“Little friend Fang, if you are ready, just follow me.”

Chen Steward finished explaining, Fang Yu said.


Fang Yu can do nothing.

Fang Yu followed Chen Steward forward. After one hour, he finally stood before a stone wall.

“Huh? Could this be…”

Fang Yu was shocked.

This side of the stone wall seems to be carved with landscape portraits. It is ordinary and nothing unusual.

But when Fang Yu took a closer look, he could find that all the things in this stone wall are like living things!

“This is a Spiritual Artifact… To be precise, it is a broken Spiritual Artifact. The Artifact Spirit is sleeping and does not have the full power of the Spiritual Artifact, but it is very good to use as a space treasure! After the damage, the ability of the thing is not much retained, but it is just right to serve as the treasure of the cultivation.”

Chen Steward said endle ly.

He is not to show off, but to explain the many benefits of this thing in Fang Yu, to show his favor to him.

“Look, Chen grandfather has said all this secret. Obviously, you have been appointed as my aunt. Look at me, now I am gone…”

The dragon soul has a faint tone.

Fang Yu rolled the eyes, and ignored this guy.

This guy, he’s getting used to it!

“Little friend Fang, our ancestors of martial arts have said that if he can go further one day, he still has to visit Myriad Spirits Continent, when the time comes, this thing is the next Li Family controller. “

“The heirs of the Li Family generation are all daughters, but its okay. In the future heirs, letting one person be named Li is to continue the bloodline for Li Family. The rest can be discu ed, and its easy to say .”

“I have said so much, dont think Im nagging, Fang Xiaoyou, you know how easy it is when people get older……”


Chen Steward babbled.

Fang Yu smiled helple ly, but couldn’t say anything about the other party.

How can he raise his hand without hitting the smiley?


Suddenly, the stone wall in front of him has buzzing ups and downs. Chen Steward’s eyes lit up: “It is Wu Ling Old Ancestor who responded, Fang Xiaoyou, you are ready Let’s go in!”


Fang Yu just nodded, only to feel that he was forcibly sucked into the stone tablet by an inexplicable force.

When Fang Yu’s eyes were clear again, he was already standing within the landscape depicted in the mural just now.

“Is this the Little Brat you are talking about?”

A slightly misty male voice came from the front.

Fang Yu looked up and saw a white-haired young man standing in front of him and Chen Steward.

The appearance of a young man, his facial features can be called Junyi, and his breath is as majestic as the sea, which is not comparable to the Great Martial Master.

“Is this the Wuling powerhouse?”

Fang Yu was shocked.

He has seen Martial King and even Martial Saint.

However, none of the Martial Kings are real. How powerful they are, it is unclear.

Martial Saint is too big a gap, the difference between Heaven and Earth, so Fang Yu can not produce any resistance.

Therefore, it is also difficult to say clearly how strong Martial Saint is!

Wu Ling is different.

After the Great Martial Master, there is Wu Ling.

Spiritual Consciousness can be born in the realm of Wuling.

In fact, it is not appropriate to say that it was born.

Because of the Great Martial Master, you can look inside.

Look inside, pry into the profound mystery of oneself within the body, this is the power of Spiritual Consciousne .

However, the Great Martial Master still cannot completely control the Spiritual Consciousne , at least it cannot use it freely.

When you reach the realm of martial spirits, you can completely turn Spiritual Consciousness into your own use, mysterious and endle .

“The gap between the Great Martial Master and the Martial Spirit is so big, it is more than ten times larger than the difference between the Martial Master and the Great Martial Master!”

Fang Yu thought secretly.

“Yes, Old Ancestor…I think it would be better for him to protect the law for you instead of me!”

Steward Chen said.

“Oh? What a good way?”

Li Xiantian asked curiously.

“He…the potential is endle . Apart from my experience, I am mostly inferior to him.”

Chen Steward thought about it for a moment, and then said his thoughts. .

Although he is a six-star Great Martial Master, he is Level 1 higher than Fang Yu.

However, things like level can only be meaningful if they are martial artists with similar aptitudes.

If one is peerless genius, then Level 1 is usele .

Fang Yu, such a peerless genius!

“If you take my blow, I will allow you to protect me… I am now cultivating a medicine pill, which has been used for 49 days. Now it is the critical time. I cannot be distracted. , Otherwise I will meet the enemy personally. All you have to do is to protect me until the medicine pill is released, when the time comes, I will divide you three mysterious spiritual pill.”

Li Xiantian said frankly.

“Mysterious Spiritual Pill? Three!”

Fang Yu startled.

Xuan Spiritual Pill is a medicine pill used in Wuling powerhouse leveling. It contains so much spiritual strength that it is unimaginable.

It is the powerhouse of Wuling who swallowed one, and it took a lot of time to refining. Now Li Xiantian said that he would give out three spiritual pills, which is very generosity!

“Old Ancestor…”

Chen Steward’s eyelids moved.

He knew that this spiritual pill was used by Li Xiantian, and it was more than ten at most.

Now give Fang Yu three in one go. This is a big deal!

“I know it in my heart.”

Li Xiantian waved his hand.

“Then Senior, please make a move.”

Fang Yu took a deep breath and waited.


Li Xiantian just uttered a good word, Fang Yu only felt that there was an endless torrent of Spiritual Consciousness oppre ed!

“It’s a Spiritual Consciousness attack!”

Chen Steward became discolored.

It seems that Wuling Old Ancestor is not going to keep his hands!

Otherwise, how come you will attack Spiritual Consciousne !


Fang Yu gritted his teeth, and the dragon tooth knife slashed out!

A Zhanzi faintly gathered the sword intent, together with his sword, collided with Li Xiantian’s Spiritual Consciousness attack!

“hong long long!”

Li Xian’s Heavenly Eye lit up and said: “Oh? It’s Little Brat who has realized a little bit of the sword… Although the world can realize There are a lot of people with a sense of swordsmanship, but you are so young, Interesting.”

“Senior, did I pass the test?”

Fang Yu asked.

“You pa ed the level… How did you think of using a knife to break my Spiritual Consciousne ? Spiritual Consciousne , frankly speaking, is a vain thing, so is the knife intent, and the two just restrain each other , How did you come up with this approach?”

Li Xiantian was very interested in Fang Yu’s reaction.

Because in his impre ion, ordinary juniors encounter such an attack, the first reaction is to avoid and dodge!

Fang Yu faced difficulties. This choice is rare.

“Senior, do you want to tell the truth?”

Fang Yuchi questioned.

“But it’s okay to say.”

Li Xiantian replied.

“Frankly speaking, I just fought back with a sword just because of instinct…”

Fang Yu smiled helple ly, and said, “I still have some methods, but My first reaction just now was to break it with a knife!”

“Instinct, break it with a knife…haha, you Little Brat, very interesting, and you are already a five-star Great Martial at a young age. Master is now, the future is limitle .”

Li Xiantian thought a little, haha smiled.

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