“After He Ping was strengthened, he was too strong and too strong. Now I, if I continue to fight, I will definitely lose… If I lose, I will die!”

Fang Yu is not a fool, where can I not see the awe-inspiring killing intent of the other party.

He Ping originally intended to solicit Fang Yu, which is obvious.

However, after discovering that Fang Yu has a strong relationship with Dragon Race and the potential for terrifying, He Ping changed her mind. Fang Yu is dying today, here!

“If you can’t kill her with one knife, you can only find another chance!”

Fang Yu clenched the dragon tooth knife.

“The setting sun!”

Fang Yu slashed out.


He Ping startedled.

After using martial arts, especially such a powerful martial arts, generally speaking, it takes a while to recover.

Even the Great Martial Master, it is impossible to continuously cast martial arts of the same intensity after casting martial arts.

Fang Yus this blade is extremely terrifying, not as good as martial arts, but it is similar. Fortunately, He Ping did not dare to stand up.

“Hi !”

He Ping fought and retreated, but Fang Yu cut off a wrist!


Fang Yu moved in his heart and left directly!

“This…what is he doing?”

Seeing Fang Yuguang retreating quickly, everyone looked blank.

Dont you want to fight the demons?

Why did Fang Yu leave suddenly!

“Hehe, he you think you can kill me, but he couldn’t do anything. The previous killing intent was eliminated. He has no confidence to fight with me for the time being, and I will not give him this opportunity either. “

He Ping chuckled, the severed wrist flew up evilly and reconnected it.

“What method is this?”

Kegul was shocked.

Even if they were such a powerful Barbarian Race, after their hands and feet were cut off, and they wanted to reconnect the not simple, He Ping actually merged directly… it was amazing!

“Demon’s methods…are you interested?”

He Ping asked with a smile.

“I’m not interested! Barbarian Race is not to be seen at all, and a demon is added. It is estimated that I will be rejected to death by people in Kegur.”

Gul laughed at himself, said.

“You little things, I will come back to clean up later, now I’m going to unscrew Fang Yu’s head and make it into a wine gla …”

Speaking, He Pingxiang In the previous step, it merged with nothingness and directly chased Fang Yu.

“Not good!”

Mo Ling wanted to help, but Feng Yaoguang blocked her.

“The master has business to do now, and the idlers, etc., don’t disturb!”

Feng Yaoguang coldly said.

“Hey… I think Fang Yu is pretty good, isn’t he and you have a special relationship? It’s not that the little lover has a good feeling, just watch Fang Yu die?”

< p>Mo Ling sighed and said.

Feng Yaoguang’s eyes flickered slightly, as if something was struggling, but quickly recovered as usual: “I don’t know what you are talking about… The enemy of the master is my enemy and must die!”

“Then there is nothing to say!”

After speaking, Mo Ling suddenly raised his hand.


As Mo Ling raised his hand, a pitch-black as ink array directly wrapped Feng Yaoguang!

“What is this?”

Feng Yaoguang found that she couldn’t get out, so she couldn’t help turning pale with fright.

“Of course you can’t get out…just stay in there!”

Mo Ling walked away after he finished speaking.

“It is indeed the discipline of Heavenly Knowledge Hall. It really has a method we don’t know… I have been hiding it before.”

Lou Shuzhan doesn’t have much favor with Mo Ling. .

For Mo Ling, there is more fear than curiosity.

Now it seems that I am right to fear Mo Ling!


Fang Yu looked back at He Ping while running away.

I found that the other party was always chasing me unhurriedly, and my face was a little hard to look at.

“Is this looking at what hole cards I have?”

Fang Yu saw through He Ping’s mind at a glance.

this one evil demon fears the relationship between himself and Dragon Race.

For the Dragon Race that suppre ed her here, He Ping didn’t say anything, but she was still extremely jealous.

“Then let you see my hole cards!”

After thinking about it, Fang Yu flashed abruptly, getting closer to the frozen dragon corpse.

“Here is…”

Looking at the ice-covered dragon corpse, He Ping was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: “Idiot, I said, let me go Go out and give you a good fortune! You clansman, in order to suppress me, died of death, wounded, only you are a hybrid dragon, and dare to hinder me? Now dead, and the body is frozen, What is this going to do? Do you still stare at me when you die?”


Next moment, the frozen dragon corpse suddenly moved, making He Ping startled!


He Ping’s loving body froze, as if remembering all the horrors of being suppre ed by Dragon Race in the past.

He Ping who reacted is both shocked and angry!

What’s wrong?

The Dragon Race that suppre ed myself is dead, I am free, what else to be afraid of!

She is fearle !

“It’s dead, who is manipulating the dragon corpse?”

He Ping, who calmed down, also saw the clue.


Next moment, a huge dragon claw came over and He Pingfei quickly dodged.

“Sure enough, someone po e ed a dragon corpse… It couldn’t beat me when it was alive, and could it win me when it died?”

He Ping is confident.

“If you add me!”

Fang Yu stood on the dragon’s head and said slowly.

The dragon soul hasn’t completely controlled the dragon corpse, and if he rushes to make a move, the effect will certainly not be very good.

But it’s a matter of urgency, and if I don’t make a move, I guess I will stay here!

In contrast, it is inevitable to shoot early.


Seeing this, He Ping finally understood where Fang Yu’s confidence came from.

“Dragon Tooth Knife, and Dragon Corpse… You really have a lot to do with Dragon Race!”

He Ping killing intent is awe-inspiring.

She hates Dragon Race the most!

“Fang Yu, you kid, I haven’t controlled the dragon corpse yet… However, it is not a problem to kill a Demon Race miscellaneous hair!”

The dragon soul is again Complain, and said proudly.

Because it saw fear in the opponent’s face!

He Ping almost put the fear on her face!

“It’s the rebirth of this sarcophagus dragon, I dare not say that…Which green onion are you?”

He Ping glared.

“But you are not at the top either. Now you can only be attached to a junior. It’s really pitiful…”

The dragon soul never forgets to step on it. Feet each other.

Although it has never been in contact with the real Demon Race, it climbed into the Holy Land at its peak. Inside the Dragon Race are powerhouses, and there is no fear at all for the little recovery of the Demon Race!

“Oh, is it? It seems that I have been too lazy to fight, but have been looked down upon…In this case, I will let you see my true ability!”

After that, in addition to the surging limbs of He Ping’s limbs, there are more black lights rushing out. Under the black light, He Ping’s body shape has become huge.

This…it seems like the evil spirit itself!

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