Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 856: [The lineup is determined, the big names change owners]

Bryant was furious. Not only did the Lakers not get Paul, they also lost Odom.

He forced the palace to be a good teammate, but the management responded with this actual action?

The Lakers official website gave the answer to send Odom to the Mavericks, hoping to reduce the team's salary pressure, while training the team's potential inside Jordan Hill.

As a 2009 high-ranking rookie, the power forward with a strong name and a sharp surname hasn't played yet, and the Lakers bet on his amazing talent. Kupchak also considered salary when he was digging Paul, and Odom would be sent out anyway.

Kobe can ignore this set, 14 years of luxury tax that is the team's business, he only cares about winning.

He said in an interview: "I do not like this deal very much. I have known Odom for a long time. He has always played an important role in the Lakers. He is part of our dressing room and the foundation of our chemical reaction. He has a natural affinity and is able to unite his teammates together."

Kobe also slammed the management. “I’ve always believed in the team’s management practices. I’ve never asked the team’s trade, but this time it’s different. They sent away an important member of the team. You know, Odom was just elected last season. The best sixth man in the league, he played really well. I really can't understand why the team made such a choice."

Moreover, the Lakers sent Odom to the Mavericks, the Lakers were swept out of the Mavericks last season. Kobe is also looking forward to defeating the Mavericks in the new season and reporting his revenge last season.

At the end of the interview, Kobe slightly ironically evaluated the transaction: "I don't think Mark Cuban will protest this time?"

The implication is that when the Lakers got Gasol from the Grizzlies, Cuban protested to the alliance.

Kupchak is not indifferent, on the contrary, he is very careful and very smart.

The Lakers dug into the former bull swingman Matt Barnes at a low salary, and introduced the power forward Mike Roberts with a range and response, and three-point center Troy Murphy. The combined salary of these three is cheaper than Odom.

Kupchak did his job well and built a new season lineup while saving money.

It's just that the Lakers No. 1 is still the worst in the league, only Steve Blake and 11th rookie Dalius Morris in the second round. They have no salary space, and they can only rely on transactions to strengthen.

Many teams have big moves.

The Warriors signed rookie Klay Thompson and sent Brandon Jennings and Jeremy Taylor in exchange for Bulls point guard Kyle Lowry.

In the rookie season, Jennings had scored 55 points, which was shocking, but he and Ellis were not good partners in the Warriors. Their positions overlapped, and there was a little contradiction because of the ball rights last season.

Lowry was more selfless, and the new Bull manager Gar Forman wanted to get a better scoring guard, so he traded.

The Warriors also laid off veteran Charlie Bell, leaving only Chinese player Jeremy Lin in the team as the backup for Lowry.

The Rockets didn't get Gasol and could only switch to other inside. They signed first-round rookie Marcus Morris, second-round rookie Chandler Parsons, non-draft forward NBA small forward Adrien, and center Dalham Potter.

The Rockets should be able to make the playoffs, but it is difficult to go far.

The Mavericks were the worst. Only Odom and Dronti West were used, and Baria, Perkins, Brewer, Stevenson and others were released.

The Nuggets left JR Smith and Wilson Chandler. Both of them went to the CBA and could not renew their contract. Even Chandler, who restricted free men, didn't match the contract, so he ran away.

Magic dug up Celtics' "big baby" Glen Davis, assisted by Howard.

The Pistons cut Richard Hamilton, and the "scalpel" freely joined the Bulls for 3 years.

The Bucks lineup has changed a lot and joined Stephen Jackson, Livingston, Jimmy Butler, Mike Dunleavy and Udri to prepare for a big season.

Richard Jefferson and Michael Reed left the team when their contracts expired.

The core of the Bucks is Brook Lopez and Derrick Rose, a group of outside pitchers, and has an excellent bench, the depth of the lineup can not be underestimated.

Jefferson immediately joined the Warriors freely, and the Warriors are not weak now.

Reed can only go to the sun to sign a base salary contract and work hard to stay in the NBA.

In three years, Prince joined the Spurs with 9 million mini middle class. In addition, the Spurs also introduced point guard Patrick Mills.

Hornets' second head David West joined the Pacers in 20 million; Tyson Chandler left the Bulls and joined the Knicks in 57 years (before the Deron deal); Perkins took 34 million in 4 years Joined the Bulls to make up for the vacancy of Chandler.

The big names in the free market have found their place.

The King signed Battier for 6 million in two years and gave the "president" face; at the end of the year, he renewed McGrady's salary; in 2 years, 3.8 million renewed Jerebko.

The King also signed two young players, DeMarre Carroll, an unguaranteed base salary, and Isaiah Thomas' 4-year 3.8 million 2+2 contract.

Not too much of a surprise, Carol, like Whiteside, is the King's sparring partner and has no chance to play.

The King did not intend to leave guard Moore, and sold it to the Celtics for cash, and then gave free agent Jason Capono an unguaranteed base salary.

He was a 2003 super pitcher and is now a marginal man. His defense is terrible, with the advantage of a three-pointer. If Wang Jun and James are attracted, he may be able to play.

The King's 14-man lineup is confirmed, and the last registration is ready to be empty, waiting for the mid-term recruitment. Some players in the mid-term CBA may come back, and the King is expected to pick up leaks and get good players.

Centers: Vucevic, Miller, Whiteside.

Power forwards: Jerebko, Tegibson, James.

Small forwards: Battier, McGrady, Carol.

Shooting guards: Wang Jun, Lei Allen, Capono.

Point guards: Curry, Thomas.

Before the start of the preseason, Paul's whereabouts was finally determined. After the Warriors switched to Lowry, the Hornets had only one option left to deal with the Nets.

The Nets sent out Devin Harris, James Harden, Derek Faworth, and the unprotected 2012 first-round draft picks. UU Reading switched to Paul and the next two second-round drafts. right.

The Hornets completed the reconstruction in one go and got two potential stars, a good point guard.

In addition, the Nets also sent Michael Beasley, from the Timberwolves for a first-round draft pick, a second-round draft pick. In the summer, Beasley broke the scandal of carrying marijuana, and the management was fed up enough to clear it out of the team.

Harden is very happy to join the Hornets, no one competes with him for the right to play, he is likely to become the team's boss.

Paul is also quite satisfied with this result. Although he sent a few main players to get him, but renewed power forward Randolph, Humphries is also very impactful, and there are many pitchers outside.

The most important thing is that the Russian boss has money, and there must be a deal afterwards, promising to build a championship team in 5 years.

The Nets may not work in the new season and can only target the playoffs, which will be different next year.


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