“What did you say to Lou Shuzhang yesterday?” Feng Yaoguang asked.

They found Feng Yaoguang here.

But no one said anything.

Because in this place, in full view, they can’t do anything, but there is nothing to worry about.

It’s just that Feng Yaoguang finally left, fearing that it was an agreement with Fang Yu.

“It’s very simple, three days…The people on our side have higher points than them, so we win, and they must obey our management.”

Fang Yu blunt’s Said.

He, Feng Yaoguang, Mo Ling and Keguer, to Wang Zhong, He Ping and Lou Shu Brother Zhan.

Without including Bai Wuxie, bet on which side of the game has the highest score.

The higher party gets the leadership.

If you join Bai Wuxie, Lou Shuzhang will definitely not do it.

What else is there to join Bai Wuxie?

Can’t play!

However, Fang Yu took the initiative not to join Bai Wuxie, but Lou Shuzhang was a little confused.

Is Fang Yu really so confident?

Even if the two sides are actually on the same level, Feng Yaoguang is already unstable, which is a major weakness.

Mo Ling, Keguer and Fang Yu, as well as a weakened Feng Yaoguang, are theoretically better than Lou Shu.

Just like that, Lou Shuzhang just agreed.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t come here seriously, and was persuaded by Fang Yu to go back in a few words!


Feng Yao opened her mouth and didn’t know how to answer.

Because she knows too well that she is a weakness.

“Oh? That’s it, didn’t we win it?”

Mo Ling came over and said enthusiastically.

“Sure win? Which way to win?”

Feng Yaoguang is in a bad mood and is very di atisfied with Mo Ling’s pretending to be crazy.

“Aiya, Sister Feng Da is not anxious, I say so, it makes sense…Have you ever seen Fang Yu use all his strength?”

Mo Ling is not anxious. On the contrary, it comforted Feng Yaoguang.


Feng Yaoguang was stunned.

Because Mo Ling makes sense, when did Fang Yu use all his strength?

“If I could see my brother Fang…oh, no, it would be a worthwhile trip because of the strength of Brother Fang!”

Kegul agreed.

Remember that Fang Yu was chased and killed by demons.

The result?

The evil demon ran away, Fang Yu is fine.

Although it is impossible, if you think about it carefully, you can get a terrifying answer… Is it po ible that Fang Yu repelled the demons?

Even if this kind of thing is nonsense, but the world is impermanent. Sometimes, isn’t it just such a nonsense?

Therefore, they have always wanted to see what Fang Yu is like, who can deal with demons.

Unfortunately, since then, there have been no hands-on opportunities, or they have not seen it, which is a pity.

Since Fang Yu took the initiative to bet against Lou Shuzhan, Feng Yaoguang was out of use.

Maybe you can see Fang Yus true ability!

Fang Yu knew what they meant, and immediately laughed and said nothing.

Feng Yaoguang is in the clouds.

At this time, yesterdays voice resounded in the sky: “The personnel who have entered the semi-finals have already been set, and the rest, leave the field!”

The words came out as if they were Many silhouettes disappeared in an instant.

Fang Yu glanced around, hoping to see his acquaintances.

As a result, everything came so quickly that he didn’t see clearly, and these people were cleared out.

Although those who lost yesterday, if they can enter the semi-finals, they have already been notified, but this kind of announcement is only a notification through the number plate, not all announced, Fang Yu has no idea that Li Qiuhong is going I still didn’t enter.

“The rematch will last for a full month. If she enters, she should be able to meet…”

Fang Yu secretly thought.

Although you want to go to the retest when you first entered the Great Martial Master, it is not easy.

Notice that until now, nearly half of the players have been eliminated.

It’s not cruel.

“Now, I announce the rules for the semi-finals!”

“The rules are very simple, within a thousand, through the selection, the top 16 will enter the final!”

“Kill Rank 1 Monster Beast and get 1 point, but there is an upper limit for the various points you can get every day. For example, for Rank 1 Monster Beast, you can get up to 10 points a day! Players initial points are 10 points!”


A rule is announced, so that the players present will remember it silently.

Although there have been many rumors flowing out before, no one can tell whether it is true or false.

We still have to wait for the official announcement.

Moreover, the official rules must be clearer than those circulated in private. If you want to use the rules and fight a wave of victories, you still have to start with the official rules.

“Now, ready to enter the Azure Dragon Mirror!”

After speaking, the voice sank indifferently.

“So fast?”

Someone surprised.

He still wants to discuss one or two with his little friends. Looking at the current posture, he will not give a chance to discuss at all.

Hearing the sound, this voice seemed to give this person a glance.

Actually, in the past, there will be some time for them to discuss with their peers.

Azure Dragon Academy is an Academy and a whole.

They don’t mind competition, but in the final analysis, everyone is still a companion!

Do not cross the bottom line.

Azure Dragon Academy also needs to reveal this in every move, so that everyone knows the attitude of Azure Dragon Academy.

However, Azure Dragon is impatient with it!

It requested an immediate rematch, otherwise it would not cooperate.

In desperation, they can only do this.

In order to kill the chicken to warn the monkey, after looking at the talking boy, he immediately teleported him in.





See it Everyone turned into streamers like yesterday. Fang Yu said to Feng Yaoguang and the others: “Remember, after entering, first go to Blazing City!”

Blazing City is the first stop.

Fang Yu faintly feels that Blazing City is also a place that Azure Dragon Academy focuses on.

This is a place destined for disputes. If Azure Dragon Academy wants to find some shining students, it definitely has to find them in Blazing City!

Not long, it was Fang Yu’s turn to be sent in.


It feels similar to doing the sky, the difference is that Fang Yu thinks this time that the power that envelops him is more vast and chaotic!

He was teleported to a larger location.

“zhi zhi ……”

Fang Yu opened his eyes, and he was in a place of red and green with birds flying in the sky.

Suddenly, the bird seemed to spot an insect on a nearby branch and opened its mouth to bite it.

“hong long!”

I saw that the thick branches were all bitten off together!

“gu lu!”

Fang Yu couldn’t help swallowing his saliva. Who would have thought that the little bird of harmless to humans and animals is also a powerful Demonic beast!

“The semifinals are really different from the previous auditions, preliminary rounds…that’s all, lets go to Blazing City first.”

Fang Yu took out the number plate that was already glowing and thought to turn In between, an illusory map unfolded before my eyes.

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