Super Master System

Vol 2 Chapter 1205: He came anyway

There was a trace of impatience flashed in the eyes of the violent copper bell-sized eyes, and there was a feverish aura behind it, and it launched a more fierce attack than before. This posture was about preparing to hammer Hua Chang to death with a punch. Take her away.

Lin Xiao is still ten feet away from Hua Shang. Because of excessive tension and worry, Lin Xiao's face has already turned red. In a critical moment, Lin Xiao can only take the risk and gather a two-three-foot-long piece in his hand. Fire dragon.

The fire dragon roared in the air, and instantly crossed the distance between him and Hua Chang.

And this extremely hot fire dragon did not attack Berserker Bimon, but lifted the Hua Shang on the ground in a direction against gravity.

Until the height of tens of meters above Kuang Bimeng's head was lifted, Kuang Bimeng's fists were once again missed. At the same time, Jiuyou Flame Slash, carrying the extremely hot aura flames, had already struck from his back.


A long, deep, and already pitch-black wound was chopped out of Berserker's back.

The huge figure crashed down towards the big tree in front of him. Although this sword did not directly kill Berserker Bimeng, it also caused it to lose its fighting ability.

He fell on the ground and wailed, desperately trying to stand up, but unable to do so.

It wasn't that Lin Xiao was so weak that he couldn't kill a second-rank sacred beast, but while he displayed spiritual power-type martial skills, he was still distractingly controlling the fire dragon that had held Huashang over the top of Berserker Bimeng's head.

Hua Shang's current state is very weak. If Lin Xiao can't control the fire dragon transformed from the fire element, he will only hold Hua Shang without burning her.

If one is not good, Hua Chang’s tender body may be burned by the spirit fire. Although Lin Xiao has improved his control of the fire element a lot, it is the first time that he is distracted in such an emergency and helpless. Control the fire element.

In order to ensure the safety of Huashang, he used most of his thoughts to control the fire dragon, not the martial skill "Nine Nether Flame Slash".

This will lead to a decrease in the power of martial arts, failing to kill Berserker with a single blow.

Seeing Berserk Bimeng fell under the tree, and Hua Shang was not injured by it, but was wrapped in a fire dragon intact, Lin Xiao showed a soothing smile on his face.

The brief relaxation caused his brain to become blank at this time, and the dragon-shaped flame pillar hovering in mid-air buzzed around.


Hua Chang screamed, without the entrustment of the fire dragon, her body dropped rapidly in the air.

Lin Xiao's body quickly turned, paced lightly, leaped towards the low altitude, took Hua Chang's soft body with one hand, and was about to embrace it again in his arms.

However, because Hua Chang's body was too light, it turned continuously in the air when she fell, and when she landed in Lin Xiao's arms, her figure shifted.

Although Huashang's figure is not hot, it is beginning to take shape.


He retracted his palm like lightning, and gently turned Hua Chang's body over.

The two turned their faces away at the same time, neither of them dared to look at each other.

Similarly, Lin Xiao and Hua Chang's faces were red quietly behind their ears at this moment.

"No... sorry, I... didn't mean it."

Lin Xiao grew up to this age, when did he encounter this situation?

Suddenly so nervous that he couldn't even speak clearly, Hua Chang muttered, "Oh..." in a voice that only he could hear.

The air seemed to be freezing, and Lin Xiao felt that he could not walk anymore.

At this moment, the violent Bimeng who fell to the ground suddenly stood up at an extremely fast speed, and Lin Xiao instantly entered a state of high defense.

However, Berserker Bimun did not mock him to attack as expected, but fled in an embarrassing posture towards the complex terrain.

This posture seemed to be a huge and incomparable danger coming.

"not good..."

Lin Xiao also felt the aura that made him fearful at this moment, and was approaching them at a speed ten times faster than when he drove with all his strength before.

At this speed, it only takes two breaths, and the master of this breath can reach where they are.

"This is... Le Ye..."

Lin Xiao's tone was a little heavy, even the teeth were bitten together, but in the heavy, it was also full of indescribable firmness.

Holding Hua Chang with one hand, the right hand holding the Huo Yunjian tightly, his guess was correct, Le Ye would not let Hua Chang go so easily.

"Is he... still coming?"

Hua Chang whispered in her mouth, and then her delicate body trembled fiercely, saying, "Then brother..."

"Don't worry, he's okay."


Hua Chang no longer asks more, as long as her brother is okay, she has enough courage to face Le Ye.

At least she hasn't fallen into Le Ye's claws yet, and the heaven has already favored her tremendously.

Lin Xiao already held the spring water talisman in his hand, and did not intend to continue to flee, because he knew that continuing to consume aura on the road would only make him frustrated faster in Le Ye's hands.

Even if he knew that the head would be there soon, but with the triple cultivation base of the Leye God Bridge Realm, he only needs one move, or a look in his eyes, to kill him.

Although Hua Chang called him Gu Zhong, Lin Xiao knew in his heart that he was not the head, and he did not have the ability to span several large classes.

In front of Le Ye, he was indeed as fragile as an ant as Le Ye thought.

It's just that Hua Chang, who has been blocked by her Qi and Xiu base, can't feel it.

In Huashang’s imagination, Lin Xiao’s character and ability, as well as his tough and unyielding style of behavior, combined with what Xi Ming described earlier, Gu Zhong is young and very young, but he has an age that does not fit his age. ability.

Without knowing Lin Xiao's Xiu base, putting these things on Lin Xiao's body is also completely applicable.

So she would mistake Lin Xiao for Gu Zhong, which is not completely unreasonable.

At the critical moment, Lin Xiao hugged Hua Chang's arms harder and clenched his teeth, just when he quickly thought about how to hold it in Le Ye's hands longer, and at the same time how to keep Hua Chang from being harmed. The latest chapter address of Super Master System: the full text of Super Master System: Master System txt download address: Master System mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading record (Chapter 1205 is still here), next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "Super Master System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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