
Soon, Fang Yu discovered that there is not only a map here, but also a list!

“Is it on the list?”

Fang Yu clicked to view it. The positions from the first to the 100th are listed, but unfortunately there is no name.

Obviously, no one has done it yet.


Fang Yu just finished thinking, and there are changes on the list.

“Lou Shuzhang, 11 points…”

Fang Yu said to himself.

Obviously, Lou Shuzhan just beheaded a Rank 1 Monster Beast.

After reading, Fang Yu’s line of sight fell on the map again.

Blazing City, it is estimated that it is half a day away from this location.

This is calculated according to ordinary foot strength.

There are too many dangers here, such as Demonic beasts, martial artists, competitors, etc.

Dangers are endle !

If you swagger past, you will definitely become cannon fodder.

Therefore, Fang Yu didn’t calculate the speed of Dragon Surgery.

Because of such a long distance, even if the Dragon Surge is very fast, relatively speaking, the cost is equally huge.

If you act rashly, the gain is not worth the lo !

What’s more, this is only the first day, so you don’t need to be too rushed.

“I’m not with Fang Yu…it seems to be gathering in Blazing City.”

Feng Yaoguang sighed lightly.

Although Fang Yu gave her a lot of encouragement, the importance of Dao Xin to martial artist is self-evident.

The heart of the Dao is the Heart of Martial Dao, or the heart of the Dao!

Thousand-thousands of Dao, Martial Dao is the respect, so it is directly called Dao Xin.

Feng Yaoguang was hit too hard.

In a short time, there is definitely no probability of recovery.

However, Fang Yu is a man who will do what he says. He said that, that’s it, just believe him.

So, after Feng Yaoguang determined the direction, he also proceeded cautiously in the direction of Blazing City.

“Blazing City? Haha…Fang Yu, I’ll go to Blazing City to see if you are qualified to walk with me!”

Bai Wuxie stood on the hillside and sneered.

Fang Yu and Lou Shuzhans bet was pa ed to him that night.

He didn’t know how Fang Yu found his recuperating self.

Considering Fang Yu’s strength, even if he can do it, it is not surprising. Bai Wuxie also did not think deeply.

He cares about what Fang Yu brings to him.

“Since you think I was lucky enough to win you that day, you will come to Blazing City to take a good look at how my Fang Yu swept one side!”

Recall Fang Yus words, Bai Innocent and could not help being sneaked.

Although he agreed to Fang Yu that day, and later publicly admitted his cooperation with Fang Yu, Bai Wuxie thought carefully whether he was caught by Fang Yu’s trap!

Therefore, Bai Wuxie is indeed a little bit unwilling.

It is rare that Fang Yu took the initiative to give the opportunity to kill himself, and Bai Wuxie would not let go of this great opportunity!


A mountain stream.

A black robe boy is hidden in the gloom, a little helple .

He is afraid of sunlight.

Because he has a ghost bloodline!

Strictly speaking, he is not a so-called ghost person or a mixed race, and it is more appropriate to say that it is a test product.

It is still a failed trial.

So, he also has some weaknesses.

For example, among the ghosts, the weak ones are often afraid of sunlight.

He is afraid of sunlight.

Only in the dark can there be peace.

At this time, a colorful poisonous snake walked past him, and it seemed that he did not find black robed youth.

Because black robed youth is a failure, but somehow inherited the advantages of some ghosts.

The soul is transformed!

This is a unique Innate Ability of the ghost race, which can turn oneself into a ghost in a short time, and then eliminate the sense of existence.

However, black robed youth deduces this ability vividly and thoroughly.

He can become a soul for a long time!

In this way, unless it is an intelligent creature, it is difficult to detect his existence.

For example, the poisonous snake in front of me is Rank 1 Monster Beast at best. The level is too low to detect the existence of black robed youth.

black robed youth bends over and strokes the snake.

The poisonous snake was startled and hurried away.


The black robed youth sighed, retreated into the gloom, and waited for the night to come.


In a river.

A young woman is wiping.

There are several dead Demonic beasts by the river.

Despite death, some of the breath did not disappear.

Great Martial Master Level and other Demonic beasts!

With this kind of existence, a few died suddenly, and the initiator was like a young woman who was bathing.

Her facial features are not good-looking, but rather indifferent and tough.

It is different from He Ping because of the influence of boxing.

He Ping’s facial features appear to be rigid, because her boxing method is extremely stubborn, and it is born from the heart!

But she was born like this.


As she washed her face, cracks appeared. She gently stroked and the cracks healed.

This…is a Holy Spirit!

One person has wings on his back, looking down the earth indifferently.

“Blazing City…”

He chanted the name, and hurried over according to the route indicated by the token.

Compared to the earth, the sky is undoubtedly much safer.

Moreover, he used his own wings instead of martial arts and the like when he hurried away. It only consumes physical strength.

A small amount of physical exertion can be compensated by medicine pill.


Some seedlings came temporarily this time…

In the lobby of Azure Dragon Academy, Vice President Wang was sitting in the first seat, right Elder said below.

Everyone is slightly nodded, and at the same time reveals incomprehensible colors.

Because normally, it is very rare to temporarily switch the selected Academy.

But this time, there are enough people here.

Among them is Holy Spirit and so on…… What’s wrong?

They were puzzled, they were puzzled, but they did not refuse.

After all, these all are rarely seen Heaven’s Chosen Child!

They suddenly turned to Azure Dragon Academy, and many procedures and procedures were very proper. Although the other three academies were enthusiastic, they couldn’t do much.

Because the procedures they brought are recognized by the four major academies, this is something that cannot be faulted.

The question is, why do they do this?

“We can’t refuse these Heaven’s Chosen Child… It’s the Holy Spirit again, and it’s the product of human and ghost. It’s really, hey!”

Vice President Wangs smile is full Helple .

At first, he thought that this time was probably only Fang Yu, and even at most two or three people were eligible for special invitations.

However, the number of people who can choose now suddenly increases to more than ten!

The sudden surprise made Vice President Wang happy and sad.

Who should I choose?

“Deputy Dean Wang, you seem to have sent a special invitation letter before the selection…”

Suddenly, someone asked this question.

After the selection, it is the exhibition match of the four major Academy.

It’s about the subsequent division of interests, so we can’t be carele !

Once Azure Dragon Academy benefits, their mentors and Elder will also follow as the tide rises, the boat floats.

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