Chen Steward was optimistic about Fang Yu, but his Old Ancestor personally applauded it, which is another matter.

“You stay, Small Chen, you continue to sit in the center, the battle is approaching, don’t mess around.”

Li Xiantian signaled Chen Steward to leave.


Chen steward cup one fist in the other hand withdrew.

“I will continue to refine medicine, so you can stay here. This is the token of this place. With it, you can come and go freely.”

After that, Li Xiantian will A token popped out and left directly.

“This Senior acts energetic and bustling, but he is chic…”

Fang Yu couldn’t help but say.

“A guy with a little strength, more or less a little quirky…Hey, what do you think I do?”

After the Dragon Soul was carefree, I found Fang Yu staring I was a little upset for a moment: “Are you suggesting that I am actually a strange dragon?”

“No, no, no…I didn’t say that, you said it yourself.”

Fang Yu quickly retorted.

He is well aware of the difficulty of this monster dragon, if he gets entangled by it, it won’t be that simple to get out.

The war is just around the corner, not the time to quarrel with the monster dragon.

The dragon soul is foul-mouthed, unwilling to give up, but Fang Yu doesn’t answer the words, it is also helple .

“The Patriarch, the order has been pa ed down, and now our people have marched towards Li Family!”

“Li Family has gathered all the staff, Distributed in all directions of the Li Family, ready to fight head-on!”

“Report, the Li Family is now sitting in the Li Family by Chen Li, who is called Chen Steward.”


One by one news came, Zheng He remained motionle .

“Hehe, what’s the matter, let me be in place early, just waiting to see you give orders?”

A silhouette wrapped in a black robe came forward, chuckled said.

“Dont worry, I will go to the battle in person later. Of course, I have to explain it. Although there are five Black Demon Guards and several Great Martial Masters helping the punches, Li Familys The dead man should not be underestimated. It is simple to change with the Great Martial Master, otherwise how can you be called the king of the black market.”

Zheng He Youyou said.

The more he reached the decisive moment, the more calm he became.

He likes this feeling very much.

This feels like putting everything on the table.

“hmph…I thought you would come to me. It would be something very new. I didn’t expect it to be a martial spirit.”

black robed man shadow lightly snorted, Nothing is impossible.

“Only martial arts? He has the aptitude of Martial King, but he is not attentive enough… He is practicing medicine recipe, aptitude is good, doing two things at the same time, of course it is difficult to have more Great Accomplishment, and what no one knows is that his level of refining medicine is no less than his strength. If it werent for him to live in seclusion, no one knew it. Im afraid the forces that want to cooperate with him are endle .”

Zheng He smiled: “In this way, the Heavenly Martial King or Treasure House throws an olive branch at him, and you and I really have no room to intervene.”

No Wrong, if you have the direct shelter of the Heavenly Martial King or the Treasure Building, even the Dark Demon Martial King and the others would not dare to covet Li Family casually.

Because the Dark Demon Martial King is overbearing, the practices of the Heavenly Martial King and Treasure House are more overbearing than him!

“Hehe, you said so well, I really want to meet this person… If I succeed in the end, the benefits I promise will be more and le .”

< p>black robed man Ying hehe smiled, and couldn’t tell whether he believed it or not.

Zheng He smiled and said nothing.


“Report! The people of Zheng Family have been approaching one after another, at most a quarter and a half, they will meet our people head-on!”

The spy’s return made the sisters who sit in the Li Family worried.

It’s finally time to fight to the death!

The underground black market was so prosperous in the past, who would have thought that most of the area would be reduced to rubble overnight, with countless casualties.

Nowadays, when it is a head-to-head battle with Zheng Family, after winning, Li Family will usher in the peace of the past and even go further.

If it fails, Zheng Family will take its place. On the contrary, Li Family is expected to be wiped out by Zheng He!

“Zheng He is a very cruel person, cruel to others, even more cruel to himself… I remember when he became the Great Martial Master, his father, the former Substitute Patriarch of Zheng Family, was robbed with him At that time, the two of them could only survive one of them. Zheng He chose himself without hesitation, because his innate talent is better, his father is declining Western Mountain, and it is difficult to make progress in this life.”

When he said this, Chen Steward couldn’t help frowning.

It’s too cruel. If Zheng He’s father and son were fighting for their lives, there was at least a 30% chance of breaking through, but the price to pay was very high.

In order to preserve the future of the Zheng Family and the foundation of the Zheng Family, Zheng He chose to live by himself, and his father was besieged to death.

Although a year later, Zheng He personally led people to kill the enemy up and down thoroughly, even the old and the weak, women and children!

This is the case. Chen Steward is very worried about what he should do if this battle fails.

“Really lose, Li Family will probably be destroyed…”

Chen Steward couldn’t help thinking.

“Report! The Black Demon Guard appeared within the vicinity of thousand zhang, but did not attack immediately!”

“Report! Some well-known Loose Cultivator appeared nearby, the strongest Reached the level of Great Martial Master!”

“Report! Zheng He and the black robed man next to him are gone, nowhere to go.”


“Zheng He is mi ing?”

Chen Steward was stunned.

This is unexpected.

“Does he want to preserve his strength?”

Li Xueying expre ed her opinion.

“That’s not right…The five black guards and the Loose Cultivator he invited to a ist in the punches are definitely a major force. Zheng He has no reason not to act with them.”< /p>

The more Chen Steward thinks about it, the more wrong he is, and he said: “I want to go there myself!”

“Report! The dark guards and Loose Cultivator dormant nearby, all attacked! Zheng Family The horses and horses speed up to approach, and at most half an hour they will face up with our horses and horses!”

As the scout returns again, Chen steward step one stopped!

This is to lock him here!

The battle is imminent, and he is impossible to leave Li Xueying and Li Qiuhong to see the situation in Wuling Old Ancestor. He can only hope that he is overwhelmed, and Zheng He is silent!



Fang Yu sat inside the stone wall, and suddenly the token i ued a warning!

“Someone is coming, so fast?”

Fang Yu left the stone wall through a token and left with a knife.

“Fang Yu, you really are guarding here.”

Suddenly, a voice came before the person arrived!

Hearing the sound, Fang Yu recognized who is the newcomer, and his veins violently violently: “Zheng He…It’s you! You came here by yourself?”

This battle, The Old Ancestor of Li Family’s martial arts is the top priority. Sooner or later, Zheng He will have to solve this big problem, otherwise he will definitely not win Li Family.

However, no matter whoever thinks about it, most of them never thought that Zheng He was so bold that he would personally come to deal with the old Ancestor of Li Family’s martial spirit after the war just started!

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