“But, as long as the benefits are enough, the second child is also good, isn’t it? Anyway, I still look forward to a day’s evaluation with Fang Yu!”

Mo Ling said leisurely.

“You dare to think…”

Kegul said silently.

Admittedly, admi ion depends on a comprehensive evaluation.

However, the three major evaluations of star, moon, and sun require absolute strength.

Insufficient strength, definitely can’t get mixed up.

The same is true. When Fang Yu said that he would help Feng Yaoguang, Kegur’s eyes were big!

If he can easily become a student of the moon, he would rather incarnation and big-eyed cute girl to confuse Fang Yu.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing is very difficult.

It’s hard and hard!

Its not that you dont believe Fang Yu, but there are some things, not just hard work.

“Be that as it may, the Heavenly Knowledge Hall are all magic sticks or big sticks. I may not know what I can see. I just believed Fang Yu so much, then should I…”


Kegul’s imaginative imaginations.

Because he also desperately needs strength!

Whether it is to become a student of the moon or achieve martial arts, he can solve his current dilemma.

With him alone, there is little hope, not to mention the fact that Me’an has come to the Barbarian Race, who are all waiting for a day.

“You and I are not in the same way…At least, you are not a woman. You cant learn how Feng Yaoguang and I are doing it. If you forcefully learn it, Fang Yu might be right. You handed it to Mei An.”

Mo Ling kindly reminded Keguer.

Actually, Keguer is a good person, but sometimes, he is a bit whimsical!

Kegul looked embarra ed, and he was also afraid that Fang Yu would really hand over himself directly, and the fun would be great!


“Is there anything special about the tower of formation?”

Feng Yaoguang followed Fang Yu around the tower of Nanmen Town. solution.

Because they have gone for a short one hour, there is not even a trace of the trace.

“Yes… there is a special life here!”

Fang Yu replied.

While speaking, Fang Yu scanned all directions, his eyes piercing.

Here… there are spirits!

This is a life that the Profound Sky world also has.

Fang Yu was able to rise at the beginning because he got the inheritance of Spirit King!

Speaking of which, the Spirit King has a very high status in the Celestial Profound World, the equivalent to Dragon Race, Phoenix Clan and other first-class races.

Based on the inheritance of the Spirit King, Fang Yu succe fully defying heaven changing fate.

Even though he eventually fell, the feeling for the elves… is still there!

This is something carved in the soul!

So Fang Yu said that there is something here, there is a special life!

“Perhaps for many years, the mystery of Blazing City is related to elves!”

Fang Yu couldn’t help thinking.

He has a bold idea!

Because there are not many elves in the Profound Sky world, very few, but very powerful!

Now that Myriad Spirits Continent also has…How could it not be surprised!

“The main reason is that the elves are very powerful. If there are elves in Myriad Spirits Continent, the impossible will be kept secret… After all, the ghosts and the like are all spread by word of mouth. The powerful Elf Race, impossible is unknown! Yes, this is a special case.”

Fang Yu remembered one more thing.

Many things in the Azure Dragon mirror were swallowed by it accidentally.

If Blazing City was originally not a Blazing City, but a lost plate, it was swallowed by the Azure Dragon mirror and appeared in Myriad Spirits Continent, there would be nothing strange.

Feng Yaoguang doesn’t understand the basis of Fang Yu being so mysterious, but considering that Fang Yu never does useless work, she still believes Fang Yu once and walks quietly with him.

As Fang Yu went deeper here, Fang Yu became more sure of the true face of Blazing City…Here is Elf Race, or Elf Race alive!

“The spirit of fire……”

Fang Yu muttered to himself.


Suddenly, a powerful fire light lit up.

At the moment the flame emerged, Feng Yaoguang pa ed out directly.

This is a kind of self-protection.

Because I dont faint, I have to face this flame.

this can burn the flame of the soul!

“who you are!”

The flames that appeared were both shocked and angry.

Just because it felt a familiar feeling in Fang Yu’s inexplicable sense.

Like the king facing them!

“Me? I am Fang Yu.”

Fang Yu stood with his hand in his hand, and his expre ion remained unchanged: “You are the spirit of fire… it looks like a Spirit General army. ?”

The grade of the elves is linked to the status. The Fire E ence Spirit General army is almost the status of the Martial King in the martial artist, which is quite good.

“Oh? You know our Elf Race!”

The Fire E ence Spirit General army was even more surprised.

It can be said for so many years, has no one ever said something about Elf Race?

Even if the so-called Azure Dragon Academy sent the powerhouse to investigate, the other party either failed to detect the clue, or deliberately revealed it lightly.

Why this is not hard to gue .

Elf Race is very good at guarding and sealing things.

If they are unwilling, even if you act hard, they can burn both jade and stone first.

This is the case, Azure Dragon Academy can detect the powerhouse, and act without impulse.

In case it is really ruined, the gain will not be worth the lo , so it is better to leave it to the destined.

“Of course I know…”

With that, Fang Yu showed his mark of fire according to the memory in his soul!

“This, this is the mark of the king! Are you a king?”

The Fire E ence Spirit General army was stunned.

Elf Race is just a general term, which is subdivided into fire elves, water elves and so on.

However, the fire elves also do not all live together, they also have a group.

It is not surprising that two kings exist at the same time.

In other words, if there is no king, then an Elf Race group is not far away from destruction.

Now the Fire E ence Spirit General army has encountered a human with the mark of the king in Blazing City…what the hell is that?

“How can you guess about the king’s affairs? Tell me about your situation here!”

Fang Yu said solemnly.

At the same moment, the super slaughter system has a voice: “Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the random behavior [sudden act of force] and get 10.0 [slaughter points]!”

“? ???”

Fang Yu looked dumbfounded.

What the hell is that random behavior?

There is also a sudden act of force…I really got the Spirit King inheritance in my last life, OK?

It’s real, but it’s not pretended!

Ding! Random behavior is a special mechanism after the hosts spirit and body unification. The system will have a hidden cultivation base every period of time. If the host has just completed it, you can get [slaughter points].”

“Can I swipe indefinitely?”

“Ding! No, after completing a random behavior, this behavior will disappear.”

“So what a pity Now.”


Fang Yu said with regret.

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