After speaking, He Ping and Feng Yaoguang formed a mysterious mudra together.

In addition to them, there are also some silhouettes that coincide with each other.

But there are still some motionle , dumbstruck.


next moment, a series of black lights emerged out of thin air, and the motionless one after another silhouette turned into a cloud of blood mist, which was then absorbed by the black light.

“Not enough, not enough, not enough! For so many years, this little flesh and blood is far from enough! I want more and more…”

After that, black light After disappearing, the survivors suddenly moved.

They are like walking corpse, keep going.

“Damn, damn, damn!”

Kegul yelled while running away.

As soon as he came in, he was teleported under a weird cliff, and finally got up, but met a lot of martial artists who were like walking corpse.

Kegur comes from the king of Barbarian Race, experienced and knowledgeable. At a glance, he recognizes that these people are controlled by some power. Now they are walking corpse.

Although it is not clear whether their original will was wiped out after they were controlled, but for Kegur, those who came to provoke him were all enemies, so there was no need to be polite!

I don’t know that these guys really have several points of ability. After a fierce battle, Kegur didn’t dare to love the battle at all, and he retreated after the battle.

Because there are too many people under control.

Kegul dare to say that if he continues to struggle, he will really be overwhelmed by the crowd!

“It’s you…Kegul!”

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Kegul looked up and found that it was Wang Zhong.

“Is it a branch of the Saint family?”

Kegul said lazily.

Even if the opponent is a member of the Saint family, they just branch that’s all.

What’s more, he doesn’t think Wang Zhong has really strengthened himself too much, so there is no need to give more face to Wang Zhong.


Wang Zhong naturally saw Kegur’s contemptuousne .

But he didn’t care too much with Kegur.

Barbarian that’s all, not worth mentioning!

“Huh? Wang Zhong, why are you so embarra ed… is it po ible that you also met them?”

Kegul asked with a smile.

“What about you? Didn’t you also meet it?”

Wang Zhong knew what the other party said, coldly said.

“I really don’t know where these guys came out…”

Kegul’s tone slowed down.

At first he thought that this was the overall situation, but seeing that Wang Zhong was so miserable, he thought maybe it was not intentional?

After all, its okay to target yourself, and its not rare to bully yourself from Barbarian Race.

The site of the Barbarian Race is too far away. The so-called Emperor Tian Gao is far away and bullied Ke Gul. It is also difficult for Ke Gul to use his strength to fight back.

But Wang Zhong is different!

The family power behind this branch of Saint is not small. Are you afraid of offending Kegur or Saint?

This is not right!

“It’s you…”

At this time, the two silhouettes came together.

Wang Zhong and Keguer recognized from the sound, it was Lou Family siblings, Lou Tianbing and Lou Shuzhan.

Compared with Kegurs misery, Wang Zhongs embarra ment, Lou Tianbing and Lou Shu Zhan are undoubtedly much better.

No matter what, they are all two-person teams. One is good at fighting and the other is good at Divine Weapon. There are so many spiritual weapons with them that are unimaginable.

This kind of combination is for the last martial spirit, I believe they can retreat calmly.

Thus, although they are not as elegant and personable as they came, they are definitely not bleak and ugly.

The two of their siblings are not easy people. In such a scene, you know what happened at a glance, so they don’t fight each other.

“It seems that besides us, many people have fallen…I saw that there is no shortage of martial arts.”

Lou Shuzhan said softly.

“The martial arts are controlled, who is the motherfucker!”

Kegul couldn’t help but scolded.

They are not yellow-haired boys, not many people can play with them like this.

What’s more, just like he thought before, even if he looked at him, Kegur is not pleasing to the eye, bullying the Barbarian Race, the emperor is far away, but what about Wang Zhong, Lou Family siblings?

These all are first-class forces, don’t you care about the background of these people?

It’s really weird!

“Hey…It seems that you met them. I don’t know how many people they have now?”

The Mo Ling people arrived before they arrived.

Fang Yu came with Mo Ling.

Fang Yu knew what was happening just by looking at it.

Obviously, they all encountered the situation Mo Ling said.

“Why are you all right?”

Lou Tianbing asked.

The siblings are teaming up, so there is no big problem, but Fang Yu and Mo Ling are together, not to mention the strength of the two, as far as their relationship is concerned, can they cooperate sincerely?

Lou Tianbing didn’t believe it.

“We run fast, and we are all acquaintances. We are not really doing anything to them, we can only run.”

Mo Ling sighed and said.

Everyone was silent.

This situation is really unexpected.

Let anyone think about it, maybe this kind of thing will happen unexpectedly!

“Not equal to me, how about our temporary team? I was on the temporary team with Fang Yu.”

Mo Ling suddenly proposed.


Kegul said indifferently.

He is not interested in teaming up with these guys.

“Its just because you didnt meet the same batch and its so ugly, if they are all united together, you say, will you die?”

Mo Ling He smiled and said: “As for us, I just said that we can run very well, but we can’t fight. We will run away right away. I’m afraid you don’t have such a powerful escape method?”

I have to say , Mo Ling’s straightforward statement made their faces slightly changed.

They have seen the strength of these controlled martial artists.

Its the previous number, which has already made them a little embarra ed. In case they all unite, they happen to be encountered when they are placed… To be honest, apart from breathe one’s last, they are the same Can’t think of other probability.

As soon as they thought of this, they were still calm, and suddenly became embarra ed.

They are not going to die here.

Especially if you haven’t found anything in this trip, you just fell here. Isn’t this too miserable?

“Temporary team formation…I agree, but only for temporary team formation! There are good things, unless they are obtained through concerted efforts, otherwise they will get their own treasures!”

Zhong agreed first.

He wanted to prove himself this time!

Although he is favored by Saint, the hostile attack on Wang Zhong is faintly discernable!

Wang Zhong knows that if he wants to soar into the sky, he has to rely more on himself!

This time during Dragon Sect’s trip, he was mainly to get treasures and strengthen himself.

Although life is at stake, there are some things that should be stated clearly in advance so as not to be entangled in when the time comes.

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