“However, over the years, there have been few examples of breakthrough Formation, so there is no need to be too nervous.”

So Fang Yu directly excluded the center Array tower.

“We choose the South Gate Tower.”

Fang Yu said.

“Why? Is there any special reason?”

Mo Ling asked with interest.

Fang Yu is a person who can’t do meaningless things.

So, he has chosen the South Gate Tower now, there must be some special reason.

“Because it’s so close?”

Fang Yu thought for a while and said.

“Because it is close?”

Everyone was stunned.

What is the reason?

“Why, can’t this be a reason?”

Fang Yu said with a smile.

“No, but…”

Mo Ling stopped talking.

“Our knowledge of Blazing City is limited. Although there have been many legends over the years, it is conceivable that it is true and false. If it is true, I am afraid that the thing is no longer there. False…It means that no one has found the clue, so which one we choose is actually the same.”

Fang Yukankan said.

This made Mo Ling frowned.

Fang Yu said that, somewhat arbitrary!

The problem is that she still thinks what Fang Yu said makes sense!

I was convinced by him!

“Brother Fang said it seems to be the same thing!”

Kegul said to himself.

“So, choose the South Gate Tower, and we didn’t come very early. If we want to occupy a Tower, I’m afraid it will take some effort.”

Fang Yu said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Fang Yu looked at the South Gate Tower.

Sure enough, there are already some silhouettes gathered in this place.

It is not difficult to see that the reputation of Blazing City has attracted many interested martial artists who think they are good.

“Then do it!”

Kegul squeezed his fist.

I was just chased by Mei An and others, making him angry!

No way, he doesn’t like Mei An, but he cannot deny that Mei An’s cultivation talent is terrifying, and he still needs to be above himself.

Therefore, Mo said that he was hunted down by Mei An and the others, that is, Mei An was the only one, and Kegur will not do anything with him.

Because this is looking for abuse!

He doesn’t need to be upset.

However, aside from the enchantments of Mei An who look at his peers who are well-known figures, the rest of them, although Keguer can’t be called a punch, are similar.

South Gate Tower.

“Oh? Someone is here.”

Looking at the menacing Fang Yu, the group of people who occupied the place first stood up to fight.


“hmph! Rubbish!”

Kegul will kill them all alone.

It is undeniable that although these people are still capable, they are not enough to face Kegur, especially the angry Kegur!

“Barbarian Race’s body is innate talent, and Kegur is a good brain. It can’t be treated as an ordinary Barbarian Race.”

Fang Yu looking thoughtful.

If you change yourself, if you underestimate the enemy carele ly, you will inevitably suffer from Keguer.

Kegul’s appearance is too deceptive.

A careless person will be deceived by him

As a result, just like these random guys, after failure, points are taken!

Seeing this, the defeated guy looked ugly.

If there are no points for more than one day, they will be eliminated.

Fortunately, it’s getting dark now, and they still have one day to get points tomorrow, otherwise they will be eliminated one day after they come in, but it would be too miserable.

“Suddenly accrued 50.0 points!”

Kegul took a look at his ranking, as if he was in the top ten!

After all, today is the first day, and many martial artists have not rushed to hunt Demonic beasts to increase their points, or do it casually. Instead, they gather information, take a day off, wait until they meet their peers, and then make plans!

“You, don’t be proud! My elder sister is from Hidden Dragon List. If you go to Azure Dragon Academy in the future, you will definitely not eat it!”

A woman who had been robbed of points said angrily.

Because the points were taken away on the first day, it is really an extraordinary shame and humiliation.

If it weren’t for the fact that they couldn’t beat Kegur together, she really wanted to take revenge.

“Hehe, who is your elder sister’s last name and name, why not speak out and listen?”

Kegul is not afraid at all, said with a laugh: “And you know I am here No one in Azure Dragon Academy? Let me tell you, Mu Chengshuang Senior Sister in the top three of Hidden Dragon List is my big sister and I am her preparatory younger brother!”

“Mu Chengshuang!”< /p>

Womens complexion changed, apparently knowing that Mu Chengshuang is who are you.

“hmph…you just go and see!”

The woman’s face changed a little, but she still left dingy.

“When did you become Mu Chengshuang’s younger brother?”

Fang Yu asked curiously.

“Prepare the kid! Can I make myself self-proclaimed? And my aptitude is so good. When I join Azure Dragon Academy, I ask for one or two. Mu Chengshuang Senior Sister may direct me to accept me as an official kid. !”

Kegul said nonchalantly.

Fang Yu didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Thats why Mu Chengshuang Mountain is high and the emperor is far away, and you are just like this. If Mu Chengshuang is here, I am afraid that Kegurs atmosphere will not come out.

“Besides, if I really want to prepare my brother, it’s me.”

Fang Yu couldn’t help muttering.

Although he is really not ready to be Mu Chengshuang’s younger brother.

Moreover, it is difficult for him to imagine that once Mu Chengshuang discovered that Yu Fang was himself at the time, and he was afraid that something very bad would happen!

“Let’s go, let’s explore the mystery of the One and Two South Gate Towers.”

Fang Yu said to Feng Yaoguang.

“Fang big brother, dont you score points?”

Mo Ling called Fang Yu: “And dont you want me to go?”

“G Although Gul’s strength is not bad, but alone, unable to subdue this place, you still want you to go out.”

Fang Yu said seriously.

Mo Ling originally wanted to entangle one or two, but Fang Yu said so sincerely, she forgot to refute the other party for a while!


Fang Yu took Feng Yaoguang and left.


Feng Yaoguang was stunned for a moment.

“Although your Dao heart has calmed down a lot, but you really want to fight these wolves and tigers, it’s still a lot worse. Let Mo Ling do this. “

Fang Yu said.


Feng Yaoguang has no reason to refuse, so he can only go with Fang Yu.

“I said the little elder sister of Mo Ling, do we suffer a loss if we stay here?”

Kegul asked suddenly.

“You, you seem obediently and honestly, but there is a lot of bad water in your heart!”

Mo Ling looked deeply Kegur.

She knows that this is Keguer. Because of the previous incident, she will provoke her relationship with Fang Yu. It is tentatively a small revenge.

Kegul smiled and said nothing.

“Let me put it this way, with Fang Yu… We will never be the protagonist.”

Mo Ling said in deadly earnest.


Kegul was slightly startled, but Mo Ling didn’t expect Mo Ling to talk about this kind of thing.

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