of meaning, this is too wasteful. Up!

A Spirit King mark, only used in these areas, is really insignificant.

So, Fang Yu’s statement moved it!

“Well…I not only have a Spirit King mark, but I am also Human Race! In this place, it is reasonable and legal, and there are ways to deal with this matter.”

< p> Fang Yu said confidently.

Fire E ence Spirit King remained silent.

It’s not that it suspects Fang Yu.

What Fang Yu said, most likely to be true, it can be seen.

It’s just that even if it is ready for scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, but this moment really comes, it is still a bit embarra ing.

Especially when I think of years of being displaced in a chaotic space, my eyes eventually become clear and I look directly at Fang Yu.

“Even if I agree, but the spirit of Spirit King imprint, there is a kind of instinct, may not accept you, when the time comes…”

Fire E ence Spirit King said Own worries.

In case you dont accept it, the Spirit King is marked by scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. Fang Yu wont get any benefits. Will he ignore his clansman?

“I can swear to my Spirit King mark!”

Fang Yu said in a serious manner.

This is a very strict oath.

For Elf Race, the e ence of Spirit Seal is undoubtedly the heart of martial artist!

If a person deceives one’s Dao Xin, and violates the Dao Xin, it will definitely not end well.

Although Feng Yaoguang didn’t do this voluntarily, he still shakes Dao’s heart after all, and the impact is huge.

Seeing this, Fire E ence Spirit King nodded, said: “Okay…I promised it!”

Hearing this, Fang Yu immediately swore to his Spirit King imprint, Will be responsible for the Fire E ence spirits of this race until they do not need to take care of themselves.

Fire E ence Spirit King took a deep breath and explained the funeral: “This space is said to be created by me, but in general, it is a treasure…”

In the narration of Fire E ence Spirit King, Fang Yu stared wide-eyed.

To put it simply, when Fire E ence Spirit King was developed, many things were considered, including future things.

Therefore, this space is actually designed as something similar to a mini cave sky.

As long as Fang Yu can inherit its Spirit King mark, he can control this place, and when the time comes, he can leave with his clansman.

It said so much, mainly because it believed in Fang Yu, and his back then left… A Human Race martial artist left with this thing, and ordinary people can’t find the clue.

What’s more, this thing should have a great effect on Fang Yu now. For this reason, Fang Yu will still try to protect its clansman.

Thinking of this, it has completely relaxed.

It has nothing to worry about.

“If it fails…”

Fang Yu couldn’t help asking.

What happens in case of failure is a very important thing.

“If you fail, just graft this thing directly onto your Spirit King mark.”

Fire E ence Spirit King replied.

“Can this work?”

Fang Yuchi asked.

“There is a certain chance of failure, but if you don’t do this, this place will be exposed immediately, because it is not so perfect and has many shortcomings…”

Fire E ence Spirit King Yoyo said .

Now its position with Fang Yu has a certain reversal.

The thing is decided to give Fang Yu, the benefits and disadvantages are all said, do you really accept… Fang Yu has no choice, he has sworn to the spirit of the spirit king, can it be Can’t regret it?

Fang Yu took a deep breath and said: “Then…come on!”

Blazing City, the center array tower.

The young Great Martial Master who is stationed here are some of the young Great Martial Masters who have come out of the limelight in the audition and initial trials.

They have both males and females, and they are good at strength. On average, they are around four-star and five-star Great Martial Masters!

Although the four-star and five-star Great Martial Masters are not high-level Great Martial Masters yet, they have certain potential. The main thing is to talk and distribute the benefits between them, which is easy to say.

As a result, these ten men and women occupied the center tower as soon as they came, and no one has challenged them until now.

Even if you have played a two four-star, five-star Great Martial Master, how about ten and eight?

How to fight this again?

But just now, they all felt an unusual wave of fluctuations!


They looked at me, I looked at you, they didn’t speak for a while.

Because they are not difficult to detect that there are special fluctuations, but where the fluctuations come from, they can’t find it!

“Could it be that the mystery of Blazing City is coming out?”

A woman in white clothed white pants said excitedly.

The reason why the re-examinations of the four major academies are talked about is because they may find some unowned inheritance in the re-examinations, and then soar!

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