
Fang Yu woke up in a deep sleep.

“Where is this…Lianxinlin?”

Fang Yu just finished talking about Lianxinlin, and everything about Lianxinlin was immediately erased in his memory.

“Huh? What is Lianxinlin?”

Fang Yu was a little confused.

“Bo , ready to go!”

Someone pushed in.

This is an energetic and bustling woman.

Her eyes are big, with a blue silk tied into a ponytail, and unlike the graceful and graceful appearance of ordinary women, she looks a little plump.

She is a strong man, and Fang Yus right-hand man Zou Shishi.

Although the name is elegant and the posture is equally outstanding, who can think of Zou Shishi as a strong man.

Li Shi is a person who specializes in tempering the body. What they seek is the sanctification of the fleshy body, which is different from the ordinary cultivation investigation into the void.

Fang Yu’s path is through the void, to the higher realm.

Zou Shishi was a little warrior before he met Fang Yu.

After getting to know Fang Yu and knowing his aspirations, Zou Shishi also had no intention of revising.

She often said that Fang Yus boss belongs to Fang Yus bo , and his own cultivation is his own. They are two different things.

What’s more, the physique of Lux is good, and all the children are big fat dolls, how good!

This makes Fang Yu somewhat helple .

Because the whole world knows that his right-hand man actually loves him.

Fang Yu is not good at rejecting Zou Shishi.

This is a woman who is wholeheartedly doing him well and making an all-out effort for his power alliance.

Even many capable officers directly stated that the position of Mrs. Alliance Leader should be Zou Shishi, not Feng Qiutong.

Feng Qiutong, who has met Fang Yu since childhood, can be called Fang Yus childhood sweethearts.

Although the distance between the two of them has always been close.

Feng Qiutong was born rich and honorable. After setting foot on the path of cultivation, she has been singing all the way.

Fang Yu is different.

He relied on his adventures and accumulations again and again to have his current alliance.

A mottled force containing three hundred and sixty lines.

Among them, nearly two hundred forces are loyal to Zou Shishi.

Although its a little strange to say that, these two hundred forces really only emerged after Zou Shishis own efforts.

She is more like a loyal master than Fang Yu.

Therefore, after Fang Yu’s rise and Feng Qiutong approached, Fang Meng heard a lot of bad voices.

“Zou Shishi’s Vice Alliance Lord is the only Mrs. Alliance Leader in our hearts! Other people, I dont accept it!”

“We are all despised, abandoned people, Thanks to the Vice Alliance Lord to never leave each other, we have today! Draught does not forget the well digger, the position of Mrs. Alliance Leader, the Vice Alliance Lord has been decided!”

“Feng Qiutong, a demonic girl, actually Dare to confuse the Alliance Leader…if you refuse to accept it, come and fight!”

As Fang Yu and Feng Qiutong got closer, this kind of voice grew more and more.

He ignored it.

The reason is very simple. As long as Zou Shishi is still there, she will never leave each other to herself, and Fang Meng will be as stable as Mount Tai.

Those who oppose themselves are just trying to fight for a breath, nothing more.

“Yes, Alliance Leader, Feng Qiutong is here, and a few of your friends…”

Zou Shishi muttered.


Fang Yu nodded.

Zou Shishi doesn’t like Feng Qiutong, and even Fang Yu’s brothers.

According to Zou Shishi, Fang Yus brother is a friend of wine and meat. There are only one or two friends who can make friends, and there is no one. These people are not worth wasting time.

Fang Yu answered with a smile every time. If you dont talk to them, do you want to have children with you?

Every time Fang Yu said this, Zou Shishi blushed. A woman who could break the mountains and rivers with one punch and kick was shy. This scene is too beautiful to imagine.

However, Fang Yu will add one sentence every time, even if he really wants to have children, he should be with Feng Qiutong.

These words will make Zou Shishi immediately discouraged.

Because she knows that Fang Yu will not refuse or agree to herself.

“I’m so scumbag…”

Fang Yu’s mind suddenly came up with such a sentence, as if it was a summary of the relationship between Fang Yu and Zou Shishi. And he concluded it himself.

Just when Fang Yu felt unfathomable mystery, the memory just disappeared.

“I think you dont want to go. The battle is now, they suddenly asked you, very strange, very abnormal, and this battle can establish the position of our alliance, as long as we succeed, we are this The number one in a big domain, looking at the entire world, is the existence that can enter the top ten.”

Zou Shishi continued to persuade: “What’s more, they have nothing to do with this battle. What can’t wait until the end of the battle? At present, if you are ready to go on the expedition, let’s refuse them.”

“They are kind and kind to me. What are you talking about?”

Fang Yu frowned, his face unhappy.

“Don’t go!”

Zou Shishi stopped Fang Yu.

She rarely interrupted Fang Yu, even if Fang Yu went to meet Feng Qiutong, she always complained about it, and did not really stop it.

Knowing that it cant be stopped is one of them, and the other is that its just like going there. Fang Yu is currently impossible to really walk with Feng Qiutong.

However, this time is different, Zou Shishi thinks, this time really should not go, should not meet!

“Don’t mess around!”

Fang Yu said seriously.

Seeing this, Zou Shishi’s lovable body froze.

Fang Yu froze for a moment, scratched her nose, and said, “If I really cant come back, you are the lord of the Fang League! Wait for me, I will take you to become the Profound Sky World First!”

Fang Yu really called out the golden-bright and dazzling token and handed it to Zou Shishi.

This is an object with strong spirituality. Everything Fang Yu just said, it recorded.

Fang Yu directly handed it over to Zou Shishi, saying: “So you don’t have to worry about it.”

After speaking, Fang Yu hurried away.

Thinking about the childhood sweethearts and brother brother that will soon be seen, he walks with wind.

“Hey…It’s a big fool of Number One. If I can, I really want to slap him.”

A Dao Void’s voiceless voice sounded.

“Ding! Give the host a slap in the previous life, the price is 1.0 [slaughter points].”


“Bought it.”



“Who? Who is it!”

Fang Yu, who walks with the wind, was slapped in the slap, and he was shocked.

His current strength is placed in the top ten terrifying existence in the Profound Sky world. Someone can slap himself indifferently…Who did the good thing?

“I can really give him a slap…I don’t know how much [slaughter points] I will cost him.”

“Ding! The host is meaningless doing this, Cant change history. All this is just to evoke the hosts inner memory, which is false and absolutely not real.”

“I know, but what about this? I just want to beat it. This idiot having the same given name and family name is nothing more.”

Fang Yu said in a relaxed tone.

He… as if he is not under the control of Lin Xin Lin!

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