Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 855: 【where is the road】

On November 26, the employer and the employee finally reached an agreement, ending the 149-day shutdown.

Stern announced that the new season will kick off on Christmas Day on December 25, and that the free market and training camp will open on December 9.

According to EPSN statistics, 70 players have gone overseas to play. Most of them can return to the United States for the new season. Those who go to China to pan for gold are unlucky. They must wait until the end of the CBA season.

The CBA contract is far from comparable to the NBA. The only advantage is that players who can't make the playoffs can return to the NBA in the mid-term, which is a loophole. However, NBA players can't lead the team to the playoffs in the CBA, which is also shameful.

Wang Jun is not lazy at home. He performs bounce training and underwater training every day, plus the longevity method, knee training, and guarantees three hours of high-intensity a day. Accompanying his girlfriend and watching children at other times.

Passing training Wang Jun stopped, he did not need to undertake organizational tasks in the team, there may be time to improve in the future.

Stars have lamented the beginning of the season, Wang Jun did not give an interview, nor tweeted online, terribly low-key.

The player finally accepts the 49%-51% floating share plan. The management guarantees that the labor can get a 51% revenue share under the premise that the NBA income growth is ideal.

On the surface, this result is very happy, the actual negotiation process is miserable, the losses of both sides are heavy, and more importantly, when can the NBA obtain the understanding of the fans?

Now, fans know that this group of people is full of money.

No one boss or player is the winner, and the combined losses of both sides exceed $2 billion.

There are 82 regular season games in a complete NBA season, and now there are only 66 games left. The direct economic loss of players is $530 million.

Take Kobe as an example. He is the highest paid player in the new season, with a total salary of 10,000 US dollars. Because of the shrinking season, his salary loss reached 4.92 million US dollars.

More importantly, the schedule is too dense, and back-to-back games will seriously reduce the player's physical strength, which not only directly affects the quality of the game, but also increases the possibility of player injuries.

As soon as the free market opened, the King completed the deal with the 76ers. Yi Jianlian signed 43 million in 4 years and then changed to the 76ers. The King received rookie center Nikola Vucevic and the 2012 first-round draft pick and 1.2 million cash. .

Veteran Tony Batty missed the opportunity to fight for the championship, the king's management and coaching staff look down on him.

This result Yi Jianlian knew long ago that the broker Fagan had great abilities and predicted that the king would not renew him. Farewell to Wang Jun, Yi Jianlian was a little depressed, but got the high salary he wanted.

In the 76ers, he can start and hit the playoffs. The eastern competition is relatively small, which is also good for his future development.

The Grizzlies and Celtics complete the deal, Guy joins the Greens, and Martin arrives at the Grizzlies.

The Lakers, Rockets, and Hornets had the biggest deals, but they ended up losing.

In the labor negotiations, the Lakers have become the eyes of many small market teams because of the "pounds of money" that they have earned for many years, especially after the Lakers signed a huge broadcast contract with Time Warner. A big goal for many small bosses this year.

The "internal struggle" of the management side is still going on. In the small market team, Cavaliers boss Dan Gilbert has always been a representative of the "suppression of the Lakers".

As the Lakers started chasing Paul, Gilbert would naturally not sit idly by and watch the Lakers grow so big.

On the 8th, just after the Lakers and the other three teams submitted an application for Paul to the league, Gilbert immediately wrote an email to the president. The idea was to ask Stern to submit this transaction to all the bosses in the league. Let everyone vote together to decide whether to agree with the Lakers deal.

"Mr. President, it is ridiculous for the Lakers to get Paul's deal negotiation at present. This deal should allow the 29 bosses of the league to vote together. After all, everyone is the boss of the Hornets."

As we all know, the current Hornets do not have their own boss, belonging to the league trusteeship. To put it another way, the Hornets are now owned by the NBA, and the owners of the other 29 teams are considered the Hornets.

Gilbert made such a request, which is reasonable. In addition, he also affirmed that the opposition to the Lakers deal is absolutely the majority.

In fact, long before this email was sent, Stern "halted" the Lakers deal. Therefore, Gilbert protests are superfluous.

Two days later, according to an NBA spokesperson, Stern rejected the deal for "basketball reasons." As for the so-called "cause of basketball", neither the NBA nor Stern gave a clear statement.

Lakers manager Kupchak is too late to specialize in other stars. In order to pay less luxury tax, he had to send Odom, one of the trading chips, to the Mavericks, and only received a special deal.

The Lakers fans were furious. Many people said that the league suppressed the Lakers and did not want the Lakers to win the championship again. It was as if Paul arrived at the Lakers and they would definitely win.

It's too late for the league to hold the Lakers, how can it be suppressed? Previously, the Lakers had “robbed” from the Grizzlies to Gasol. Although the transaction was also opposed by all parties, it eventually made a trip.

Why was the Lakers vetoed this transaction?

Quite simply, the Lakers should never, and shouldn't, take the veteran's idea of ​​playing the Hornets players with chips. Stern has always been thinking about selling the Hornets to a wealthy big boss.

If the deal is reached, the Hornets get 4 players, Scola, Odom are veterans, there is no potential. Dragic is just the Rockets backup point guard, an addition. The only promising one is Eric Gordon, not an All-Star. The combined commercial value of these four people cannot keep up with Paul.

That is to say, once Paul went to the Lakers, then the commercial value of this team will fall sharply, so how can you sell a good price? Does anyone else want it?

The reason for basketball is how to sell the Hornets to the highest price, and it is precisely because of this consideration that Stern will "unprecedentedly" veto the transaction.

Stern never objected to the way players get together, which has been well reflected in recent years. Whether it's the Celtics forming the Big Three, or the Lakers trading Gasol, and then the Double Kings, Stern never said a "no" word.

And the facts in recent years have proved that the UU reading superstar collection has greatly improved the enjoyment of the game, and the NBA has benefited a lot from it.

Paul, who is unwilling to go to the Lakers, is also not happy. He made it clear that he will never report to the Hornets in the new season and will not play for them.

He doesn’t want to stay with the Hornets more than the Lakers. Who knows if the next deal will be rejected?

At the same time, New York dug Deron Williams at the cost of coming back Billups, Landry Fields, Josh Harrelson and a second-round pick. The price is small, and it looks more cost-effective than digging Paul.

The Clippers dug up the Mavericks free agent Jamal Crawford and signed a three-year contract for them. The point guards are Irving and Bradso, and Paul is no longer available for the outside. What they lack is the small forward.

There are only two teams Paul wants to go to, the Warriors and the Nets, but neither team has yet to offer.

Paul began to feel hopeless, not knowing where to go.

PS (to be continued ~^~)

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