Yes, when he body po e ion Li Xiantian, he actually didn’t use Life Source body po e ion.

Just because of Life Source body po e ion, any ghost clan has only one chance.

If it is not nece ary, who will waste his great opportunity for no reason!

What’s more, I don’t know why, Li Xiantian’s body po e ion process is smooth, but he doesn’t need to achieve Life Source body po e ion.

So, he left this trump card.

Now Li Xiantian can’t stay.

It can be said that if he does not come out, Fang Yu and the others can join forces to blast Li Xiantian’s body into scum!

Then he is absolutely dead.

He doesn’t want this kind of result!

So, he took a different approach… Li Xiantian’s path would not work anymore, but isn’t there a goal here?

Fang Yu!

The innate talent of this child is so enchanting and terrifying that even characters like Zheng He, who are both wise and brave, have been solved.

It’s really sad!

However, this gave him another hope!

If Fang Yu po e ed, everything would be reversed, and he still has a chance to climb to a higher realm!

This kind of thing, you can’t let it go!

“The broken page of the soul book!”

Fang Yu took out the broken page of the soul book without thinking!

This thing is now in his soul.

Because he needs Fang Yu’s soul warmth.

In contrast, when Fang Yu wants to use this thing, he can come out in a flash summon!


Naturally, the ghost clan knew the torn pages of the soul book. This was something Zheng He didn’t know where to get it from before.

However, saying that this thing was taken over by Fang Yu, he absolutely does not believe it!

This thing is very bizarre, and there is even a strange restraint to the existence of souls.

In short, the soul alone cannot surrender this thing.

At that time, the ghost clan himself was dying. Although he felt that there was some soul-related treasure in this place, he did not have the power to continue investigating and eventually fell into Zheng He’s hands.

I didn’t expect this thing to be subdued by Fang Yu, and still merged in the soul!

In the next moment, the Ghost Race enters Soul World with Fang Yu, Void Rat, etc.

“Welcome to my Soul World!”

Fang Yu said with a smile.

“Soul World…Fang Yu, you let me go now, and I will a ume that nothing happened, grievances and grievances, a one-off write-off, I can even tell you the layout of Zheng Family and so on.”< /p>

Guizu said quickly.

“Zheng He is dead, his things will sooner or later have a piece of mine… Besides, you sneak attack me, want me to let you go?”

Fang Yu Faint smile asked.

He is not a good man and believer. He has been plot against for no reason, and he has to let him go.


The ghost expre ion has changed dramatically.

Can he say that he is really scared now?

He has seen Fang Yu’s methods.

By now, Fang Yu will really kill himself!

“If you die, there will be nothing left. Even if it’s a compromise, I will stabilize the situation!”

The ghost clan secretly thought.

“But, it’s not that I can’t give you a chance…”

Fang Yu turned around and said.

“If I have the opportunity, I will try my best!”

Guizu said quickly.

Even if you dont know the true or false, he has no choice!

I can only give it a try.

“The broken pages of the soul book, incomplete, dying, you have the opportunity to force a breakthrough, if you succeed, this matter, so far, come to an end, failed…hehehe!”


Fang Yu showed the other party’s signature laugh.

The ghost tribe is silent!

Fang Yu is not a conspiracy, but a naked conspiracy!

“The broken pages of the breakthrough soul book, is it po ible?”

The ghost clan knows the horror of this stuff.

Things that are natural and natural are not funny, even if they are broken and incomplete, they are not something he can handle casually.

“But, if I dont try it, Im going to fight them head-on, head-on…Do I have a chance?”

Ghosts know themselves too well how many catties and how many taels.

There is no chance to fight head-on.

Lets not say that the opponents camp has an unfathomable mystery dragon soul, which is the other Void Rat of Wu Spirit level, and he cant fight it.

“Okay…I tentatively give it a try! If it succeeds, you can’t stop me from leaving!”

The Ghost Race’s tone slowed down.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves!

Fang Yu is in great power now, and he has no choice but to resist!

“Ghost Secret Art, the evil spirit ascends to heaven!”

The ghost of the ghost is loudly roared, suddenly turned into a huge black shadow, like a fierce ghost, straight into the sky!

Fang Yu was very excited when viewed from close range!

If he didn’t know that he has the entire Soul World ble ing, the opponent is impossible to move him here, and now he must make a defensive posture.

“hong long long!”

The fierce ghost and Soul World officially collided together. At this moment, the people of the ghost race sensed the weakness of this Soul World!

Just like Fang Yu said, the torn pages of the soul book are not complete, so how could this Soul World be better?

It’s just that ordinary people will not make such dangerous attempts.

After all, looking at it horizontally and vertically, the success probability is very small.

In this case, there is no need to try.

“Look at it now…well, I really cant try it easily. I tried it, but I died!”

Dragon Soul just wanted to comment on one or two, but found a ghost The people of the clan have been turned into scum by Soul World in seconds.

Subsequently, the soul residue of the ghost race was absorbed by Soul World.

“en? Soul World…it seems to have recovered a little bit! It seems that you still have to make it Devouring Soul to become stronger?”

Fang Yu’s eyebrows moved.

“Not nece arily!”

The dragon soul said: “Generally speaking, the Fleshy body is something outside of the body, not the main one. The soul is the body! We are different, Normally, if the fleshy body is gone, the soul will probably not escape… Hey, hey, hey, what do you think I do? I am become a saint anyway, can I be like ordinary people?”

< p>“Want to restore this Soul World to the original…it is very difficult!”

Fang Yu sighed lightly.

At least he knows very little about things like souls.

The only thing that works right now is to nurture Soul World with oneself after being closely connected with oneself.

More, such as offering sacrifices to the ghosts, this kind of thing may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, or that’s all!

“In short, all this is over…”

Fang Yu put down his heart.



Li Xiantian woke up from a deep sleep, suddenly surprised: “Ghost! Ghost repair!”


As soon as he was about to fight Guixiu, he was po e ed by the opponent!

But, logically speaking, if po e ed, shouldn’t he be dead?

Why are you still alive?

It’s weird!

“Li Xiantian Senior, are you awake?”

Fang Yu asked.

“Oh? It’s you… Fang Xiaoyou, where’s the enemy? Where’s Zheng He? And the people of the ghost race!”

Li Xiantian asked eagerly: “Are you and I both Died? This is my Li Family who is going to die!”

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