Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 789: [Confidence inflates, provoking the king]

There is no suspense in the heads-up, Wang Jun easily won 5-1, the pattern dribble and five dunks. ~~щww~suimеng~lā≧>≥Net

The spicy sauce scored a goal and passed Wang Jun once with his own good actions. Wang Jun didn't chase back, which made people suspect that he had released water.

The news came out that night, and the technology Wang Jun showed was surprising. The video was caught on the Internet and attracted fans to discuss it.

"Is his dribbling skill comparable to top street players?

"Street players are all kinds of violations, with two belts and flipped wrists. Many people in nBa can play tricks, but they don't do that. Don't be superstitious about what a streetball king can do to nBa players."

"I can't beat Wang Jun even if I turn my wrist. I can't pass the defense. The opponents of the streetball players are too bad. I really want to play nBa. It is estimated that the strongest is Alstom. Most of them are Smash Park. Not in nBa anymore."

The heads-up for the nBa game, the King has more attention, but the two teams are not the same grade, the Sun failed to cause any trouble to the King.

Barbosa is gone, Stardamer is gone, the Suns lineup is unrecognizable. Nash and his wife are in a tense relationship and are divorcing, and their state is not very stable.

The team's defensive vanguard turned out to be veteran Grant Hill. As a result, the King easily won 3o points.

Sun Manager knows that in order to become a strong team again, he must trade and start to rebuild.

In the same day, the Lakers lost another game, losing to the Nuggets 4 wins and 4 losses, 118 to 112, the Lakers defense line significantly degraded.

After a day, the King went home and defeated the Pistons, winning 33 points.

The Pistons failed to rebuild. Ben Gordon did not play the best sixth man after joining. At that time, the Pistons only had Hamilton.

Hamilton is not the kind of star who can lead the team to win, he can only play without the ball, can not attract the double-team. Without good teammates to cover and contain, his data fell a lot, averaging only 14 points per game. The high-paying contract renewed that year is now a bad contract.

The Lakers lost to the weak Suns at home because of defense.

The Suns opened three points, Nash 4 threes, Dudley 4 threes, Richardson 5 and Frye 3...

After the disastrous defeat to the Kings, the Lakers team seemed to have no energy. The "Zen Master" left after the end of the season, playing soy sauce on the sidelines, and the players were infighting.

In order to prove that he is still a class star, Kobe increased his shots, and the efficiency was not high, making 12 of 3o.

Bynum was dissatisfied with his number of shots and possession of the ball. He is the Lakers' most efficient person, but he can swing on the court.

But he only averaged 7.6 shots per game, scoring 4.4, scoring 11.3 points and 9.4 rebounds. It was not as good as Artest's eight attempts. Artest made only 3.2 of eight attempts and scored 8.5 points.

After losing, even Gasol faced the media to admit that Kobe was too independent.

"We are all familiar with Kobe's style of play. We know his scoring ability. We know his level of taking over the game. Kobe's personal strength is a double-edged sword. Sometimes you can win, and sometimes you will win. People. I think that when the offense balances everyone’s contribution, we are more efficient. When everyone scores in double figures, we play better."

Gasol only scored 1o on 5-of-9 shooting. Gasol believed that he and Bynum should be the main attackers in the opening stage of the game.

"In my opinion, Andrew and I don't need to shoot 2o per game. But if we can set the tone of the game early, we can create a breakthrough opportunity, force the opponent to adjust the defense, and make the opponent player in trouble. "

Jackson and Gasol agreed that the Lakers must rely on collective strength to win the game, rather than Kobe playing a one-man show.

Kobe himself agreed with these views. "He was right, I messed up the offense, but I did it on purpose, because I think what I need to do when the team is not playing well. Sometimes it works well, sometimes it doesn’t. , I am willing to accept criticism, and my ability to resist criticism is strong."

His last sentence seemed to be waiting for the next accusation.

The same problem, the same accusation, he will not change anyway.

At this point, the Hornets, another team in the Western Conference playoffs, completed the deal and could not wait until the middle of the season.

The Rockets sent Ariza to the Hornets, who sent Darren Collison and Devin George to the Pacers. The Pacers sent Troy Murphy to the Nets, and the Nets sent Kutney Lee to the Rockets.

Sending Collison away, Paul lacked a strong substitute. The arrival of Ariza gave them a young, defensive wing player.

The Hornets management hopes that Ariza will join, dispel Paul's complaints and transfer ideas, and show the team's willingness to pay to win.

The Rockets got Courtney Lee mainly to save money. They have to renew Eric Gordon and Starkey in the summer. The Kaman contract will enter the final year, which is very large. If they do not send Ariza, they will have to pay more than 10 million luxury taxes. The Rockets will surely have money-saving transactions in the future.

For the Pacers, the arrival of Collison gave them a young point guard and was composed of Danny Granger, Roy Hibbert, Paul George, Lance Stephenson and others A young army.

The Nets have paired the new head coach Johnson with the coveted Murphy, the experienced big man who is in contract year. Before the critical 2o11 trade deadline, he may be an important player for the Nets.

After the transaction, Paul was not pleased, and the Pacers' confidence first expanded.

Both TJ Ford and Collison played well, the Pacers broke through sharply, blossomed all round, and beat the Spurs at home. After the interview, the reporter asked Granger to evaluate the game.

Granger said: "After Darren joined, our lineup configuration is more reasonable. I think that even if there is a fight against the Kings, our advantage lies in the whole."

The King is generally recognized as a horror. He can play a lot of teams on the bench, and Granger suddenly became mad.

He wanted to use this method to attract more attention. James went to the Kings, and this season's star game vacated a forward position. The competition is fierce.

If Granger can be selected as an All-Star, it will greatly promote his popularity and status.

At present, under the premise that his data is better, UU's reading on is eighth behind Luo Erdeng's ranking forward, making him unbearable. When he is excited, he will look for the presence of everything.

The reporter asked: "If you play against the King, you will be James. Do you have confidence to defend him?"

Granger laughed: "James had a lot of possession in the Cavaliers, so the data is good. Now he is only the second player of the Kings. I don't think I will lose to him. I will prove this when the two teams play. "

After the conference, Granger did attract many fans' attention and won some All-Star votes.

King fans believe that Granger is not self-disciplined, provoking James is to die.

Some people also took the opportunity to use the title of "two headed" to black James, even if he still has 24.3 points, 7.4 rebounds and 8.1 assists, playing time is shorter than before.

When he saw the news, James and Wang Jun were in New Orleans and had dinner with Paul.

Wang Jun smiled: "I can't wait to clean up this guy and the Pacers."


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