“Senior Li, you and I are not dead…”

Fang Yu helple ly said.

“What? You and I are not dead…this is impossible!”

After Li Xiantian was surprised, he gradually calmed down: “It’s not impossible…”

“Oh? Putting it that way, Senior, do you believe that I did this?”

Fang Yu asked in surprise.

“There is nothing strange. As the saying goes, Heroes come out from the Youth. Did you know that there is a teenager Martial Saint, only 18 years old, that is Martial Saint.”

Li Xiantian said with a chuckle.

“18 years old Martial Saint!”

Fang Yu was surprised.

Originally, the monster dragon was able to achieve the holy realm when it was less than thirty. It was already very impre ive.

Unexpectedly, there will be more amazing.

Young Martial Saint, what kind of existence is this?

“Juvenile Martial Saint? I have been silent for a hundred years, and there is something like this evildoer in the world?”

The monster dragon was also surprised.

Although it is not quite clear how enchanting its own innate talent is, it should be quite good.

However, 18 years old made Martial Saint, which is too exaggerated!

“Well, I have seen this person from a distance. Although young, the imposing manner that exudes is really powerful and invincible, worthy of being a young Martial Saint…”

Li Innate sigh: “Although Fang Xiaoyou may not have achieved Martial Saint so soon, but your aptitude, I see it, even if this happens, it is not strange.”

“It is still an experienced and experienced Knowledgeable, I didn’t say anything, I was done with my brain!”

Fang Yu was a little speechle .

“Ding! Congratulations on completing the mi ion and defeating Li Xiantian!”

“Ding! Congratulations on getting the mi ion reward, a piece of broken pages of the soul book!”

” Huh? Broken pages of the soul book?”

Fang Yu stared wide-eyed.

He heard it right, right, does the Super Slaughter System even have such things?

“Does the host use it?”



After Fang Yu uses it, The broken pages of the soul book are really stronger again!

“How is the progress of repairing the broken pages of the soul book now?”

Fang Yu thought for a while, said.

He discovered that one of the biggest characteristics of this thing is that it can realize the state of things!

For example, the broken pages of the soul book are now Fang Yu’s things, but Fang Yu can’t tell how long it will be before it is completely repaired.

However, for the super slaughter system…it should be po ible!

“Ding! The progress of repairing the broken pages of the soul book is now 3.5%!”

“3.5%? How many soul book fragments have been repaired?”

“Ding! Soul book fragments, different sizes, different effects! The soul book fragments just now repaired 2%!”

“It means that I shared the energy of the soul in the past and only repaired 1.5%? “

Fang Yu can’t stop talking.

In this way, I have a long way to go!

“Ding! The hosts share their souls and are connected to each other. They actually repaired 0.5%!”

Super Slaughter System. To be honest, let Fang Yu happy does not raise.

0.5% is too little!

Is it really cracking a joke?

“That’s all, it will be long in Japan…”

Fang Yu comforted himself.

Otherwise, he really can’t do anything!

After all, he said it was the host, but in fact… it was really the host, it was only stored here for the super slaughter system, and there were not many permi ions.


Zheng Family.

Tao Bixia is panicked.

Because she stayed at home, she knew nothing about outside intelligence.

“Tweet, how is the outside now?”

Tao Bixia couldn’t help asking.

The questioned Tweet was very helple .

This battle determines the life and death of Zheng Family!

Whether it’s going to take a step forward, or scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, it can be said to be a thought of heaven and hell!

However, what makes Tao Bixia’s heart anxious is that this time Zheng Family is really coming out, but all the battle strengths that can come in handy are taken out, and the rest are old, weak, sick and disabled. .

She doesn’t even have the power to inquire outside news!

Tuier was just the Zheng Family servant girl who was sent to watch Tao Bixia, how could she know so much!

“In this battle, our Tao Family also bet everything, yes, It shouldn’t be lost… and there is Three Great Families!”

“Three Great Families , Fang Zhao, Fang Zhao, a heart-minded person, turned his face against our Tao Family for a Fang Yiyi. What is good about Fang Yiyi?”

“And Fang Yu! Rumor has it that he has become the Great Martial Master __mpo ible, such a young Great Martial Master. If my son Zheng Yuan is still alive, he will definitely become a stronger Great Martial Master!”


Tao Bixia Talking and talking about herself made Tweet a little worried.

Because after Zheng Yuan died, Tao Bixia’s spirit was very abnormal.

Lord Zheng He also doesn’t care about Tao Bixia.

It doesn’t matter what Tao Bixia is just because he won the underground black market!

If you cant get the underground black market, Li Family will wait for scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

So how is Tao Bixia, it doesn’t matter!

Don’t talk about Tao Bixia now, Tweet is also very anxious.

“The major event is not good!”

Suddenly, there was a hurried cry from outside: “Our people are defeated, and now the Li Family people are surrounding us!”



When Tweet heard this, she was very anxious and pushed the door quickly.

“Tweet, where are you going, Tweet?”

Tao Bixia quickly shouted.

“We Tao Family are defeated, the people of Li Family are going to kill…Where do you say I am going? Of course it is to escape! Madam, I will call you Madam for the last time, you are not leaving now , I was caught by the people of Li Family, I can’t leave if I want to leave!”

Tuier hurriedly said a few words, and then left.

As the so-called capture the thieves and capture the king, Lord is defeated and must be dead, so the lady is also inevitable, staying by herself, ten deaths without life!

Before escaping, I would like to mention the madam, it is all my kindne !

Tao Bixia stood still: “Our Zheng Family is defeated? impossible, impossible… How can our Zheng Family be defeated! How can we be defeated!”

“Why No?”

An indifferent male voice came.

Tao Bixia heard the sound, and she was shocked in a cold sweat!

Because Fang Yu is here!

This is the first time Tao Bixia has seen Fang Yu in these years, but this person is too similar to Fang Yiyi!

You can recognize them as mother and child at a glance!

“You, you are Fang Yu, Fang Yiyi’s son!”

Tao Bixia was shocked: “I knew that if you didn’t kill you back then, it would always be a scourge! Really, the scourge is coming!”


Fang Yu slashed out, and Tao Bixia, who was still talking, was divided into two!

Even if Tao Bixia suffers from many medicine ingredients, she has a martial arts cultivation base.

But for Fang Yu now, the martial artist is simply impossible to withstand a single blow!

Killing Zheng He, Fang Yu is promoted to Level 1, and he is already a six-star Great Martial Master, and furthermore, he is a stable and high-level Great Martial Master!

Fang Yu’s heart has never been easier since Zheng He and his wife were killed.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the revenge mi ion!”

“Ding! Now the host has two rewards.”

“First, level up 3. Arrive at the Great Martial Master of Jiuxing and have a chance to feel Ji Realm!”

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