For Wang Zhongs first agreement, Fang Yu is not surprised.

Because when he came, he discu ed with Mo Ling about the probability of joining forces.

Fang Yu is not weak, Mo Ling is not weak, but there are too many martial artists who can easily drown them.

Therefore, even if one is worth ten, or even one is against a hundred, Fang Yu will not do such a stupid thing and ask for trouble.

Wang Zhong comes from a collateral line of the Saint family.

Saint is very optimistic about Wang Zhong, and even gave Wang Zhong a promise to give Wang Zhong a chance to become a member of his direct line.

But Saint’s heirs are not nece arily so outstanding. They don’t like Wang Zhong’s entry into the direct line, and they have shown a lot of hostility.

However, Wang Zhong came from the end of the day, and it was his chance to be given a high look by Saint.

If he wants to go further for himself and his family, he must be thoroughly recognized by Saint and let Saint fulfill his promise, otherwise it will be all in vain.

This kind of Wang Zhong is definitely not a trip in vain.

The safest approach at the moment is undoubtedly to join forces!

Therefore, no matter who puts forward this suggestion, Wang Zhong will think about it a little bit and will eventually agree.

See this, Lou Tianbing, Lou Shuzhan and Kegul frowned.

Lou Tianbing and Lou Shuzhan are siblings, and their opinions are definitely unanimous.

Kegul comes from Barbarian Race, and I dont pay much attention to many things.

He cares about one thing… profit!

Enough benefits!

As long as the benefits are sufficient, his choice will become very simple.

Joining together is definitely the best for the moment. However, these few people are good at strength. If they really work together, it is unknown how much Kegul can benefit.

This is the only place he hesitated.

“According to what you have just described, the Martial Sect who has fisted to the sacred Martial Sect personally pa ed that He Ping is likely to be controlled. Such an enemy, plus a group of good martial artists, is better than a few frontal artists. Headshot, it’s dead end.”

Fang Yu said with a smile.

Those who are present, if they cant join forces and allow them to move freely, it may become a hindrance.

Fang Yu definitely doesn’t want to see this scene.

So these few people, whether they are willing or unwilling…Fang Yu will not just let them go.

“Of course, everyone is unanimous to the outside world, it is definitely the best, I am afraid they…”

Thinking, Fang Yu glanced at Lou Tianbing and Lou Shu Brother Zhan .

They are different from Wang Zhong and Keguer.

Neither Wang Zhong nor Keguer have any object to discu , as long as the conditions are suitable, they nodded agree.

Lou Tianbing is different from Lou Shuzhan.

They are not stupid people.

Moreover, the styles complement each other, it is not easy to fool them.

Fang Yu also didn’t want to kill.

No matter how strong he is, no one can hold the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses on the opposite side, especially the demons can po ess body po e ion and control people’s will.

Therefore, it was the best to talk, but I couldn’t talk… Thinking of this, Fang Yu’s eyes became calm.

“I promised!”

Kegul laughed and said: “I see that many of their controlled people are wearing storage rings… Did I snatch them? , Is mine?”

“If it is not recognized, it is ok.”

Fang Yu thought for a while and said.

“Hehe, after this battle, I am afraid that we will have to go directly to the selection conference. What I said is one of the Seeded Contestants in Keguer. I won a place, but it is not too much.”

< p>Kegul laughed and didn’t care.

Although there are some people here who may enter the four major academies, but in his peers, he is a first-rate existence. As long as he enters one of the four major academies, he is not afraid of someone looking for trouble!

Wang Zhongs eyes flickered, as if he had discovered a new wealth code, but thinking of Saints expected gaze, Wang Zhong suddenly felt that the act of snatching the storage ring was dull.

Lou Tianbing and Lou Shuzhang looked at each other.

“In that case, we siblings should also agree…”

Lou Shuzhang agreed on behalf of Lou Tianbing.

“Okay! Happy cooperation!”

Fang Yu’s eyes lit up.

“Let’s talk about the situation of the other party first.”

Wang Zhongyan returned to the subject.

A few of them teamed up, although the winning side is not small, but it is impossible to control so many opponents at once.

A careless one, just wait for it to capsize!

“It seems that our opponent was suppre ed by Dragon Sect here…being suppre ed by Dragon Sect, it would not have been a simple character.”

Lou Shuzhang announced My opinion: “Now I still control so many martial artists…Fang Yu, you have caused a lot of trouble.”

Because Fang Yu first activated Dragon Sect and said it was Fang Yu’s pot is nothing to exaggerate.

“My pot?”

Fang Yu smiled helple ly: “This is forcibly buckling me… This is not right. If you don’t help me, I will connect the door. I cant get in, let alone the so-called trouble.”

“Yes, I support Fang Yu! There is Dragon Sect here, I can deduce it, everyone finds it or not, its not good A chance that’s all, how can it be Fang Yu’s pot.”

Mo Ling raised his hand and said.

Lou Shuzhan is afraid and curious about the discipline of this Heavenly Knowledge Hall.

The fear is that Mo Ling is too strong.

One-on-one, I guess I or my big brother will not be the opponent of this woman.

If we join forces…this is unlikely, Fang Yu and Mo Ling are on the same line, two against two, he has no advantage.

The same is true, Lou Shuzhang thought for a long time, but agreed.

After all, whether it is the opposite of Fang Yu and the others, or the opposite of the black hand behind the scenes, they have no advantage, and there is no good fruit.

I might as well join forces with Fang Yu.

“Dragon Sect is a place of treasure, unless we are not interested, otherwise it will eventually be the result. Now complaining is a waste of time… The most important thing is how to deal with this problem, and here is the place Treasure attribution.”

Wang Zhong once again emphasized treasure attribution.

Dragon Sect has a lot of treasures along the way, but Wang Zhong can’t look at them. He wants the biggest treasure here, even if Wang Zhong alone may not be able to eat it.

“Yes, yes, yes… the black hand behind the scenes must be solved. As for the Supreme Treasure that suppre es the black hand behind the scenes, it depends on the ability!”

Gul didn’t mean to elaborate, and after elaborate, it may be that the interests are evenly distributed. As a member of Barbarian Race, he has little interest in sharing the interests of others. He wants to eat everything by himself!

“What do you think?”

Lou Shuzhang asked Fang Yu.

In her eyes, Wang Zhong or Keguer alone is not a big problem. The combination of Fang Yu and Mo Ling is Guan Jian.

“Look at it…huh?”

Fang Yu just wanted to talk, but his expre ion changed.

“They are here.”

Mo Ling smiled and said: “It should be He Ping and Feng Yaoguang…”

” He Ping and Feng Yaoguang…”

Fang Yu’s eyes changed slightly: “Although I don’t want to do it, but when they come, they can only fight!”

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