“This…how can this be good? Han Yu Senior Sister, help me!”

Fang Yu said hurriedly.

Mu Chengshuang is triumphant, she has already made Fang Yu’s decision no matter how she begs herself, let him be all in vain!

“Why don’t you charge me as Han Yu Senior Sister? I will do everything.”

Fang Yu turned to Han Yu.

“Here, I…”

Han Yang was a little confused.

Although she didn’t want to watch Fang Yu being bullied, she had never thought of letting herself take Fang Yu as a younger brother and directly covering Fang Yu.

“Go away!”

Mu Chengshuang was angry again.

She found out that she was caught in Fang Yu’s trick!

I’m afraid that Fang Yu just showed everything for now, right?

What a Fang Yu!

“Well, don’t talk too much, Lian Xin Lin is here, stay quiet!”

Han Yan reminded them not to make too much noise.

What’s more, it is nece ary to keep quiet near Lianxin Forest.

Lian Xin Lin is a powerful Heavenspan Spiritual Artifact, and it has the power that Han Yang must fear.

It is said that Vice President Wang would inevitably be tested when he maintained the Lianxin Forest, so they were cautiously correct.

Seeing this, Fang Yu and the others also became quiet.

The same goes for Mu Chengshuang.

She is the Official Disciple of Azure Dragon Academy. She knows more about Lian Xin Lin that some rules must be followed, otherwise she is unhappy.

The location of Lianxinlin is full of mist, and there is a one-year old guard at the door.

“A martial emperor!”

Fang Yu and the others noticed the terrifying breath of the old man and became quieter.

“The above has notified me…You go in, be careful.”

The old man at the door is familiar with Han Yang. After all, he is from the Ministry of Supervision and often sends people to him. Lianxin Lin, once came and went, all became familiar.

“Yes, Elder Tan.”

Han Yan hugged the cup one fist in the other hand and took Fang Yu and the others inside.

“The forest of refining the heart can be big or small. If you have no problem, just walk around and you will be at the exit.”

“If you have a ghost in your heart, even if you are in it Its not a weird thing that I cant come out for a lifetime.”

“I didnt say anything about exaggeration or falsehood. If there is a ghost in my heart, I will recognize it now and avoid being trained. Lin’s pain in refining the heart, you must know that in the past, many people called geniuses became idiots in the refining forest.”


Han Yangyi Word by word: “If this kind of thing happens, not only will it not be compensated, but it will also be held accountable, so you have to think twice before doing it.”

hearing this, He Ping and Feng Yaoguang are both exposed. The color of fear.

In fact, they did not say a word on the way.

What can they say?

They are indeed bewitched by demons. This is a true fact.

Now Azure Dragon Academy is not directly arresting people for disposal. Instead, letting them go to Lianxinlin, which is already a shame.

They dare not ask for more things.


Fang Yu asked Feng Yaoguang.

“Well… I didn’t expect our Jumbo Building to be served in a pot.”

Feng Yaoguang sighed.

She prided herself on Heaven’s Proud Daughter, but in front of demons, not worth mentioning, with no difficulty was controlled.

Heaven’s Proud Daughter like this is really worthle !

“Isn’t there still me? I am still your partner, or your helper!”

Fang Yu said, patting his chest.

Feng Yaoguang glanced at Fang Yu deeply, pursed her mouth, did not speak.

No mention of the previous bet with Fang Yu.

This time, its good to be able to retreat all over the body. What else do you want to win or lose? I just want to fart.

“Thank you…According to the rules of Azure Dragon Academy, if I really have a problem, maybe I will be locked up in Azure Dragon Academy for ten or a hundred years. Im not sure when the time comes. Im in the top ten or even three of Azure Dragon, remember to plead for me.”

Feng Yaoguang smiled helple ly.

She just said that Azure Dragon is not so good on the list.

Because when Hidden Dragon List was a freshman and a previous time student, there were only two groups of people.

Azure Dragon list is different.

Several se ions of students are piled together, snakes and dragons are mixed, and if you want to stand out, it is hard to say that it is heavenly ascension.

Therefore, she really didn’t put her hope in Fang Yu’s place, so she might as well pray that she would be safe and sound in Lian Xin Lin.

“Dont worry, if you really have an accident, when I become the third master, I will say that you are my little lover and must be released! Otherwise, I will keep climbing and wait for me Become Elder, become deputy dean, become dean, save you!”

Fang Yu solemnly vowed and said: “If this doesnt work, Ill risk the world and fight in. , Save you!”

“pu…You are writing a novel on this.”

Feng Yaoguang smiled all by himself.

But she smiled, and suddenly thought, if there really is such a man who loves her, it seems to be good?

“Okay, less go ip, let’s go in one by one.”

When Fang Yu and the others were chatting, they had already shown their tokens, and Han Yang, who had finished communicating with Lian Xinlin, urged. .

In fact, she doesnt believe that this incident is related to Fang Yu and others. She can only say that these lucky guys happened to find such an opportunity. They rushed in blindly and covered in dirt. Drive out, and nothing more.

However, in terms of cause and effect, they are all related to the Dragon Sect arranged by the original dean, and there is also a cause and effect with their Azure Dragon Academy.

If ran eventually became the discipline of Azure Dragon Academy, naturally everyone would be happy.

If you can’t…

“If you can’t, just plan again.”

Han Yang thought.

At least she thinks that these people have a very high chance of pa ing.

Fang Yu and the others lined up one by one.

“Han Yu Senior Sister, do you really think they will be safe?”

Mu Chengshuang asked curiously.

Han Yan glanced at Mu Chengshuang, and said, “It’s the Junior Brother junior sister in the future anyway, so you can’t just read about them?”

“Me and them I’m not familiar with them, how do I know if they are good or bad?”

Mu Chengshuang spread his hands and said: “And, I think Fang Yu is very upset and upset!”


Mu Chengshuang emphasized his unhappine .

“Fang Yu was indeed the initiator of this time, and he did not get any benefits in the end. I can only say that everything is a coincidence… The most important thing is that Vice President Wang is Fang Yu. Endorsement, thinking that Fang Yu has no problem, so as long as Lian Xinlin also approves Fang Yu, the result is no problem, that is, there is really no problem.”

Han Yan explained.

Yes, Vice President Wang is a very important factor.

A ociate Dean Wang is an orphan who grew up in Azure Dragon Academy. His parents used to be Azure Dragon Academy Elder, and they are Divine Immortal family members.

Unfortunately, during a mi ion, both were killed, so Deputy Dean Wang became an orphan and was raised by Azure Dragon Academy.

It can be said that Azure Dragon Academy is the only home of Deputy Dean Wang.

He thinks Fang Yu is fine, so he must be fine.

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