Super Master System

Vol 2 Chapter 1024: Berserker

Even though she was extremely reluctant in her heart, she nodded quietly, and Lin Xiao carefully placed Hua Shang under the big tree in the distance, helping her find a comfortable posture.

At the same time, two blue shields with high-level magic cores were taken out to stimulate the blue form and put them in front of her.

Lin Xiao's careful actions made Hua Chang's heart that was already cold as winter, flooding into a continuous warm current.

"Thank you, Gu Zhong..."

When Lin Xiao turned to deal with the holy beast, Hua Chang whispered softly.

Lin Xiao: "..."

After hearing Hua Chang's words, Lin Xiao's figure halted, his shoulders trembled slightly, and he did not respond to Hua Chang. He sacrificed the Fire Cloud Sword in his right hand and strode towards the holy beast in front of him.

The stumbling tiger that suddenly appeared was a violent beast that was as tall as a building, and its tail was bigger than a beast, like a huge camphor, and its blood vessels were as thick as a copper tube.

But with the naked eye, he can feel the hardness of his limbs, which is not much different from steel bars.

Lin Xiao stood in front of it, as small as a weak kitten.

There were worries in the gorgeous eyes in the distance. When they were on the way, he was already in a state of exhaustion, and now he had to face such a ferocious and huge holy beast.

Hua Chang only hates that she can't stand up and fight with the people in front of her.

The violent and terrifying aura exuded by the beast beast. This beast feeds on the flesh of various spirit beasts and humans. The more powerful spirit beasts and humans, the greater the increase on itself after being eaten by it.

And this violent Bimeng has cultivated the most sacred beast, and the spirit beasts and warriors that eat it will definitely not be a few. With its intelligence and spiritual mind, it can completely judge the opponent's own value and whether it can be defeated.

Although the breath that Lin Xiao exudes made most of the spirit beasts in this forest feel terrified, including the violent Bimen, but with Lin Xiao's costume, the alluring breath, and her weakness status.

It is too tempting for Berserker Bimeng. If Hua Chang can be eaten into his stomach for refining, it can even directly break through to the fifth-rank high-rank sacred beast in a short time.

If it is only an advanced upgrade, it is not enough for it to take this risk. The most important thing is that the blood of Huashang has a vital nourishing effect on it, and it has the opportunity to evolve from the lowest level of violent beimeng to silver. Beimon.

Under such immense temptation, Violent Bimeng had already approached Lin Xiao two, just to wait for an opportunity to attack at any time.

The closer it is to Huashang, the more he can't control the urge to eat her right away. But Lin Xiao of the Eightfold Elementary Spirit Realm always made him feel terrified.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao's aura has been consuming rapidly, and finally, when most of the aura in Lin Xiao's body was consumed, it was not enough to support his fast forward speed.

Berserker Beamon finally couldn't help it. Its real goal was Huashang. As long as Lin Xiao couldn't kill him in a short time, he couldn't catch up with him faster.

With its knowledge of the topography of this forest, it will soon be able to bring Huashang into its own territory, and then swallow it into its stomach.


Even if the physical condition is only 20 to 30% of the heyday, Lin Xiao still chooses to take the lead, and they don't have time to delay too long here.

In about ten minutes, you will be able to reach Le Ling City, and Le Ye may catch up at any time.

Because just now, Lin Xiao received a voice transmission from the head of Gu. The content of the voice transmission was: "Xi Yuwen has been resolved, and Le Ye's whereabouts are unknown. This seat is on the road with Xicheng, and Xicheng is seriously injured."

The amount of information from the ancient headmaster was huge, but it was not good news for Lin Xiao.

The whereabouts of Le Ye, who has evil thoughts about Hua Shang, is unknown. Lin Xiao doesn't believe that the frenzied Le Ye will give up his attempt to Hua Shang. Maybe he is on his way here now.

"Oh owe--"

Le Ye sneezed in a rapid leap, stretched out his hand and rubbed his nose, with a smile on his face, looking forward: "My dear Changer, your brother Ye will be here soon and wait for me."

As a result, the speed doubled, leaving a series of invisible shadows on the road.


Berserker's fist and Lin Xiao's sword tip banged together, and Lin Xiao's arm slammed into the flesh and blood of Berserker's sword.

Violent Bimen cried out in pain, but regardless of the injury on his fist, he slammed into Lin Xiao with a huge body. Lin Xiao's brows were deeply furrowed, and his body was harder than the Meng beast, and his body collided with him. Say no good.

It is better to flash behind it first and kill it with spiritual power type martial arts.

The idea flashed in his mind, and Lin Xiao turned around and walked behind Berserk Bimeng.

However, when Lin Xiao's fire cloud sword gathered a rich and incomparable fire element, when he was about to launch the Nine Nether Flame Slash, giving a fatal blow to the violent Beamon.

Berserker Bimeng didn't even look back, and jumped to the position of Huashang in strides.

It was just a blink of an eye, and the violent Bimeng moved from in front of Lin Xiao to Hua Chang at a speed of more than ten meters.

Lin Xiao's pupils shrank, and the flame on the Fire Cloud Sword instantly extinguished. It was only then that he finally realized that the target of Berserker Bimeng turned out to be Hua Chang!

Damn it!

Lin Xiao poured all the spiritual energy into the extreme boots under his feet, and moved four or five figures quickly.

But it was no longer able to catch up with the speed at which the palm of Fury Bimeng grabbed Hua Chang's weak body.

Looking at the Bimeng beast in front of him, which was more than ten times larger than his body, Hua Chang didn't have any fear in his eyes, but angrily shouted: "The lowest Bimeng beast, dare to eat the descendants of the true **** bloodline inheritor? ?"


Violent Bimeng obviously understood Hua Chang's words and let out a horrified roar like a protest. If Hua Chang hadn't been restricted by the Seal Array, her remarks, plus her own strength as high as the nine peaks of the Immortal Realm.

The spirit power breath that was released casually could scare away the second-rank sacred beast in front of him, and even Berserker Bimeng would only run as far as he could go when he felt her breath.

There is no way to have the courage to take the initiative to attack, but now Huashang is just an ordinary person with no spiritual fluctuations, but her body and blood are so "beautiful".

Berserker Bimen only paused for a moment, and then continued the action just now. It didn't have much time. If the woman was not taken away, the person behind would most likely kill it.


An extremely dangerous aura hit, Hua Chang closed his eyes, and what followed was not his body being scratched.

It was the sound of something shattering, Hua Chang opened his eyes, and in front of him was a blue spiritual power shield turned into fragments, and a shield broken into slag.

The protective shields released by the two blue light shields simultaneously blocked her violent Bimon's blow.

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