“The evil spirit body!”

The first reaction of the dragon soul is the evil spirit body.

This time it is also not calm anymore!

I thought that I had roughly controlled the dragon corpse and could barely exert some strength to gain the upper hand.

Unexpectedly, the evil demon will show itself!

Is it okay if you dont bring this to play?

“Strike first!”

Fang Yu flashed his eyes and killed him with a knife!

“Heaven’s first rising!”

Fang Yu made a sharp stroke, like a round of Tianyang rising slowly, getting stronger and stronger!

“Dragon swings the devil!”

Unwilling to be left behind, the dragon soul works with Fang Yu.

“such insignificant ability!”

He Ping was not scared by Fang Yu and Dragon Soul.

If the dragon soul is in the pinnacle posture, or completely controls the dragon corpse, she can’t say she really has to be afraid.

After all, she herself is far away from the peak, it is not a strange thing to accidentally fall in the sewer.

But the weak chicken in front of him is a bit weaker than imagined. You want to threaten yourself like this?


“Let’s stay here together today!”

The huge He Ping blasted a flat punch.


However, this fist directly overturned Fang Yu and dragon corpse!


Fang Yu spurted blood, and the dragon corpse rolled, completely unable to resist the evil demon that showed his body!

“It’s too powerful, unless I completely control this dragon corpse, otherwise we won’t have a chance to fight back!”

The Dragon Soul hurriedly said.

At first he thought he could take the opportunity to pretend to be forced, but the result was good, he was overturned on the spot!

“Let’s go! Stay in the green hills without worrying about the firewood, you and I will act separately!”

Fang Yu finished speaking, let’s take a step.

“Hey, you…”

The Dragon Soul jumped anxiously and wanted to curse!

Fang Yus sentence is light and light, but it is attached to the dragon corpse. If you let it go, where can it go?

“Never mind, just pretend to die!”

Regardless of the actual situation, the dragon soul hovered directly together, burying its head in the middle.

In this way, the evil spirits are stunned.

“hmph, I won’t kill you first, anyway, you can’t control this cultivar. I can see that the bloodline of your soul is higher than the cultivar…”

Speaking, the evil demon really left.

“Really gone?”

The dragon soul couldn’t believe his luck was so good, the other party just let him go!

“But I’m relaxed, Fang Yu may be about to have bad luck…Poor Fang Yu!”

Dragon Soul sighed, “The only thing I can do is Hurry up and take control of this dragon corpse and try to avenge you!”


“Void Rat, come to live!”

Fang Yu knew he was running away Will not be the opponent of evil spirits.

Not to mention that the other party has been locked here for many years, and his familiarity is far greater than that of himself. Besides, the evil demon has already manifested its body, and the breath permeating the body has already made people frightened.

Fang Yu dare not directly provoke such terrifying existence.

Although provoking such things, sometimes it is brave, sometimes it is ignorance.

The brave ones will not die, and the ignorant ones will probably not be left.

“Well…Why do you get beaten or run away every time I wake up?”

Void Rat was a little helple ly said.

It has been continuously digesting the energy within the body during this period, gradually returning to the half-step Monster King level.

Then in a spurt of energy, impact Monster King.

Therefore, it does not like being awakened by Fang Yu often.

However, it also said that every time Fang Yu summons it, it is not a matter of life or death, or on the road of life and death, it and Fang Yu set a bloodline contract, Fang Yu is dead, it cant live, so the key is At that time, I still have to save Fang Yu’s life, lest I get tired and die together, which would be very bad!

“To find the suppre ed thing here…”

Fang Yu said in a hurry: “When I came in with the Dragon Soul, we already inferred that there are still these places _ can only try it, if it fails, Im afraid its going to die!”

Void Rat was speechless for a while: “Okay…you say the direction, I will try it!”


Fang Yu nodded.


“Oh? Is this a spatial innate talent?”

He Ping, who was catching up, was taken aback.

Her current strength, chasing Fang Yu is definitely a cat and mouse, but Fang Yu suddenly disappeared…what’s the situation?

“Do you think you can escape? In Dragon Sect, you can’t escape from my palm… For Dragon Sect, I am more familiar than you!”

He Ping sneered.

Yes, she has been suppre ed here for many years, year after year, every inch of the corner here, she is clear.

However, there are a few places that she has not dared to try at will.

“The heart of dragon’s blood…I don’t know which Supreme Treasure of Dragon Race expert tempering is!”

He Ping recalled this dragon’s blood heart and was surprised Afraid again.

Is it not?

As a three-generation Demon Race, she is an elite existence in the Demon Race, but she can only be suppre ed when facing this dragon’s blood heart, and then by a dragon race clansman Guard, for generations.

However, she also not to be trifled with.

Although she is suppre ed here and can’t go outside, she has the ability to control people’s hearts.

The Dragon Race here was instigated by her, dying of death, wounding, and eventually a young hybrid dragon was left to guard him.

Zero-blood dragon is not strong, but its Dao heart is stable, and she can’t shake any rhetoric, and it’s a mi .

Later, the hybrid dragon disappeared for a while, and when it reappeared, it took a little boy with it.

The little boys eyes are very clear. She knows that this is a hybrid of Dragon Race and Human Race.

Mixed blood is not nece arily a good thing.

If you are unlucky, it will be a disaster to bring together the shortcomings of Human Race and Dragon Race!

However, the Dragon’s luck is good, and the little boy’s innate talent can be called a monster.

Grow up soon, and then go out and travel.

During this period, the three generations of Demon Race and the hybrid dragon fought a great battle.

However, the three generations of the Demon Race have been suppre ed in the Dragon Race, weakening a lot. The cultivar is fighting in the Dragon Sect, and the battle strength has greatly increased. In the end, the three generations of the Demon Race can’t help the cultivar and sleep deeply.

When she woke up again, the little boy came back.

He strengthened the seal.

Let the three generations of Demon Race feel that have one’s hair stand on end!

How many years is this?

Is this dragon man capable of suppre ing himself?

Really incredible!

“Fortunately, since then, he hasn’t come back…I want to let Dragon Sect gradually obliterate my existence. He thinks it well, but things in the world often dont. This name is simple!”

He Ping’s smile became more and more proud.

Let this dragon man think about it, probably it is unexpected that there will be a group of stunned young people who find themselves, and let them out?

She is not far from seeing the sky again.

On the other hand.

“This is the heart of dragon’s blood? The thing that suppre es the Demon Race!”

When the Void Rat performed Space Jump, Fang Yu recognized what was in front of him at first sight. Can’t help breathing!

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